7:31pm May 6 2010
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"I know that it can recognize only two people to be its friends and allies, I also know that it is the prince/princess of the sea and he/she is extremely rare. I sawone a while back, but to my dismay, when my father saw it, he tossed it into the ocean and reprimanded me for finding it. I have been looking for her/him ever since." Dusk said with a sad smile, petting the egg tenderly...
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7:40pm May 6 2010
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"Oh, wow." Zade smiled, then turned a sympathetic look at the girl, who looked to be slightly younger than himself. "You can hold it." He offered, holding the egg out to her and sending a warm smile. "I just hope it's bad time with that Wingull didn't injure it." He said with a tone of worry. It didn't look like there was any damage, but that was only on the outside.
I\'m back.
7:47pm May 6 2010
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She smoothed the hair on her forehead and took the egg just as a crack appeared in the top of it. "oh!" It started to glow and then more cracks appeared. She hadned it back to the boy just as it hatched and opened its big eyes to stare at first the boy and then herself...
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9:07pm May 6 2010
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Spirit padded along Vermillion forest, Silver not to far behind. Spirit yawned, looking up at the golden rays sparkling down through the tree's.
Silver shot through the air, using her arms as wings. "Looky Looky!" She yelled. "I can fly!!!" She screamed.
"I can see that, Silver." Spirit said, Lying down and placing one paw over the other. She's growing up to be such a mighty creature. It's such a shame that her mother left her.. Spirit thought.
9:31pm May 6 2010
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"Mana.." The Manaphy settled into Zade's arms, drifting into a nap. He was overjoyed, a broad grin stretching across his face. He glanced at the girl, knowing she probably wanted the Manaphy as much as he did. But he couldn't part with it, not after saving it from that nasty Wingull. "Can Manaphy breed? I know, most rare Pokemon can't, but if it can, maybe when it's older..." Zade paused, knowing the Pokemon had a long way to go before it would be breedable. "Maybe when it's older I can breed it and give the egg to you." He offered, trying to make her feel happy.
I\'m back.
9:36pm May 6 2010
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"They become phiones, phiones don't evolve and there can only be one manaphy at a time. Also, because she looked at me too, she is just as much mine as she is yours and at least I can understand her." Dusk stuck her tongue out at Zade...
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9:43pm May 6 2010
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"Well how do you know it is a she? And I share a special bond with this little baby, I saved it's life after all. Oh, and a Phione sounds cool. Any Pokemon is cool really. Except Zubats, I'm deadly afraid of them." Zade had a tendancy to babble, but often caught himself before it became to excessive. "I'm afraid this little Manaphy's gonna stay with me... It has to stay with someone, and we wont be able to stay together to watch it, I'm sure you have a family to get to, after all. But you can hold it, of course. I owe that to you." He smiled, holding out the newborn Pokemon for her to hold.
I\'m back.
9:46pm May 6 2010
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(( I got nothing. ))
10:18pm May 6 2010
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"Me, a family?" Dusk scoffed and pat the little manaphy. "She told me she was a she." she said with a sneaky smile...
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10:34pm May 6 2010
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"Oh. But I kinda wanted a little boy, so he could be just like me." Zade flashed a bright grin. "But I guess a little girl is just as good... So you don't have a family? That's ashame. My family's back in Johto, they really didn't want me to leave."
I\'m back.
8:36am May 7 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"My family is dead, well other than my sister, but she ran off with her new piplup." Dusk sat down and sighed heavily as the manaphy played with her bare toed feet. "My family rejected me cause I*m different." she pulled the shirt of her shoulders and shouwed them, blue rings and all...
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12:34pm May 7 2010
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"Cool, I wish I had rings like that." Zade gazed in awe for a long moment. "It's like a natural tatoo, or a really unique birthmark." He beamed a delighted look. "But shouldn't you at least be with your sister? I mean, you are kinda young. I guess I'm kinda young too though, heh." He paused, considering what he'd say next, wondering if it was too weird. But he decided to let it out after all. "How about we travel together? There's safety in numbers, and then we could look after Manaphy together." Zade waited for her answer, hoping she wouldn't take it the wrong way.
I\'m back.
9:58pm May 7 2010
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"Well... okay." she giggled and pulled her shirt back over her marks. "I have them on my thighs too, but I am not... not! pulling down my pants." she said with another little laugh. She pushed her black hair over her forehead to the side and uncovered the last marking, a glowing star that looked strangely like the rest of her markings, all together they made her look like an umbreon if you added the stroipes on ehr ear and ankle...
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1:02am May 8 2010
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"I think we should talk about Manaphy's future. I really don't want to battle with her, but I don't want her to feel left out. Would she be good in a contest? I've always wanted to be a coordinator, after all." Zade grinned at the happy little Manaphy, who was busy playing with Dusk's toes. "Oh, my poor little Cyndaquils must feel stuffy, cramped in their Pokeballs." Zade unclipped the two Pokeballs from his belt, sending the two out simultaneously. "Casey, Leo, I'd like you to meet... uhh... what is your name anyway? I'm Zade.
I\'m back.
8:11am May 8 2010
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"I*m Dusk and this is Feyth." the little shiny eevee stepped out from behind Dusk and dipped her head at the cyndiquils and then bristled when young manaphy laughed. Feyth snapped at Manaphy and she cowered in Dusk's arms. "Bad." she said, reprimanding Feyth's actions. "Manaphy, how about it, contests or battlin?" Manaphy thought for a minute and then chirped. "Contests." Dusk said for her...
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8:16am May 8 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Join as a trainer with all dark/ghost type Pokemon, and a Trainer based off of myself? :D AND. Can I have Giratina and Darkrai...? ;u;))
8:36am May 8 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Rika: You can have one of the two legendaries and in your party, don't have any umbreon, that's just too many 8umbreon.)) Yess you can join!))
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10:13am May 8 2010
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((I wasn't gonna have any Eeveelutions. c: ))
10:51am May 8 2010
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((Are made-up Pokemon allowed? o:))
1:00pm May 8 2010
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((Cool, Rika, splices? Or did you really make your own unique Pokemon?~)) "Ooh." Zade glanceed at the shiny Eevee. "I've never seen an Eevee, let alone a shiny before." He pulled out his Pokedex, taking the Eevee's entry, along with Manaphy's. "Now little Manaphy, you want to enter contests? I heard there's one taking place in Hearthome soon. But we need to practice." He politely took the Manaphy out of Dusk's arms and into his. "I wanted to put her in a Pokeball so I could try out my new seals, but I wonder if she'd put up a struggle to be caught. Could you convince her to let me catch her?"
I\'m back.