12:40pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 2:13am Apr 4 2010)
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I know we've started, but if you wanna join it just go ahead and just put your character's bio and jump right in ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok this is my first RP....i just had this idea and i bet this wont last long but whatever XD;; Plot: Its late fall and your parent have brought you to a boarding school, Everyone has their eyes on you and you need some friends fast, not to mention you need to keep up with grades. Cliques will form, fights will break out, and i can tell ya things are gonna get crazy ;D....so yeah i'm tapped out on ideas otherwise ;_; Rules: No spamming, advertising, or anything like that. You may swear as far as res will allow, and your character may start a fight with another but keep in mind (unless you're a staff member) you're about 16 or in that age area so no killing of other students. ---------------------------------------------------------- To Make a Student: - Name:
- Gender: (Male/Female)
- Age:
- Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc):
- Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color):
- Personality:
- Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend:
- Friends:
- Enemies:
- Clique:
To make a Staff Member: - Name:
- Gender:(Male/Female)
- Age:
- Staff Position (Teacher, Principal, As'sistant Principal):
- Subject (If Teacher):
- Appearence:
- Personality:
- Most hated students:
- 'Teacher's Pets':
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Staff Members Required:
Principal: A.P. (As'sistant Principals, they run around and catch students when in trouble): Viveka (EmoRotweiler) Teachers; - Math:
- Chemistry: Dr. Cereno (MagicalDaniPantz)
- English: Mrs. Anderson (MagicalDaniPantz)
- Gym: Coach Tucker (MagicalDaniPantz)
- Art: Mr. Adama (RikaTheFallen)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cliques and their members: (Suggestions are awesome if you wanted to add one :P) Jocks: Brad (MagicalDaniPantz), Alex (RikatheFallen) Nerds/Gamers/Otakus: Matt (Monchan), Ammy (EmoRotweiler) Goths/Emos: Jayce and Altair (RikaTheFallen), Evan(MagicalDaniPantz), Saffi (EmoRotweiler) Preps: Danger (MagicalDaniPantz), Parker (EmoRotweiler) Clique-less: Nails (Detneth106), Orin (Monchan) Grunge: Neo (EmoRotweiler) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Name: Dani Prescott but, she hates being called Dani so, she goes by Danger
- Gender: (Male/Female)
- Age: 15
- Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): She repeatedly got referrals for looking down on others as being lower cla'ss and her old school finally expelled her
- Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): She has medium length brown hair and brown eyes, She wears a backpack in the shape of a zombie cat, and a clip on black bow in her hair. She wears a blue mini skirt and a blue and dark blue argyle sweater vest but under it she wears a white Justin Bieber shirt which is seen if she talkes off her sweater vest. Her shoes are black and purple checkered slip on vans.
- Personality: Her family is rick so she is wither snobby or shy when she first meets people but after they get to know her she's actually really sweet but is actually a bit too nice and this could be a weakness to her. She gets hurt (mentally) easily and it wont take too much to make her cry, but, if she gets picked out in a fight, that girl can fight. She can be quite loud when she's having fun and laughs really loud and a lot due to her canadian background but she's embarrased about it so she tells others she's Brittish.She absolutely adores the Beatles and Justin Bieber listens to them constantly.
- Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend:Rather shy around Parker due to slight crush
- Friends: Brad
- Enemies: None yet
- Clique: Prep
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to ask any questions you may have and just all in all have funnnnn :D ~

1:43pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,724
lol bump?

2:41pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,724
haaah...hadda feeling this wouldn't work XD;

2:48pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 8:36am Mar 30 2010)
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Posts: 923
Name: NeoGender: (Male/Female) MaleAge:16Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): Student Violence.Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): Green mohawk, red eyes, septum,bridge,bothe eyebrows, angel bites, and spider bite piercings, always in skinny jeans, in hottopic shirts (i couldnt think of anything) and lime green converse. Skin color is albino c:Personality: Violent, posessive, short tempered, and bi c; Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: None yetFriends: None yetEnemies:BradClique: (suggestion) Grunge
3:35pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Killer :U But we need moar people i thinks....butdude lol this is gonna be weird w/o Tad and Parker and everyone lulzers

4:54pm Mar 29 2010
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4:56pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Join as two emo/goths? C:))
5:06pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Sure thing....hmmm nobody is making any adults...i might make one ;D

5:11pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I can make one, too! OH. And a clique suggestions: Otakus and Gamers The anime/manga/video game lovers are the OTakus, while the Gamers are know for their...well...games. :D))
5:17pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 5:23pm Mar 29 2010)
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Posts: 1,724
OMG....epic but wouldnt they go along with nerds? IDK...its just at my school all the kids that like anime are referred to as nerds/geeks

5:24pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((That's the actual name for them, though. |D Otaku~))
5:38pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 11:08pm Apr 1 2010)
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- Name: Bradley "Big Bad Brad" Johnson
- Gender: (Male/Female)
- Age: 17
- Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): Parents just took him out because they're lazy and dont feel like picking him up and dropping him off
- Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): He has shoulder length dark brown, almost black hair, somewhat like a bowl cut but a little longer, green eyes, and wears regular black jeans and a school team Letterman jacket. He wears a small gold necklace with a cross on it and dogtags around his neck with his information on it. He also has braces.
- Personality: He's the quarterback of the football team and really a pretty-boy. He's usually only really interested in cheerleaders and has a very short fuse. If he ever catches his girl talking to any non-jocks he flips his lid and gets really really jealous. When it comes to football he can't stand to loose, he's always excercising and giving everything his all as his father taught him, his dad pushed him way to hard as a kid which caused him to be this way. All his father ever told him was 'Win! Win! Win!' so Brad did and he never got time to have many friends or work on his social skills because all his dad ever made him do was practice football so he's not too good with making friends that aren't interested in sports.But amajor fact about Brad is,he loves Jersey Sh'ore and watches it constantly and occasionally does the 'Jersey Sh'ore Fist Pump' when he gets excited or happy..lol
- Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: None yet but a slight attraction to Danger
- Friends: Danger and Alex
- Enemies Neo (Each thinks the they're better than the other), Evan (Brad's creeped out by him), Altair and Jayce (Hate...just hate), Parker (more hate)
- Clique: Jock
- Name: Coach Tucker
- Gender:(Male/Female)
- Age: 29
- Staff Position (Teacher, Principal, As'sistant Principal): Teacher
- Subject (If Teacher): Gym
- Appearence: He has very short light brown hair and always wears a school warm-up suit. He caries a clipboard and had a whistle and a stopwatch around his neck
- Personality: Actually really nice for a PE Coach, he's not too harsh on un athletic kids but on the football team, he pushes them to their limit
- Most hated students: None Yet
- 'Teacher's Pets': Brad
EDIT: Cool beans...i'm just gonna group them together...dont want TOO many cliques :P You can go ahead and make your OCs if you like :)

6:07pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,724
bump :P

6:39pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,724
bump :U

6:48pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
6:49pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 7:21pm Mar 29 2010)
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Posts: 392
Name: Orin Nella most often called Ori or Nell. Nelliel if you’re close to her. Gender: Female Age: 16 Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): Her parents suspect mental instability but she won’t talk to therapist and when they sent her to the asylum she did nothing but cry. They got tired of her and sent her here Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): Orin is of average size about 5’5 give or take an inch and well weighted, not too light not too heavy. She’s not all that curvy though. Her hair is a soft cream color and it falls to about mid back length, usually it’s down or up in a high ponytail. Her eyes are bright blue with brown rimming the pupils and her skin is fair, she has a few freckles going across the bridge of her nose. She dresses however she likes every day, usually her shirts are baggy and her pants fit normally. She doesn’t seem to like shoes but wears them if she has to. · Personality: Orin is… different. She converses with herself more often than she does other people and tends to shy away from loud places. She speaks somewhat cryptically, answering questions with questions and turning things into riddles and strange metaphors. She is a dreamer and always seems to have her head far into the clouds. The only time she really ever seems normal and grounded is when talking of about books. She is intelligent but because she is so often thinking of something other than her work people think her dumb. She can be very forgetful and rather clumsy when walking. She is a friendly person if you get the chance to talk to her but since she is often so far gone within her own mind you must engage her. Name: Matthew Lynn Cross, Matt or Mattie never call her Lynn Gender: Female Age: 17 Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): Expulsion from her previous four private boarding schools for several pranks. Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): Matt is short, about 5’2, she’s somewhat thin. Her hair is dark brown, she has a tendency thought to dye it neon colors, the newest is pink. Her eyes are bright blue. She has several anime themed t shirts, her favorite is a Hetalia T shirt with Germany Italy and Japan on it. She wears year book jeans from her old schools and converse high tops. Personality: Matt is a silly, mischief making girl. She loves games and jokes and is very energetic. She can be a real flirt sometimes. It’s hard to make her mad but if you do you’re on her list for life and she can be pretty cruel with some of her pranks if she wants to be. Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: None but looking Friends: None yet Enemies: None yet Clique: Otakus
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
6:50pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
- Name: Elkier Adama
- Gender: MAle
- Age: 24
- Staff Position (Teacher, Principal, As'sistant Principal): Teacher P:
- Subject (If Teacher): Art :D
- Appearence: He has short, shaggy blond hair that tends to fall into his hazel eyes when he moves. He is tall, and is well-built for an art teacher. He tends to wear clothing that he's decorated himself, with clothing-friendly paints and dyes.
- Personality: He's a very kind-hearted man that's never been very strict with his students, preferring to let them do what they want as long as thing don't get out of hand. He loves his job. :D
- Most hated students: None yet. P:
- 'Teacher's Pets': None yet. ooo: -gasp-
- Name: Jayce Michael Hall
- Gender: MAle
- Age: 16
- Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): Well, his foster parents just don't want to deal with him.
- Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): Jayce has shaggy black hair that has a blood red wedge in the bangs, which are feather-cut and fall over his right eye in that clas-sic 'emo' style, dull green eyes that were once a vibrant emerald, and extremely pale skin...he wears black bondage pants and a black shirt to hide his scars, both from the crash and from his tendency to cut to at least try to feel something. He also wears a black leather trenchcoat sometimes. Around his neck is a spiked black choker along with an onyx and ruby cross that had been p*censored*ed down through his family. His mother gave it to him just before she died in the hospital, so he refuses to allow anything to happen to it, or for it to leave his sight. He's very tall and very thin, mostly because he hardly eats unless his ribs start to show. Then he'll eat regularly until you can't see them anymore and return to just...not eating. All in all, he's not the best looking guy on the streets, nor the happiest.
- Personality: He's very to himself. And he's a cutter. owo And he's been pretty depressed the wreck that killed his mother, his father, his sister, and his best friend.
- Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Er. Non. owo
- Friends: Eric Matthew Baker (Deceased)
- Enemies: I'm sure he has some somewhere. owo
- Clique: Goth/Emo
- Name: Altair Esmiro
- Gender: Male
- Age: 16
- Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): He just decided he wanted to go. owo
- Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color):He is roughly 6 ft tall and is 200 lbs of muscle. Only 4% of his body weight is fat. |D As stated in my previous two sentences, he is very well built and not afraid to show it. He tends to wear short sleeves because he finds them very comfortable, and is currently wearing one that is colored red and decorated with a black dragon roaring. He wears black cargo pants that have two little strips of cloth cross-crossing in the front, attached to either side, though these black pants have a white Eastern Dragon swirling up the leg that Altair added himself. He wears a black choker that has a ruby hanging from it that has been carved into the intricate shape of a dragon and even has diamonds for eyes.
He has long black hair that he keeps in a ponytail using a white hair-tie, but the strangest thing about him is his eyes. They're both totally different colors. The right is the color of honey and flecked with silver, amber, and forest green, while lined with hazel, while the left is a deep, ocean blue and flecked with gold, little bits of red, and, oddly, purple, and to top it off is lined in a striking, beautiful shade of goldenrod. His skin is lightly tanned, just enough so that he doesn't look like a vampire. And he has a black Eastern dragon tattoo curling around his left arm. - Personality:Can be quite blunt, but usually puts thought into what he says beforehand so he doesn't insult anybody. Most often, is a very kind, sweet young man, but at other times he can be quite beastly. But it's difficult to push him past his limit, so most people have yet to see him snap.
- Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Open. oUo
- Friends: None yet. |D
- Enemies: Nup. C:
- Clique: Goth/Emo. He's a goth.

7:02pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Mon: Sounds like a deal :P Rika: cooooool beans :P Wheeee maybe we can start soon :D

7:05pm Mar 29 2010
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7:08pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 7:09pm Mar 29 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
Name: Nails (her real name is Madison but I'm not supposed to say that D8) Gender: (Male/Female) Female Age: 16 Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): Well...she got in trouble at her old school...that's all anyone knows so far o3o Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): http://api.ning.com/files/HKTUGpmrIGSPXBYlGzu*GT*IkQ2Amyq4dUWWxM8ADVXuwTWx3EQp5qAEB8KIMUOBrxsWN*S80B5NLGxoKv1V7OTdruV71lOG/BlackHairedGirl.jpg <---except more..evil looking + Copy and paste would work best Personality: Lonely and problematic, she hates being around people and has a bad temper. Most think she just hates people in general but in truth she's just really shy. Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Not really looking... Friends: NO Enemies: Who knows, but in the future, most likely a lot Clique: Emo...or cliqueless