8:20pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 392
"Woop!" Matt cheered happily. She wasn't athletic in the least but dodgeball had always been one of her favorite games, that and kick ball. Jumping up eagerly she exclamed "I love this game!" with a laugh. Orin seemed much less thrilled on the idea of dodgeball. It had never been a plesant game for her, she simply did not see the fun in throwing things at eachother. she gave a little whine and pulled at the ends of her pants. "I don't like this game" she said with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest. "It is violent and pointless, may I not play?" she asked.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
8:22pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 8:24pm Mar 29 2010)
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Coach Tucker looked at them for a momemt, "Yeah, sure" he told them as he led them back into the gym to the court to play dodgeball. Danger and Brad followed Coach Tucker, both eyeing the two boys, Brad watching hatefully and Danger watching curiously. Coach Tucker then looked at Orin "Well this isn't going to be much of a game....maybe we'll do something else." Brad then averted his gaze to Matt and smiled, he was glad somebody enjoyed sports as he did.

8:26pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altair leaned back with his arms keeping him propped up, bi-colored gaze focused on the emo boy beside him. "You know, Jay, this starving yourself and cutting yourself thing is going to kill you one day," he stated, and was pointedly ignored by the other. Altair sighed, shaking his head. "Whatever, man. Your funeral, I guess." Jayce glance towards the goth, blinking once before staring down at the bleacher, quickly losing himself within a flashback from before the accident, back when his little sister, his best friend, and his real parents were alive. He missed those days.
8:30pm Mar 29 2010
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Danger saw Brad was occipied talking to coach so she decided to wander to the two goth boys. "Hello there." she smiled slightly and looked them both up and down and wondered about their fashion sense and what was wrong with it. ((lol))

8:30pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Gotta go. owo))
8:32pm Mar 29 2010
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((Awe Dern....see you later then :P))

8:49pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 6:19pm Apr 1 2010)
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Blaaaarg This is my last OC i swear but i couldn't help making a lil Bi boy :P - Name: Evaniel Fulton but goes by Evan
- Gender: (Male/Female)
- Age: 16
- Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): He had gotten into too many fights at his old school
- Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): He's rather short and not too muscular but is surprisingly very strong for his size. He has black hair that goes over his left eye in the typical emo style. He wears black skinny jeans and an "A skylit Drive" shirt. He has his tounge pierced and has snake bites. He also wears black, square, thick-rimmed gla'sses.
- Personality: He's usually rather quiet and his appearence and face are really adorable or so he's told. He's a closeted bisexual and shy to many people, especially people he likes. And despite the way he dresses he's really sweet to his friends and would fight anyone to defend his friends
- Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Secret attraction to Brad
- Friends: None Yet
- Enemies: None Yet
- Clique: Goths/Emos

9:53pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,724
bump :P

7:31am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Nails leaned back against the bleachers, her manga still at hand. Her eyes lazily scanned the gym, watching as the coach and Matt seemed to share grins. Yeesh, sport lovers. she grumbled to herself. She didn't like sports, no matter how good she was at them. It was one of those annoying life hings, you're good at something you absolutely hate.
7:41am Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 8:39am Mar 30 2010)
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Evan wandered into the gym a little later then everyone and contently sat at the bottom of the bleacher and watched everone, smiling. He didn't like PE too much either so he just sat and watched. Brad looked over at him. "Why are all these freaking emos staring at me today?!"he yelled out and Evan looked away shyly. Danger looked over at Evan and then averted Brad's gaze elsewhere to calm him down.

8:42am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo jogged over to the field and saw he was late. again. "damn, my grades are gonna end up killing me if this keeps happening..." He groaned and looked over at the bleachers. "Guess i'll watch" he muttered to himself as he walked over and sat on one of the cold metal seats.
8:50am Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 8:54am Mar 30 2010)
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Danger slowly looked over at Neo and put her chin on Brad's shoulder and whispered to him "Why are so many people so scary looking nowa days, eh?" she asked him and he just shruged "Just another stupid fad i guess....it'll just pa'ss." Evan looked over at Neo "Hey there" he smiled (I'll bbl guise i'm going to get supposedly some of the best toffee everrrrr |D and we all know how much Danger <3's toffe....but it's like an hour drive so i'll be back in like 2.5-3 hours ._. probably longer cuz my mom will do something else that takes forever i'm guessing hurrhurr)

8:59am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo averted his gaze from the field and over to Evan, "Hey..." Neo dropped his gaze to his feet. he never made eye contact for more than a few seconds, nobody knew why, not even him. as soon as he saw the other person's eyes looking at him he would instantly look away.
9:04am Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 9:05am Mar 30 2010)
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Evan saw him do so and thought he was uninterested in what he had to say so just gave up talking to him and watched the few remaining people willing to participate in PE. Danger lifted her head off Brad's shoulder and looked around and all the kids dressed in black and what not and shuddered. "What happened to common decency...? All these brutes...." she spoke to herself. Brad looked around as well. "Pfft I can take 'em all down." he thought to himself. ((OK noooowwww I gotta go XD; see you all later and anyone that wants to join, feel free to jump right in ;D))

9:13am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo looked back towards the field and sighed and layed back, resting his head on his arms watching the clouds drift across the sky, occasionally masking the sun. Neo let out a long sigh, he hadn't a friend yet, and he doubted anyone would want to be. He watched Evan out of the corner of his eye. He liked Evan, although he probably wasn't into guys. Neo shrugged the thought away and went back to watching the clouds. Eventually drifting off to sleep. he looked like a corpse when he slept, his diaphram rarely moved, his breathing was so shallow. He turned over and was facing Evan, still sleeping.
10:32am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Are they still inside?))
3:10pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,724
((Yeah lol they're inside the gym :P)) Evan looked at the others in his cl*censored* curiously and stood up to look over them. He made his way over to Nails. "Hello" he said happily and looked down at her as she read. Danger listened to Coach Tucker and Brad talk on and on about football

3:29pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Nails lifted her head slightly, her bangs covering her eyes, "Yes?" she asked tartly, her voice an annoyed tone. She shifted in her seat and leaned back again, her attention flitting from Evan to her comic.
3:39pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Evan shrugged "I just said hi" he smiled. "What's your name?" he asked curiously, still smiling and every so often looking over at Brad. He thought Brad was hot and all that ((lolol)). ((DEEERNIT G2G again...bbl guise D|))

3:40pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Bai :(...wait, he's GAY?)) Nails sighed, "My name is Nails, and if you don't like it, tough," she said quietly.