1:07pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I made my ow.:D A Dark/Flying type. <3 I even made SHiny versions! :'D))
1:15pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 1:15pm May 8 2010)
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Posts: 2,721
((If Feyth says it's alright, maybe it can be a new species, discovered by your character~ I wish I could make my own Pokemon, but I'm a better writer than artist. Edit: Can I see it?))
I\'m back.
4:08pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((WE can all have made up pokemon, even I have a few, I will add them later. Don't forget to put up a pic of them)) "Can you go into the pokeball?" she asked. "Wait " she thought for a moment, seeming to be contemplating something and then pulled out a master ball. "My father gave it to me, its my only one, but he created them." she said, pointing it att the Manaphy, she tossed it and manaphy was caught. She then let her out...
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4:38pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"Can I keep her Pokeball? I mean, I am her first guardian, but you're second, of course." Zade had just remebered something. "I saw pretty pink kitty cat Pokemon (Skitty) that you'd probably like. It was frollicing in the field over there." He pointed to a pink speck in the distance.
I\'m back.
4:48pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Pink. You ahve got to be kidding me, if you want a pink lover, go see Nari." Dusk narrowed her eyes "And no, you can't have my master ball and I am not realeasing her so you can catch her again. We are staying together so it doesn't matter if I hold the pokeball. Manaphy popped out and snuggled with Zade and dusk...
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4:54pm May 8 2010
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This made Zade a little angry, considering he had found and saved the Manaphy. Also, that she had dissed the pink kitty. A little steamed, he marched over to the Skitty, walking at a rapid pace. When he got there, he sat down and held his hand out to the cat. A little shy at first, it sniffed his fingers. He rubbed his (Yes, it is a boy Skitty~) head, and the kitten happily leapt into Zade's lap. He giggled like a young child. How could someone not want such a sweet Pokemon?
I\'m back.
5:04pm May 8 2010
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"Its pink, thats hy." she said and then her head snapped up, "How could I know what he was thinking." she shook her head, it was a geuss he isn;t really thinking that. She rubbed her head and put the manaphy back next to Zade...
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5:11pm May 8 2010
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"I wouldn't blame the poor thing for it's color. Look how nice it is." He held the Skitty up to Dusk, and it licked her face with it's scratchy tongue. Zade scooped Manaphy up in his other arm, placing it in his lap. He hadn't even realized she had read his mind.
I\'m back.
5:18pm May 8 2010
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"Fine." Dusk held out a pokeball and caught the skitty. "there, you happy." Dusk sent out Feyth and cuddled with her somemore...
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5:25pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"It's one thing to catch a Pokemon, it's another to love it." Zade called out his Cyndaquil duo, Casey snuggled in his lap, and Leo showed off his muscles. Manaphy, however, had fallen into a sick slumber. He flashed a worried ex pression. "Ma-Manaphy?! Are you okay?" He gently stroked her arm. "I think she's sick." Zade turned to Dusk, wondering if she had an answer.
I\'m back.
7:12pm May 8 2010
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"She needs some blue gummies (okay mixing in pmd here) to keep her well and for the first 2 weeks of ehr life, she needs to be at the sea." she said, carrying manaphy back to the sea...
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7:31pm May 8 2010
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"Do we have to let her go for good?" Zade cast a sad glare at the Manaphy. "Or, can we let her go for two weeks and come back for her? My Pokedex say Manaphy always returns to it's birth place." He pushed his glas.ses up on his nose bridge, making him look smart. (I love Pmd~)
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8:41am May 10 2010
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((We should happen to stumble across a pokemon named grovyle and then turn into pokemon later.)) "No silly." she said with a smile. "She'll come back, we just have to be patient. "what your pokedex doesn't say is that it will come back to the two it first saw. We could go to another region and it would still find us." She said...
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2:37pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((Okay~)) "Alright." Zade said, a little disappointed that he'd have to wait. "How about we go to Foggy Forest. They say if you can solve the mystery of the fog, you can go to Fogbound Lake. There's supposedly lot's of treasure there." He cheerfully waved his arms in excitement
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5:57pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Sounds good to me." She said as she trotted forward. A leafy hand p*censored*ed in front of her. "Wha-!" she said and ducked just as it flew at her. A pokemon stepped out of the darkness. "We need to save this... world." it was obvious that he was hurt and he fell onto his face just after he said it...
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6:03pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"Did I just.. Hear what I thought I heard? I understood that Pokemon." Zade exclaimed, then realizing the Pokemon was hurt, he rushed over to it. He saw the outline of another Pokemon in the distance. It appeared to be a ghost Pokemon, and a big one at that. Zade shrugged it off, turning his attention back to the injured Pokemon.
I\'m back.
6:05pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Man, I got seriously left behind D: I dunno where to come back in ._. ))
7:33pm May 10 2010
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"What with?" she asked with a cock of her head. "time gears." he said simply and then she was knocked in the back of the head by a ghostly hand and everything went black...
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2:08pm May 11 2010
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Zade jumped, skittering around at the sight of the ghostly Pokemon. "D-D-Dusknoir!?" He had seen a Dusknoir in his recent nightmares, and had feared them ever since. The dark, shadowy arm thrust at him, and Zade quickly shot back, dodging it before it even got close. He had decent reflexes, especially when frightened. He scooped up the now unconcious Dusk into his arms, dashing off into the mist of the Foggy Forest. Though it pained to run at a rapid pace and carry the girl, he bared it, sprinting far before stopping at a clearing. He took a final glance around, making sure he had not been followed, and sat down, still holding Dusk.
I\'m back.
5:32pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"owwww..." she murmered quietly and glanced around. "We're not alone." she said ,sitting up and rubbing her bruised head. "Hey, what's that?" she asked looked at a glowing portal a few feet in front of them. She stepped towards it and instantly felt a pull, a tiny tug, from it, as if it wanted ehr to go in it. (I call dimensional scream!) She felt cold and then her world spun as she fell towards the portal. It pulled her and then she went flying into the darkness. Then something shattered and she fell deep into darkness...
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