6:24pm May 6 2010
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Zade sauntered happily about a lush meadow, his female Cyndaquil, Casey, trailing closely behind. Casey was the smaller of his Cyndaquil duo, but she made a better companion. His male Cyndaquil, Leo, was more of a 'Macho' little guy, if that was possible for such a cute Pokemon. After a pleasent little break, Zade decided it was time for a battle. He popped a Pokeball off his belt, sending out Leo. He was probably the largest Cyndaquil that ever existed, due to the fact his trainer stubbornly refuses to let him evolve. An Everstone was mounted on a headband that Leo wore proudly on his forehead. Casey was gestured into battle, though she backed out, shaking her head. She hated battling almost as much as Leo liked being a 'tough guy'. "C'mon, Case. Please, for me?" Zade begged, but Casey only replied with a little "Quil" and a shake of the head. The eager trainer had thought about entering Casey in a contest, hoping she'd have fun. Or maybe a more experienced trainer would help him get Casey to want to battle. But the last thing he'd do was force her to fight. Heaving a sigh, Zade patted Casey on the head affectionately.
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6:28pm May 6 2010
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Dusk sighed and got up, popping the shiny eevee into her pokeball and then clipping it to her belt, she walked off. This guy would think she was freak. "Fine." She said, for the umpteenth time as Feyth insisted on comnig out of her pokeball. She sat down next to a tree and watched as a male gendered person played with two cyndaquils...
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6:33pm May 6 2010
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((May I please join ^.^))
6:35pm May 6 2010
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Cliff followed stubornly behind Dusk. He'd heard about shiny pokemon, but had never actually seen one before. "Are you a new trainer?" he asked. She looked about his age but it wasn't uncommon for trainers to start late, especially if they had any doubts about their abilities. He sat down beside her and curiously followed her gaze to the Trainer and his Cyndaquils. Hmm... He mused, Seems like there's only low-leveled trainers around here. He was a little disappointed.
6:39pm May 6 2010
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"What do you want." Dusk's gaze turned cruel as she glared at Cliff, "Stop following me." she said, holding Feyth close to her chest and trying deperetly to cover her glowing rings up with her hair. "Need help?" Feyth asked. "wh-?" she was confused and shew blinked a few times, why could she understand pokemon talk. Then she realized, it must be because she was half pokemon...
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6:40pm May 6 2010
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6:43pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 6:44pm May 6 2010)
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((Awsome! Thanks ^^ Oh, could I ask a few questions? 1. Can my characture be able to understand pokemon? 2. Can we have legendaries? I hope I'm not being a bother ^.^))
6:45pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 6,948
(Yes, but limited speak, mine can because of her markings. Maybe your character is studying pokemon speech. Legendaries are one per person, but not mew, lugia, suicune, or articuno))
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6:46pm May 6 2010
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((Can I have Manaphy, Feyth?))
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6:47pm May 6 2010
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((Sure, as long as it isn't an attention getter xD))
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6:48pm May 6 2010
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((I was going to hav her be able to speak to them because when she was a todler she ran away from abusing parents and grew up with pokemon who raised her. Aw.. no mew D8 Well, thats fine, now I don't have to choose between mew and zapdos ^^))
6:50pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 6,948
(( Sorry, mew is mine until further notice. Also, ribunny, that is fine as long as she isn't completely fluent.))
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6:51pm May 6 2010
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((Alright, thanks ^^))
6:53pm May 6 2010
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Cliff held up his hands in defense. "Hey, relax," he said quickly. Was it just him, or was that weird tattoo on her forehead glowing. He frowned. It must be a trick of the light. "I'm a trainer, just like you. I'm only trying to be friendly. His Togetic landed on his head again. It chirped at Dusk for a few seconds before smiling at her. It had said: Don't worry, he's a nice guy.
6:55pm May 6 2010
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Name: Ribunny Age: 13 Gender: female Looks: dirty blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. She always wears a camouflage hoodie and a camouflage hat Pokemon: Charizard, quilava, zapdos Personality: She sometimes acts a bit crazy and weird, she likes to pretend she isn't smart, even though she really is, she has small anger manigment issues, and makes a loyal friend and a really bad enimie History: When she was a todler she ran away from abusing parents and was raised by pokemon Kin: none that she knows off Other: She and her charizard grew up togeather so she can understand him the most. ((Do I have to make the pokemon bios too?))
6:56pm May 6 2010
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"ok." Dusk looked at the togepi and then back at the trainer. "I*m Dusk." she said and held out her hand, causing her shirt to slip down farther on her neck and reveal two glowing rings, one on each side. She shoved ehr shirt back over them and put down her hand. she looked up, knowing that there was still a glowing star on ehr forehead. "Oh will." she said to herself, might as well get this over with"...
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6:58pm May 6 2010
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((Not if you don't want to))
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7:12pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 7:12pm May 6 2010)
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((M'kay, thanks~)) The sho.reline sat nearby, and Zade was killing for a walk on the beach. His Cyndaquils, however, did not agree. They were called back into their Pokeballs for the time being. The soft sand felt like pure silk between Zade's toes, and he let out a refreshed sigh. The sun twinkled brightly on the surface of the crashing waves, wild Wingulls fighting for the scraps of a spicy Poffin. One Wingull swooped in and picked up what looked to be a Pokemon egg, biting down on it harshly. When Zade got a closer look, he recognized a blue pattern, and that it was indeed, a Pokemon egg. He gasped in terror, calling out Leo. The Cyndaquil glanced around, confused as to why he had been sent out. Zade considered what move would be most effective yet wouldn't hurt the Wingull. "Leo!" The young trainer pointed at the soaring Pokemon above. "Smokescreen!" The oversized Cyndaquil nodded, shooting out a thick cloud of dark smoke. This manuever seemed to work, as the Wingull dropped the egg, hovering off in a hurry. At the rate the odd egg was falling, it would surely break when it hit the sand. Leo thought otherwise. Going into a quick pace, he positionged himself under the egg, going on two feet and holding his fingerless arms in the air. It was a succesful attempt, and the egg landed square in the Cyndaquil's grasp, sending him barreling backwards. Zade rushed to his Pokemon, taking him, along with the egg, in his arms. "Good thinking." He said as he stroked Leo's head. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leo had already been called into the safety of his Pokeball, and now Zade sat with the mysterious egg in his hands, wondering what kind of Pokemon was insdie. It was unlike any other egg he'd seen. It was a cerulean blue color with a large red dot and a line of smaller yellow dots. The decision was a hard one: Put it back in it's natural habitat and let nature take it's course, or raise it and hope it hatches. A confident smirk crept across the trainer's face as he ever-so-gently placed the egg in his bag. If nothing, he could at least ask someone if they knew what it was.
I\'m back.
7:23pm May 6 2010
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"Woah, cool!" Dusk ran up to the boy holding the egg. "That's a manaphy egg!" she cried, never having been so interested in something in her entire life...
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7:28pm May 6 2010
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"Manaphy?" Zade pondered the thought of a Pokemon called Manaphy. It sounded strong and mighty to him. "I hope it hatches soon." He snatched the egg out of his bag, holding it close. A small shake erupted from beyond the shell. He turned his attention back to the girl, smiling friendly. "So what do you know about this egg?"
I\'m back.