9:14pm Apr 3 2010
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Neo, ammy, and Saffi burst out laughing as well as parker as he followed her. Vineka followed her "I'm gonna give you a referral!" she said in her old lady voice
9:18pm Apr 3 2010
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Danger just yelled it over and over again until she entered the chemistry room where she sat at a lab station and saw a live rat, tied down with many sharp tools around the work area and she let out a scream. "What?" Dr. Cereno said as he whipped around and Danger shakily pointed at the mouse. "Yeah, we're disecting them, alive so we can mess with their organs while blood is still pumping." he smiled.

9:43pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 923
Ammy walked in and sat down, infront of her was a large albino rat, struggling to break free. "Awww.. I don't want to disect him" she rubbed the rat's belly calming it down. Neo sat next to her and smiled at the little black rat "Im all for disecting but... Alive?" Saffi sat next to Neo and whined when she saw a small little brown rat wriggling underneath the metal bars but remained quiet. Parker sat next to Danger and made a disgusted face at the rat "we have to kill it?" Viveka went back to lurking
9:56pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 9:57pm Apr 3 2010)
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Dr. Cereno slammed his fist on his desk "WHAT ARE YOU A BUNCH A WUSSIES?" he yelled as Brad and Evan walked in. Brad walked in and sat down at a lab station and Evan sat next to him. "Alright guys, you'd better be happy with your seats, the person sext to you is your lab parter for the year." he told them. Brad groaned and looked down at the rat, dissapointed about sitting with Evan but happy about killing the little pest. Danger looked down at the rat and poked it's nose. "You look like me little rats back home." she said in a fake brittish accent as the rat bit her and she drew her hand back. "OW YE LITTLE SCOUNDREL! HOW DARE YOU!" she yelled at it

9:58pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 11:31pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 923
all of them jumped, Saffi looked at the rat and made a sad look "I guess ill go for an instant kill" she murmured to herself Neo patted her back knowing she hates killing animals Ammy made a disgusted look and sighed
9:59pm Apr 3 2010
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((Arg Farg Fien see youz inna bitters CB))

11:31pm Apr 3 2010
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im baaack
11:32pm Apr 3 2010
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Wheeeeeeee 8D

11:40pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 923
i edited my post
11:45pm Apr 3 2010
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Danger continued to yell at the rat about biting her hand for a few minutes, "I mean, really, I was going to spare you and let you go when he wasn't looking but you had to go be a little RUFFIAN, but now i dont care!" She yelled at the rat and slammed her fist down on it, killing the rat instantly but crushing a few of it's organs. "That's the spirit!" Dr Cereno praised her as he cut open his rat. Brad looked at his rat and just picked up the scalpel and held it to the rat's furry chest, Evan watched him closesly and Brad stabbed it through it's small heart. Brad grinned to himself, imagining the rat was Neo, he stabbed it a few times, still imagining.

11:49pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo took the scalpel and stabbed it in the heart, killing it instantly, ammy and saffi did the same. Neo peeked over at brad stabbing the living hell out of the rat, he shivered. "What the hell is wrong with that roidmonkey?" he scoffed to low for brad to hear. Parker turned around and nooded in agreement, "Right?" he sighed and turned back and killed the rat
11:58pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 11:59pm Apr 3 2010)
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Brad continued stabbing a few more times than stopped and sat back, grinning he looked over at Evan who was standing looking foward. "Why do you guys have to be so mean to Brad?" he said for one, not smiling, he had heard them and was dead serious. Brad looked up at him in amazement 'this kid's...standing up for me? what for?' he thought to himself Danger was staring at her rat menacingly for a while until she cooled down and realized what she had done and she whimpered to herself.

12:03am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo loosing all interest in evan scowled, making a disgusted face when he said brad, "The only reason you like him is because you think he's hot" Neo gagged. Ammy watched Neo the whole time. Saffi Glanced at evan for a split second and stared back at her bloodied rat and whined. picking the scalpel back up and slicing the rat open, not without a gag. Parker ignored evan and disected his rat.
12:12am Apr 4 2010
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Evan blushed "So what? And you have a bug up your butt because you're not!" he snapped and sat down, hands crossed across his chest. Brad looked at Neo and grinned "ohhh burrrnnn" he said under his breath. Danger looked at the rat that was beaten to a pulp by her. "I don't wanna do this anymore!" She whined as her eyes began to water for the rat.

12:17am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo was fuming and slammed his fist onto the rat by accident, blood went everywhere, mostly on him and stood up, going to punch him in the face, Crimson blood ran down his face and dripped onto his shoulder. his mouth was twisted into a snarl. Ammy pulled on his arm "Neo calm down. just sit down. Ignore it" Blood ran down off of saffi's eye lid she sighed and watched ammy the whole time. Not noticing the blood. Parker kept ignoring evans retorts
12:22am Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 12:23am Apr 4 2010)
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Evan cowered backwards, tripping over his chair behind him, he fell back onto his BUTT >8U. Danger heard the thud and looked at Evan, he looked scared to death she then looked at Neo, she thought a fight was about to break out, she turned facing Parker, talking to herself "This'll be fine, there's no fight going one, there won't be a fight." she a'ssured herself, shaking. Brad lifted his head and looked at Neo, he just watched him lazily and then looked at Evan, terrified, and honestly, he couldn't care less so he layed his head back on the desk and pushed the rat aside. Dr. Cereno watched intently, he'd always wanted to see a student fight.

12:29am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo submitted to Ammy's relentless tugging and sat down, wiping the blood on his sleeve. his temper simmering down to a slight boiling sensation in his chest. he looked at the rat who was squished and a ruin, nothing left to look at except squished organs and broken bones. His crimson eyes burned into evan's bitterly. Saffi watched evan sympythetically and looked at neo. Ammy held onto neo's arm to keep him down in his seat.
12:33am Apr 4 2010
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Evan picked up his gla'sses that had fallen off, he stood up slowly and wiped them off on his shirt, they had a crack in them but he put them on anyways, picked up and sat in his seat, not saying a word. Danger's hands were shaking, she had a phobia of getting caught in the crossfire of a nearby fight as had happened once, she peeked over her shoulder and saw it was over and she let out a sight of relief. Dr. Cereno shrugged and went back to dissecting his own rat.

12:42am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo stood up shaking ammy off, and slowly started walking out, not without threatening evan "just wait, I'll get you back" he walked out to the bathroom to change his shirt and clean the blood off his skin. Ammy sighed and smiled at Saffi "Old neo has left us" Saffi nodded "Yeah... I can tell." (I forgot to add Ammy is bi also XD all my characters on here are, 'cept parker.))
12:45am Apr 4 2010
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Evan looked up at him slightly and shrugged "I don't care" he said to himself poking at the rat Brad had punctured in many places. Danger looked up at Parker "Yeah sorry about that whole little spazm i just had..." she said shakily. Brad had once again fallen asleep in cla'ss. (DERN RIGHT PARKER ENT BI *shot in the face* EWWW EVEN FRANCO LADEH >8C)
