5:42pm May 11 2010
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((Then I call the Relic Fragment~)) Zade, slightly intrigued by the portal, glared at it in fear. He looked back to the safety of the forest, the calm breeze that seemed to beckon him near, begging him to stay and forget what he'd seen. But then he remebered Dusk. Could she fare on her own, where ever the other side of that portal may be? He struck a final peek at the safety and comfort of the forest before taking a bound leap into the spiralling portal.
I\'m back.
5:44pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I should be in the portal, while you are going to the guild. You don't have a memory either, but you seem to have been there for years longer than me and one day I appear) Dusk floated in the tunnel for what seemed like millenimums abnd finally she fell, spinning like a coment, towards earth. Although, it wasn't the earth she knew, it was another earth. "Oww." she said as she fell onto the cold beach. She was knocked out right after she dashed ehr head on a rock...
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5:56pm May 11 2010
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((M'kay, I can work that out~)) Zade, now forgotten completely about any portal, circled around the foot grid in front of the Wigglytuff Guild. It seemed as though he'd been in this land for his entire life, no memory of Dusk, or his Pokemon whatsoever. He nervously stepped onto the grid after he summoned up enough courage. He pounced back when the Diglett began to identify his footprint. He shook his head, starting off towards the beach. The flames on his back danced contently as he watched the bubbles drifting across the surface of the water, the sunset beating down upon the ocean. He continued further down the beach, jumping in shock at what he saw. He rushed up to a Pokemon who'd washed up on the sho.re, his closed eyes tilting in worry. "Are you okay?"
I\'m back.
5:59pm May 11 2010
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"Ow...." Dusk whimpered, waking up and blinking her eyes. She shook her head and glanced at the pokemon, "Wha-!" she yelled and stumbled backwards, "your a pokemon and you-you can talk!" Her eyes widened and she fell onto her little shiny eeve rump...
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6:15pm May 11 2010
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"...I guess you're a little new here...?" He sighed, taking a few steps away. He placed his Relic Fragment in front of him, wondering if he'd ever solve it's mystery. And then he heard footsteps... He turned in the direction of a Zubat and a Koffing, who both wore matching smirks. "Whoa-ho-ho. What have we here?" The Koffing snatched Zade's fragment. He turned a feiry look at him. "Give that back!" He demanded, his flames shooting up in anger. "Heh-heh-heh." The Zubat simply replied, charging Zade and bowling him over. The pair retreated into a nearby cave. "No!" A tear welled in the Cyndaquil's eye. "That's my personal treasure..." He cried sadly.
I\'m back.
7:55pm May 11 2010
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"I*ll get it." Dusk ran after them andcame back a few second later, fainted on the ground...
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8:14pm May 11 2010
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"They're not getting away with this!" Zade shouted, dashing into the cave in full fury. He came back after a short time, panting, his flames dying down. "It's no use. They're tough. But maybe we're taking the wrong approach. There's strength in numbers, after all." His flames flared back up in a hopeful manner. "So, can we go together?"
I\'m back.
8:17pm May 11 2010
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"Sure!" dusk hopped up and brushed herself off, making sure lick her paw and then rub it over the star on her forehead. "ok, lets go." she said and ran in...
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8:25pm May 11 2010
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Zade sprinted in, stopping in front of the Zubat and Koffing. He unleashed a full-power Flamethrower at the Zubat, doing a decent amount of damage, but not quite fainting it.
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6:03pm May 12 2010
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Dusk took out the Zubat with a blow from her tackle move and then started on the Koffing...
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9:57pm May 13 2010
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Zade spiraled into a Flame Wheel, knocking into the Koffing. It seemed to do the trick, as he fainted, dropping the Relic Fragment. Zade's flames lit up in a joyful burst as he picked up his personal treasure, tucking it away into safety. His lips curled into a relieved grin as he turned to Dusk. "Let's get out of here now, this place is creeping me out a little." He began to prance towards the exit of the cave, not a worry in his head.
I\'m back.
12:17am May 14 2010
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"I think its fun." Dusk said with a small smile, but scampered after him. "So ,whats so imprtant about that?" she asked with her head cocked to one side...
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3:36pm May 14 2010
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Zade looked a little confused, as if it had every reason to be considered important. "Look." He lifted the stone close to her eyes. "From a distance, it's just a rock, but up close you can see an odd pattern inscribed." He paused, bringing the stone close to himself. "I know it is needed for something, somewhere, and I want to solve the mystery. That's why I want to join the Wigglytuff Guild. But I'm not brave enough." Zade looked ashamed of himself.
I\'m back.
5:43pm May 14 2010
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"Well, how about we find out together." Dusk said, the idea sprang into her mind, she liked this pokemon and she would love to help him!...
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11:35pm May 16 2010
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"Okay!" Zade jumped in delight. "Let's go join the Guild." He put on a determined smile and began to wander in the direction of the Guild, gesturing for her to follow. His flames flickered with confidence as his pace grew faster.
I\'m back.
8:27am May 17 2010
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"Ummmm... okay!" Dusk ran quickly after him, even p*censored*ing him after a few moments of running. She landed on a grate. "Pokemon de-" she hopped off in mid sentence, letting Zade go first...
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3:15pm May 17 2010
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Zade politely stepped on the grate. Diglett began to recognize his footprint, and the Cyndaquil shuddered. When the footprint check was all done, he stepped off the grate, and the Diglett below asked that the Pokemon accompanying him would step on the grate. Zade glanced back at the Eevee, smilling as if to say it was her turn.
I\'m back.
5:53pm May 20 2010
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I\'m back.
6:00pm May 20 2010
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Dusk stpped on thre grate and wondered why the Diglett couldn't identify her fottprint, other then being shiny, she wasn't that different...
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6:08pm May 20 2010
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Zade noticed the Diglett struggling. "She's a Shiny Eevee!" He shouted down to it. The Diglett apoligized, saying that Eevees weren't common in the area, and that he'd never seen one before. In a matter of moments, the guild gate opened, and Zade hobbled into the structure. A lone ladder looked promising, and he climbed downward, waiting for Dusk when he got to the bottom.
I\'m back.