12:15pm Apr 2 2010
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Evan looked at her and smiled"He's nice i guess...a bit scary but nice." he said. Danger looked at him "Ugh...don't you get all...sweaty and grody after that long?" she asked shuddering. Brad poked his head up half asleep and looked around "Wha...?"he mumbled, half asleep. ((Who Zero? Wait...Zero's mom's car? what happened to that crappy thing XD ? But that sucks cuz she's wanted that piercing for like ever and her mom promised...but i told her not to get her hopes up cuz we all know her mom >_o))

12:19pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 923
Ammy giggled "How's he scary. The only time he is scary is when he is mad?" Ammy smiled "I know a secret 'bout him" Parker shrugged "yeah I guess, but I take a shower and all afterwards." (Yeah, now she has to wait till tuesday to get it done but she doesnt believe a word her mom is saying)
12:21pm Apr 2 2010
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Evan shrugged "That's cool I guess, i know lots of secrets too." he said as he crossed his arms and grinned "Some secrets i can tell by just looking at people." he looked around the room for a moment and he then pointed at Danger and Parker "Like those two." he smiled. Danger looked up at him "What..?" she asked.

12:29pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker looked at evan also, giving him a questioning look. Ammy chuckled and rested her back on the desk "neo has the hots for you, thats the other reason he dislikes brad" she smiled at him "thats why he was so uptight about you finding out"
12:35pm Apr 2 2010
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Evan was completely derailed on his train of thought, he was not expecting that at all. "Does he?" Evan asked smiling "That cool i guess" he said. "But, as I was saying" he said, once again pointing at Danger and Parker. "I know what you're both thinking of the other." Danger looked at him somewhat blushing, she knew what he knew "Shut it, kid." she told him as he just smiled. She just looked at him for a minute "Nothing bothers you...does it?" she asked. He grinned even more "Nope, not really, i love everything." he said proudly.

12:38pm Apr 2 2010
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Ammy giggled at the two and looked at evan "you're the first person Neo actually liked..." Parker blushed and went silent
12:44pm Apr 2 2010
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Evan took off his gla'sses and cleaned them on his shirt "Don't see why though, barely knows me, but whatever he can like who he wants." he said, putting his gla'sses back on and smiling. Danger looked back at Brad and sighed "What's wrong with you, kid" she muttered as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Mommmm...?" he muttered and yawned, still asleep. ((lolihadtodothat)) Danger smiled and turned back to Parker and stretched.

12:51pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 923
Ammy stood up, "Im going to go look for the big dog, see you around evan" she swung her backpack over her shoulder and went searching for neo who was sitting by the fountain. Parker smiled and looked at danger
12:54pm Apr 2 2010
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Evan watched her and just said nothing, he smiled to himself for no reason and went back to doodling pictures. Danger looked back at him "What?" she said, questioning his goofy smile. ((I just realized what a weird word goofy is...is it just me or is it just...like...weird to say...?))

12:57pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 923
(Its the word. i hate saying it lol) Ammy found him and sat next to him, "Evan knows you like him" she grinned Neo grumbled "Thanks alot." Parker shrugged
1:01pm Apr 2 2010
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((lol goofy goofy goofy)) Danger looked at him closely "ooookay then" she said and layed her head back on her desk.

1:04pm Apr 2 2010
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Parker turned around and looked around the room some more ammy shrugged "sorry, i had to" neo scoffed "what ever."
1:09pm Apr 2 2010
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Danger looked at the clock and groaned "Not much longer here." she said. Evan heard her and looked at the clock, it was almost time for their next period. ((Neo, can you make a teacher or you want me to?))

1:19pm Apr 2 2010
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((I gotta go take a shower and some other stuff, oki? i'll be back at around 3:30, our time, ok?))

2:18pm Apr 2 2010
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((Awwwrrrrighty I'm back :P))

4:17pm Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 11:21am Apr 3 2010)
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Here i'm gonna make the next teacher |D - Name: Dr. Cereno
- Gender:(Male/Female)
- Age: 31
- Staff Position (Teacher, Principal, As'sistant Principal): Teacher
- Subject (If Teacher): Chemistry
- Appearence: He's rather tall and has short light brown hair and pitch black eyes, surrounded by cirular gla'sses. He wears a lab coat splattered with either blood or red paint or something red, nobody is sure, under it he wears a plain black shirt, black pants, and dark brown loafers.
- Personality: He's a bit mad and all he has the kids do every day is disect animals, alive or dead, they just cut open animals and study them. (Much like Dr. Stien from Soul Eater :P) Other than that and his appearence he's actually rather nice.
- Most hated students: None Yet
- 'Teacher's Pets': None Yet

6:41pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 12:04am Apr 4 2010)
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Posts: 923
2 more bios! Name: SaffiGender: (Male/Female) female Age: 16Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): family lives close byAppearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): she has bleach blonde hair that is shaved in the back,her hair is cut down with tips going a little bit below her jaw line,and her bangs cover's her right eye. her eyes tend to change color due to her heredity, they can go from blue to blue green to grey to a tint of hazel grey. She wears her eyeliner a little too thick, usually designing it to look like she had been crying. she shops at hottopic more than she should, so she wears a skeleanimal top with printed safety pins going down the back. she wears skinny jeans prefferbly black, with black one star hightop converse.Personality: Saffi is extremly shy, she strays away from people and resists working in a group of people she doesn't know. Like Neo, she cannot hold her gaze. When she is taunted or made fun of, she tends to back away depending on her mood. If she is in a bad mood she tends to be snippy and retort. Saffi hates her parents, especially her father who left her family on her mother's birthday to marry a women who cannot learn to grow up, she tries to take saffi's insecurity to her advantage, causing a conflict between the two, and keeping her from visiting her father. she is also an Open bi-curious girl.Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Secret crush on AmmyFriends: Neo, AmmyEnemies: none yetClique: Punk (I guess) Name: VivekaGender:(Male/Female) femaleAge: 40Staff Position (Teacher, Principal, As'sistant Principal): ApSubject (If Teacher): Appearence: She looks as if she is 60,wears her pants too far up, and she tucks her shirt into her pants. she has short grey hair that stops at her jaw line. Personality: She always thinks she is clever when she catches somebody doing something against school rules and laughs. she makes "clever" remarks attempting to make kids feel bad about themselves. she never does what she says she will and when she does she capitalizes words way too much if she writes a referral. Nobody likes her.Most hated students: Danger (lol she knows who this teacher is)'Teacher's Pets': nobodyNeo peeks at his phone and slips it back into his pocket "only a few minutes..." he looked over at Ammy "You really told him?" he whined Amy smiled in an apologetic way "Yeah... sorry couldn't resist" Parker peeked at the clock and gathered his things, preparing to leave. Saffi walked into the school grounds with her gir backback slung around her shoulder and continued in. Viveka lurked around the campus, looking for students misbehaving or skipping cl*censored* muttering how much she hated the kids here and thinking of remarks towards danger if she saw her.
8:56pm Apr 3 2010
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((Neo...no you didn't...MRS FRANCOOOOOO >8U)) The Bell rang and Danger slung her backpack onto her back and walked out "Finally it's time for chemistry!" she said happily looking at Parker. Brad woke up, grabbed his binder and slowly walked out Evan had waited behind for Brad and walked with him, grinning but saying nothing.

9:04pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker got up and swung his backpack around his back and walked with danger. Saffi Walked to her chemestry cl*censored*, Neo and ammy got up and walked infront of her. Neo looked behind him to see saffi and grinned at her, instantly recognising her "Saffi?" Ammy grinned and looked behind her "Saffi!" she ran back and hugged her The three walked together Viveka saw danger and walked over, not realizing parker "I see you have no friends." she chuckled thinking she was being cool.
9:09pm Apr 3 2010
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Danger glared at her a just stared "OLD LADEHHHH!" Danger yelled as she ran down the hallway flailing her arms, running past Neo, Saffi, and Ammy. Evan looked at Brad for a minute and Brad gave his a weird look and just walked faster away from Evan. ((|D I had to...i just...i had to....))
