4:17pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo awoke and looked around, blinking the tears away. He sighed and stood up and walked into the locker room. "maybe a quick shower will lift the drowziness.." Neo took a quick hot shower and dressed himself, his mohawk was all screwed up. "damn, forgot" He towel dried his hair and put gel into it to make it stand up once again. "he brushed his hand over the top of his mohawk and grinned, "There, that should hold it" Neo stretched feeling refreshed and walked back out to the bleachers and continued to watch the different activities.
4:27pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Ffff. Both my guys are bi. |D My guys almost always are. C: Whether they like anyone or not depends on how things go int he RP~ ;3))
4:33pm Mar 30 2010
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Altair leaned back, shaking his hair out of his face before laying the back of his head against the bleacher behind him, basking in the wramth of the sun. He let out a contened sigh, his dark clothing warming him faster. "And, just so you 'goth-slash-emo haters' know, we do it because we to, not because it's a ps-sing fad," he stated, then pointed at Jayce. "And he's flat-out depressed." Jayce blinked, lifting his head enough to look over at Altair, lifeless green eyes trained on his fellow clique member. Then the fell to the ground again, the teen wishing he could go back in time.
"I...have my reasons..." he said quietly. "Mm? So you can talk!" Altair sat up with a grin, patting Jayce's shoulder, which made him flinch lightly. "..." Jayce quickly resumed his silence, closing his eyes once more as the warmth from the sun reminded him of the warmth he had felt with his family. ((Awww. Do'nt cry, emo kid! D:>))
4:34pm Mar 30 2010
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((Mr. Adama is bi, too. P: But he can't really do anything about it, now can he? xD Besides~ He loves art, and he loves to teach, so he's perfectly happy living a single life~ And I may make a female teacher~~~ ;333))
4:48pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 923
(When ever I wake up i have tears rolling down my face, my mum said i probably have overreactive tear ducts) Neo listened in on their convorsation when he went down o the field, he hid in the shadey part of the bleachers so the sun couldnt singe his skin. Neo looked around the field and sighed.
9:37pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 9:37pm Mar 30 2010)
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((Rika: ohyesssss we need MOAR TEECHURZZZ)) Evan looked at Nails and slightly frowned. "Now, why wouldn't i like your name?" He then grinned ear to ear and looked down at her book. "Whatcha readin there?" he asked her curiously. Danger heard the word depressed and it instantly caught her attention. She didn't like anybody to be depressed so she thought she's try to cheer him up. Danger jogged over to the two boys and waved. "Uhm...hi....what's your guys' names?" she smiled and Brad looked over and he could feel his face getting hot with anger, he hated those emo kids and didn't want them anywhere near his friends but he just watched them from afar.

7:34am Mar 31 2010 (last edited on 8:10am Mar 31 2010)
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((Can I ask those of you that haven't....if it's not too much troble could you please make a teacher/AP? We just need all those slots filled XD; Also i'm going somewhere with mah mom and we'll be gone all day and night today and all day tomorrow....keep this thread alive without me guysssss pleaseeee XD))

9:15am Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Nails sighed, "Soul Eater," she said, flipping another page, "And people tend to get all 'Eh? Your name is Nails?!', but I chose that 'cause it's better than my actual name,"
5:12pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Altair blinked and sat up, looking up at the girl that had trotted over to them. "I'm Altair, and the emo kid here is Jayce," he stated before turning to poked Jayce's shoulder. Jayce only looked up at the girl, blinked, then looked back down, starting to trace lines along his wrist again. "Yeah...Jayce is your average, every day stereotypical emo," Altair said, sighing before shaking his head. "Rarely ever says a single word and his eyes are lifeless and blank," he sighed, turning his head to stare at Jayce. "Won't tell anyone why he's so depressed." The goth paused a moment before looking up at the girl again. "And, along with cutting himself, he starves himself regularly. Dunno why." ((Altair, you bigmouth! e.o))
5:14pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Nails glanced over at the guys and girl. Standing, she bruushed off her shorts and walked over. Sitting next to Jayce she leaned back against the bleachers and looked at him, "Your emo, right?" she said quietly, brushing her long black hair out of her eyes.
5:23pm Mar 31 2010
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((I think me and MAttie would get along great. |D I might drop myself on in here, considering I'm actually a highschooler. And I turn 16 in 3 months~ <3)) Jayce lifted his head just enough to turn his lifeless green gaze onto the girl that had just come up and sat beside him. He remained silent, so, with an exasperated sigh, Altair answered for him. "Yeah, he's emo. And extremely silent," Altair said, frowning at his fellow clique-member, who made no move to do anything about his statement.
5:24pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails glared at Altair, "I didn't ask you did I?" she snapped as she turned back to Jayce. Staring at him intently, she suddenly grasped his hands. "Crap," she muttered, "I have the same lines in the same place..."
6:05pm Mar 31 2010
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Altair glared right back. "I was answering for him, considering the fact that he's said a total of one sentence the entire time he's been here," he stated. Jayce merely blinked at her before he pulled one hand out of her grasp to push his hair out of his face, the pale skin on the revealed half bearing scars from the accident that, while it was still so fresh in his heart, had happened years ago. Now, both of his lifeless green eyes were focused on the girl, not a single word escaping his lips.
6:07pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails shook herself than stood up, dragging Jayce along with her, "Has he always been emo?" she demanded Altair.
6:15pm Mar 31 2010
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Altair shrugged. "Long as I've known him he has," he answered. "I just met him when he arrived at the school. I don't really know him personally." Jayce made no move to fight against her. He just allowed himself to be pulled up,though he did sway very lightly. He figured he should start eating again soon, but he really didn't feel like it this time. He just wanted to go be with his family and best friend.
6:17pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails stared at Altair, "He's starving himself and you don't try to get him to eat?!" she hissed angrily.
6:23pm Mar 31 2010
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Altair raised his hands defensively. "You force him to eat and he'll just go throw it up!" he stated, frowning. "Besides, he always starts eating regularly after a while. I have no clue what goes on inside that head of his, so I don't know why he does what he does," he added, crossing his arms. "As I said....I have my reasons...." Jayce said quietly, almost too quiet to be heard at all. "You...wouldn't....understand..." Altair sighed, shaking his head. "You don't know that, kid." Jayce turned his head enough to look at Altair, blinking slowly. "I.....do know...." ((PPPP: -pets Jayce- e.o))
6:26pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Nails sighed, "I did this too, alright? I nearly died and all that junk so I got sent here, not that it did much," she snorted, "But I doubt he's happy being at a boarding school while he's in rescession,"
6:33pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"Everyone I...ever cared about...is dead..." Jayce said, soft and slow, as if he were not used to speaking at all. "They died....in a crash...that I survived..." Altair blinked, then immediately felt bad for prodding at the emo kid. "...I guess you were right then, kid..." he said, then sighed. "How long ago?" he asked, blinking at the half-starved emo kid. "Six...years..." Jayce answered.
6:36pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails sighed, "Wow, you have it rough" she said quietly, trying not to think of her seven year old brother stabbing her mom then himself. ((>.>))