12:52am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
(NO! NO NO EWW NO! I MEANT MY TEENAGERS D:<) Neo came back in a black tee. he sat in his seat and started stabbing the rat with the scalpel. Saffi Pushed her rat away and wiped the blood off her face on her arm and sighed. Ammy settled into her seat Parker nodded and smiled at her
12:56am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Danger looked at him sternly "Y'know kid, I like you, I think we'll be good friends" she said blushing slightly. Evan looked up at Neo, he was still scared as hell but was trying not to show it at all.

1:00am Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 1:01am Apr 4 2010)
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Posts: 923
Neo let out an annoyed sigh and lay his cheek on the desk forgetting there was blood on it. he groaned and picked his head up and his cheek was bloodied. "Dammit, and I just cleaned my face" he grumbled, as he wiped it off onto his arm. Saffi played with the blood on the table as if it was just water. Parker smiled, and blushed a bit.
1:10am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Danger leaned foward and gave him a hug, smiling. Evan watched Neo and sighed "Hey, Brad..." he said. "What?" Brad replied bitterly. Evan looked at him "Will you give me a hug?" he asked nervously. Brad groaned and hugged him tightly and stopped. "There, happy now? Leave me alone" Brad said and went back to sleep. Evan sat there starting to smile again and blushing slightly.

1:25am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Saffi wiped the blood on her finger tips on neo's face and smiled Neo looked over at saffi and smiled "thanks..." Ammy kept her eye on neo, knowing his temper could flare up again. Parker smiled and hugged back
1:29am Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 1:35am Apr 4 2010)
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Evan was going back to his normal always smiling self, the fear began to leave his body as his grin grew. Danger rested her head on his shoulder and yawned. "I'm tired" she told him, still hugging. "Well it looks like most of you have destroyed your rats so we'll try this again tomorrow but with a different animal," Dr. Cereno grinned "but for the rest of cla'ss just talk or do whatever." he told them.

1:39am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo stretched and yawned, forgetting the blood smeared on his face, he lay his head on his arms and fell asleep. Saffi sighed and looked over at Ammy who relaxed. "Neo never used to be like this, wonder what happened" she rested her head on his back and sighed. Ammy grinned "I dunno, but I feel like I have to keep him from fights." Saffi nodded against his back "I know what you mean..." Parker blushed "me too"
1:42am Apr 4 2010
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Danger kept her head on his shoulder, comfy in that spot "Let's take a nap then" she said, smiling. Evan took advantage of the fact that Neo was asleep and took a seat with the two girls. "...hey" he said quietly. ((My mom's computer is all virus'd and it keeps saying ATTENTION: DANGER i'm like WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM MEEEE?!!? lol))

1:51am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Saffi slowly looked up careful not to wake neo, she looked at evan, blood still on her face. Ammy tensed up again "Hey... I don't have a clue whats going on with him lately. he usually isnt this bad..." she whispered Parker blushed and nodded, and lay his head on the desk and fell asleep. ((lol))
1:54am Apr 4 2010
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Evan looked at him "Oh, i don't care about him" he smiled "I just wanted to make some friends" he told them. Danger still didn't let go of him, still hugging she fell asleep as well. Brad awoke by slamming his hands on the desk and jerking his head up "DAD, NOT THE BELT!-" he yelled and looked around, sweating. "Oh...." he said, somewhat embarrased and looked at the clock. ((Right? And IT WONT STOP<8U LEAVE ME ALONEEEEE))

1:57am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo was startled awake, he opened his eyes to see the torso of evan, he growled, seething with hate. Ammy jumped and grabbed his arm "Saffi grab the other" Saffi did what ammy said and whispered in neo's ear "Cool it big dog" Parker flinched but didn't wake
2:00am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Evan flinched backwards at his growl and fell back over his seat on his BUTT >8U again. "Damnit! This is ust starting to piss me off." He said picking up his gla'sses which had fallen off again. Brad watched from afar curious, so he got up and wandered over "what's going on?" he asked, yawning. Danger mumbled in her sleep and cuddle Parker's arm.

2:08am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo clenched his fist as his eyes went from evan to Brad. Ammy took him and shooed him out of the room, not wanting a fight "Go! you need to chill" Neo grumbled and walked off Ammy rejoined saffi and the others "Thats better..." she sighed and relaxed into the groove of the chair. Saffi kept her gaze fixed on the table, still playing with the blood.
2:12am Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 2:13am Apr 4 2010)
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We need a next period's teacher soooooo 8D - Name: Mrs Anderson (Neo, forgive me, i couldn't halp it |D)
- Gender:(Male/Female)
- Age: 42
- Staff Position (Teacher, Principal, As'sistant Principal): Teahcer
- Subject (If Teacher): English
- Appearence: She's short and has short brown hair. She always wear god awful outfits that only older people would think looks good. She's also a little chubby.
- Personality: She treats all her students like they're babies and has an obsession with some 55 stupid rules she has and refers to all her students as either fabulous or unfabulous
- Most hated students: None Yet
- 'Teacher's Pets': None Yet
Brad shrugged as the bell rang and he walked out, It was time for English cla'ss. Evan got up and followed Brad, trying to catch up with him, waving goodbye to the girls. Danger, when she's really tired even loud noises like the school bell don't wake her so she remained asleep, keeping ahold of Parker's muscular arm.

2:20am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker woke up startled by the sound of the bell, he patted danger trying to awaken her. Saffi and Ammy walked together to english, Ammy looked over and smiled at Saffi, intwining her hand in saffi's. Saffi blushed more than she usually does, and smiled at Ammy as they walked to english cl*censored*. when they got into the room saffi sat next to Ammy. Neo went to his room and fell asleep.
2:23am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Danger groaned, still asleep, she let go of his arm and fell out of her chair and on to the cold, hard tile, she woke up immedietely. "Ow..." she whined rubbing her eyes. Brad walked in, quickly followed by Evan and they went and sat down. The late bell rang, Danger and Parker were tardy 8U.

2:26am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker helped her up and they snuck into cl*censored* sitting side by side with each other. Saffi stifled a yawn not looking forward to this cl*censored*. Ammy looked around.
2:30am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Danger was still half asleep, she began to lean on Parker and starting falling asleep. Mrs. Anderson walked waddled into the cl*censored* room and stood before the cla'ss looking around. "Good Morning Everyone," she said loudly "Get out your journals b'cause today we're taking Cornell Notes!" she finished and pulled up notes on her computer. Brad groaned and got up to get his and Evan's journal since they were *censored*igned to sit in the same group. Evan opened his journal and prepared to take down notes.

2:33am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 923
Saffi groaned and went and grabbed both ammy and her journals. Ammy made a disgusted face "yech i hate cornell notes" Parker grabbes danger's and his journal
2:36am Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Mrs. Anderson glared at Ammy "You all need to take two pages full of Cornell Notes because we had a complaint." she said as she started the Cornell Notes. Danger put her hand on Parker's face, eyes closed, half asleep. "I don't wanna take nooootes" she whined
