9:22am Aug 6 2010
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ooc:// In theory...
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9:23am Aug 6 2010
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[[Yosh. Well, gotta go to sleep. Good night, Res RPers : D Don't go too far without me in here either... or else D:<]]
9:33am Aug 6 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:50am Aug 6 2010
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Pulling into one of the many free spots in the student lot, half an hour early, was a sunny yellow '10 Chevy Camaro with black racing stripes, shining from its new wax, with the Autobot symbol gleaming as its hood ornament. A pair of small, tan, hands with deep green painted nails ran over the steering wheel, which was embosed with a matching mark in the center. Eva stepped from her car, amethyst-hued dancing skirt swishing around her feet, creating a background sound for the little golden bells jingling from her swaying hips. A black corset with gold laces accentuated her full figure, her white blouse-y pirate top a perfect contrast to richly tanned amber-gold skin. With a happy sigh she slid her hands along the shiny exterior of her baby, grinning. "They may call me a freak, but at least I'm a rich freak". She flashed her carpool buddy a mischievous grin, bright green eyes flashing. The comment earned a chuckle from Scott, who today was dressed full-on Sebastian Michaelis, complete with crisp white gloves, carfully tied cravat, and gold pocket watch on a chain to match. Together they walked around the car, where Scott offered Eva his elbow. She giggled, giving a playful curtsy before accepting to proffered limb. It was in this fashion that they moved through the all-but-empty school, to their lockers.
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
9:54am Aug 6 2010
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Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep... Jayden groaned and reached over to press the snooze button on her alarm clock once again. She couldn't find the button, so she opened her eyes and noticed the time. "Damnit!"she yelled, and jumped out of bed. "I'm late again, Lexi," She explained to her dog as the old thing jumped at her outburst. The dog semed to understand, and went back to sleep in her dog bed. Jayden quickly threw on some clothes, added her makeup, and brushed her hair as fast as she could without hurting herself. She ran down the stairs like mad, causing the little house to shake. Her Aunt Kelly was sipping coffee and reading that book she was so into. "Mornin', lazy," said her Aunt without looking up at Jayden. Jayden responded with a half-hearted "Mornin'," herself, then ran to the cupboards to grab a granola bar before she rushed out the door and down the block towards her High School, which was only four blocks away.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

11:00am Aug 6 2010
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James and Eric got there at the same time, Eric beating James into the parking lot by speeding up. James honked at him when he slowed down in front of him, making lazy zig zags in front of the black mustang. He was in a hurry and he want Eric to fix his hair before school started not after. James pulled into a space beside the Camaro and turned the car off, Eric pulled into the space in front of him. James got out and closed the door, locking the doors behind him and jogged up to Eric. "Lets go Lets go! Did you bring your stuff?" James asked. "Yes, I brought my stuff." Eric said as he climbed off of his bike. "Well? Lets go! I want you to do my hair before school starts." Eric grinned and followed him into the school, running past students who all stopped to watch the Emos guys running through the school. James led Eric to the boys bathroom. "Hellooo!! Anyone in here?" He asked, locking the door behind him. "Any requests?" Eric asked as he pulled his 'equipment' out of his bag and set them out on the counter. "I don't care." James replied. "Good." Eric said he loved playing with new hairstyles, especially on James. He went to work immediately, spraying moose into a bit of his hair and spiking it up. He was quick with what he did and very skilled and within 5 minutes James had a brand new look. "There." Eric said, putting his things away again. James inspected his hair in the mirror. "Thanks Eric, I owe you one." Eric waved his hand at him. "How did you get so good at this?" "Ah, years of practice." He said, jesturing to his own hair.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:37am Aug 6 2010
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Jayden rushed into the school, almost tripping over the big, wide steps. She immediately rushed to her locker, doing her combination quickly. She opened her locker and shoved her bag inside. Then she proceeded to take out her first, second and third period books and supplies. Jayden didn't like to be late, so she hardly stopped at her locker. She went to the Girl's room to check her hair and makeup before she walked back into the hallway.People were starting to really fill the halls, and Jayden sighed.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:32am Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 12:34am Aug 7 2010)
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James poked his hair, he could take an eye out with this thing. He shrugged, liking the way it looked and turned to Eric who by now had put all his things away and was pulling his bag onto his shoulder. James unlocked the door, the hallway smelled fresh and clean compared to the bathroom which now smelled heavily of hair products. The hallway was full and clustered, few people noticing James ans he came out, more noticing hen Eric came out behind him. Eric was 6 feet 2 inches tall and he stood over most of the student body including James who stood 5 feet 9 inches. Either way, them together being the school emos drew some attention.  ((James' new style))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:01am Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 3:51am Aug 7 2010)
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A sleek black car pulled into the parking lot in school, luckily snatching the last spot in the parking lot. The pa-ssenger door opened, and Tori bounced outside, skipping around the car. The engine turned off, and the driver's door opened. Akira popped out of the car, looking around. Asides from energetic little girl that would be bouncing off walls soon, the parking lot was empty. "Thanks for driving me to school, Akira." Tori grinned. "I thought I would have to miss school because of the stupid bus." Akira rolled his eyes. "You need to wake up earlier, Tori." He sighed, knowing that she wouldn't listen. Tori was still grinning like an idiot. "Come on, Akira!" Tori grabbed his hand. "We're going to be late." Akira rolled his eyes again and let her drag him. After all, she was almost like a sister to him, no matter how annoying she wouldbe.
2:47am Aug 7 2010
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Neria was in one hell of a rush this morning; her alarm hadn't gone off. Though her blonde hair was usually a bouncy mess anyways, today it was even worse, being pactically all over the place. She sped to school in her old silver Ford pickup, neary causing several accidents along the way. Neria was never commended for her driving skills. By the time she made it to the school parking lot, almost all of the spots were taken; luckily she found an open lot. She grabbed her shoulder bag from the pa.ssenger seat, leaping out of her car. Her skirt flying, Neria dashed to the main entrance, ignoring the stares of the pa.ssing people. She had even missed her morning practice, something Neria actually enjoyed because it helped in waking her up in the morning. As it was, when she finally slowed down, tired rings were evident around her eyes. Stopping by her locker, she sighed, occaisonally waving and weakly, but effectively, smiling at people who greeted her. *~~* "Remi!!! Slow down!!" Came Chris's strangled cry from the pa.ssenger window of thier shared car. The cla.ssy black SUV raged down the street, not out of any haste, but out of simple joy on Remi's part. With a grin on his face, Chris's twin finally slowed down when they reached the parking lot. Chris was clutching the dashboard with a white-knuckle grip. Remi looked at his brother, laughing as he asked, "Dude, I thought you'd be used to this by now." Chris flashed him a glare before grabbing his backpack and getting out of the car, closely followed by his grinning idiot brother. In school, they were known as "The Twins", a creative name if ever there was one. Thier arrival, or more thier type of approach to school in general, was always a form of entertainment for the students. As usual, they were bickering, one of the few times people would see Chris loose in any way. Once the two separated to go to thier lockers, the comfortable, brotherly mood evaporated, leaving Chris the cold and quiet one once more. As it was, he was often approached anyways, with greetings from people who had known him for a while. Occaisonally he would answer, though never would he offer more than a three word reply. Remi, on the other hand, was as outgoing as one could be. He greeted his friends from the soccer team with cheers and high-fives that caught everyone's attention who was nearby. He caught sight of one of his favorite sophmores, a platinum blonde. [Jayden] She was obviously in a hurry, but Remi was devoted to 'greeting' everyone. He sidled up next to her and threw an arm playfully around her shoulder, saying, "And how are you this morning?"
Embrynn is : Offline :(

9:12pm Aug 7 2010
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Tori walked over to her locker, which was actually quite far from Akira's. She quickly got out the necessary pencils, notebooks and textbooks, and closed her locker door. "Good morning!" Tori's perky greeting would always meet someone else's. She pa-ssed a few people she vaguely remembered, including Chris, Remi and Jayden. Remi seemed to be attempting to be friends with the blonde girl. "He's always so friendly with girls." Tori said to herself cluelessly. "I wonder why." --- Akira heard Tori talking to herself again. He sighed and closed his locker, wonderin why in the world did he bother trying to teach her about things other than happiness. 'Probably thinking about why people are unsocial.' Akira thought, smirking.
11:01am Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 11:02am Aug 8 2010)
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Alex readjusted his shoulder strap and headed toward his locker, which, coincidentally, was right next to James' locker. He knew James would follow him and didn't bother looking back, especially after he left James grab his shoulder bag so as to not to get separated from him in the mob of high school students. "Wait up Eric!" He heard him and smiled, going a little faster. When he reached his locker he unlocked it quickly and got his books out. James came up beside him and opened his own. "Hey James, make sure you don't bump into anyone with that hair of yours. You could take an eye out with it." He joked, closing his locker loudly. "I noticed." Came James' muffled reply from behind his steel blue locker door. "Well, come on. We're about to be late to cl*censored*." Eric warned, putting his books and natoebook into his shoulder bag. "I know~ How on!" James said, someone had messed with his locker again, and he couldn't find his book for his first period. "You can borrow mine, lets just go." Eric said, closing James' locker for him. James sighed, "K~" He followed Eric to cla.ss.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:46am Aug 9 2010
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(waiting for paigecam to post for Jayden) Chris had long since made it to his first period and was sitting in his seat, waiting for the bell to ring. He looked around; there were a few people he knew, but nobody he would openly approach. *~~* Neria picked up her first and second period textbooks, not bothering to get the one for third since she needed to pa.ss her locker on her way to third period anyways. the crowds in the hallways were thinning, usually meaning that the bell was about to ring. She quickly slipped into first period, finding her seat and taking it. she smiled and waved at one of her friends who was sitting in the corner of the room. Well, at least Neria thought the girl was a friend; there were so many people who were "friends but not friends". When the girl awkwardly waved back before turning to another girl and quickly whispering to her, closely followed by a fit on giggles, Neria simply turned away, not allowing her pain to show.
Embrynn is : Offline :(

4:11pm Aug 9 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:32pm Aug 10 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~