6:43pm Mar 31 2010
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Jayce reached up to touch the cross he wore around his neck, his dull green gaze moving to the ground. "Kayla...should have...lived..." he muttered, carefully curling his fingers around the cross, as if he were afraid it would shatter in his hand. "She still...had...so much...to live for..." ((Kayla is his little sister. She was five. D:))
6:48pm Mar 31 2010
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((D8 Nail's brother was seven and he murdered his mom then commited suicide)) Nails put her hand on Jayce's shoulder, trying to comfort him, "I know how you feel," she said quietly.
7:00pm Mar 31 2010
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((Mm. Jayce is also a charrie I made a while back, who all this happened to. -not making it up on the spot lol- Mmkay. When Jayce was ten, he, his parents, his little sister, and his best friend all piled into a car to go on vacation. Well, while they were on their way, a semi-trailer swerved in front of them and crashed into them. His little sister, his dad, ad his best friend died immediately, while his mother died in the hospital after Jayce's wounds, which would be the oddly shaped scars on his face, along with others, were treated and bandaged. She had lived only long enough to give Jayce the onyx and ruby cross he wears around his neck and whisper an 'I love you'. Then she died. After that, he was never, ever the same.)) Jayce lifted his gaze to focus on Nails again, blinking once. "I...don't know...about that...." he murmured. He wasn't trying to be all dramatic to draw attention, either. He just thought that there could be absolutely nothing worse than what had happened to him, having to hear his family and best friend's screams before he lost them all forever. And then he had been badly hurt, and still bears the to constantly remind him that he was a survivor.

7:02pm Mar 31 2010
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Nails nodded, "I guess what you suffered was different than what I did..." she said, trailing off as she remembered the day she woke up on her fourth birthday and found her borther and mother lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. ((Wow, flashback day ^^))
7:11pm Mar 31 2010
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((At least she didn't have to watch them die. e.o)) Jayce fell into silence again, moving to sit back down as he leaned forward, using his free hand to move his hair to allow his bangs to hide his scars once more, that horrible moment replaying itself in his mind's eye.
8:35pm Mar 31 2010
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Danger just sat and listened to their stories. She felt bad for them yet she knew the same feeling, her best friend killed himself. She looked down at her wrists, she had cut herself before and she could feel tears running down her cheeks and she needed someone to hold so she just flung herself into Jayce and just hugged him. Brad continued watching and he just clenched his fists tighter yet, he was getting jealous.

9:55pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo watched them from the shadows, his skin getting warm from the flicks of sunrays that escaped the grasp of the leaves. he sighed and honed in on their discussion, "he does have it quite bad...'' he mumbled to himself.
7:39am Apr 1 2010
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((My, what sad life sotries. I feel depressed now >.>))
4:06pm Apr 1 2010
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((True story since Danger is virtually me , a while ago one of my closest friends shot him self
and oh my god Neo,i was at and amusement park and some guy that looked exactly like hal asked me for my number o_o greased up hair and all))

4:48pm Apr 1 2010
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((My English teacher's friend's son, who was only like..fifteen, killed himself. Within a couple days, his brother-in-law was killed in a lumber accident, I think. The entire next week he was gone. D:> I felt really bad for him.... ;n; And one of my mommy's friends that had just gotten married was killed in a hunting accident a while back. D:> ...Or did I mix those up? ono Stupid brain. Been all upset today since first period. We have to write a persuasive paper, and my topic is Animal Rights. Oh, the things I saw in the photos for research alone... I thought I was going to either vomit or start crying. D:)) Jayce actually jumped as Danger flung herself at him and hugged him, and she was....crying. His muscles tensed, the dark-haired boy having grown unused to that much physical contact, but, slowly, he relaxed. As if he had forgotten how to do it, Jayce awkwardly returned the embrace. Whenever he saw a girl crying, he always ended up thinking back to his L'il Kay, his adorable little sister who didn't get to live past five. Whenever she had started crying, he would always lift her up into a bear hug with a big smile, even spinning around sometimes. As the cold nostalgia gripped his mind, tugging at his heart, tears of his own began to steadily drip down towards the ground, the boy unable to hold it back any longer. After six years, he knew he should be able to at least let go a little, but the pain had always remained fresh. Now he had finally told someone else, and they were sympathizing with him, even crying... ((ouo))

4:49pm Apr 1 2010
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Nails sighed and hugged Jayce too, grabbing him into a big bear-hug, "Dude, it's ok," she murmured.
5:49pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 5:51pm Apr 1 2010)
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Danger just cried and thought of her old friend Tyler who killed himself, she imagined Jayce was him for just a moment and hugged him tighter. Still in her little fantasy she ran her fingers through his hair until Brad finally had enough and walked over. "Hey i don't need my girl in for little..." he groaned "I don't even know what you're doing." He pulled Danger away from them and glared at them. Danger wiped her eyes and looked at him "Your Girl...what?" she asked and her instantly started to blush "I..i didn't say that...i mean...just...UGH!" He stuttered and walked away.

6:03pm Apr 1 2010
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Jayce slowly stood up, and, after wiping his eyes, he lifted his head to look straight at Brad. "We were mourning the people we cared about," he stated, much to Altair's amazement. Maybe the kid had a little spunk left in him, after all. "She apparently lost someone that had been very close to her, as have I and Nails. I lost my mother, my father, my five-year-old sister, and my best friend in an accident that I survived six years ago." Jayce swayed a little on his feet, but only because he wasn't used to talking this much at once. Or at all, really. When BRad walked away, Jayce fell back into a seated position with a soft sigh as he leaned forward. After that, he was silent again. Altair clapped. "Jeez, kid! I didn't know you could actually talk that much, and where everyone can hear you!" he said, amazed. The kid had been so silent since he'd arrived, Altair had figured he was a mute or something.
6:18pm Apr 1 2010
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Brad turned and just glared at him "Oh, boo hoo, you gonna cry emo kid??" he mocked. Danger put her hand on his shoulder and tried to make him stop "Brad...stop." Brad pulled away and walked up to Jayce and just looked down at him. "Huh little whiny boy? You gonna cry then go cut yourself?!?" The sound of loud yelling attracted even Evan and he came over and watched from a few feet away with his arms crossed.

6:38pm Apr 1 2010
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Jayce's fingers twitched. "You're a bastard. No wonder Altair seems to hate you." He slowly stood back up, lifting a hand to push his bangs away from his face to show the scars that had been left behind by that accident. "Do not mock death and those who have lost everything to it." Then he lifted his dull green gaze up to Brad's face, rage beginning to pour life into them. "And are you really that heartless as to mock the death of an innocent five year old girl?" he shot at him, fists clenching. "So what if I'm still mourning them? They were everything I had. And little Kayla Marie still had her entire life ahead of her. Wouldn't you be upset if the last thing you heard from everyone you cared about was their screams before they died?" Jayce's thin form began to shake lightly, everything he had surpressed for the past six years bubbling to the surface. "Yeah, I've cut myself a few times. Yeah, I've cried. But I'll never take death lightly!" With that last sentence, Jayce growled, then brushed past Brad to head back towards the building. Altair just sat there, stunned by Jayce's reaction. "That kid has guts..." he muttered. Then he looked up at BRad and narrowed his eyes. "He is right, though. You're a coldhearted bastard." He stood up and crossed his arms, the dragon tattoo moving lightly as the muscles in his arms twitched, the dark-haired boy obviously forcing himself not to deck Brad right in the face. He may hate the jocks, and he may not participate during gym a lot, but he wasn't weak in the least. He had muscles, too. "You're nothing more than a kid who has to bully others just to feel like he's on top. I don't care if you're the Quarterback, either! I think someone should knock you off of your high horse and make you face reality!" he sneered before following behind Jayce, murmuring colorful curses in fluent Chinese. ((Altair's mommy is Chinese~ xD))

7:16pm Apr 1 2010
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Brad felt his anger rising higher yet, he'd never been told off and he didn't care what that kid said, he thought he was on top, in fact...he 'knew' he was and he wasn't about to take that from a little emo kid. "Hey tough guy!" he called to them, he didn't care which, they were all the same to him "You just gonna walk away, or are you gonna do something about it?" Evan, watching, grinned and pushed his gl*censored*es up with his finger and Danger watched to but she was rather scared, she had been around fights and once before had accidentally been hit in the crossfire, she was deathly afraid of guys fighting.

7:25pm Apr 1 2010
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Jayce paused and looked over his shoulder, eyes narrowed. "F*ck off, jerk," he shot over his shoulder. "Or better yet, go crawl under a rock and rot there, bastard." Altair trotted to catch up to Jayce, patting the boy's shoulder approvingly. "YOu know what? I like you, kid. I have a feeling we'll get along great," he said, grinning. Jayce shook his head, green eyes turning to rest on Altair. "I hate people who take serious things so lightly. Death takes those you care the most about away from you forever."
7:32pm Apr 1 2010
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Danger felt even worse for Jayce she looked at Brad who was just standing there clenching his fists getting madder and madder as the bell rang to go to art Danger thought she'd catch up and make sure he was ok so she did so. "You...ok?" she asked as she hugged him ((She's a hugger >_o)) Brad just stood there until he finally sighed and put his hands in his pockets and walked, hanging his head and the words that those emos said ran in his head over and over again.

7:42pm Apr 1 2010
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Jayce looked over at Danger and blinked. "It isn't myself that I focus on...and I haven't really been OK for the past six years..." Altair rolled his eyes. "He's better now than he was fifteen minutes ago, that's for sure. He speaks now!" he said, playfully poking Jayce's shoulder. While all this was going on, Mr. Adama was humming under his breath, a kind smile on his face as he finished writing up his plans for the clas-s that day. He quickly walked over to open up his door, then began to set up places for students to sculpt with clay, draw with pastels or colored pencils or markers or paints, and sketch the pose-able wooden figurines. ((FFF. ALtair's a goth. Jayce is teh emo. P: -jams to Spanish music lol- xDDD And I might make a jock for Brad to hang out with. e.o))
7:52pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 7:52pm Apr 1 2010)
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Neo stalked off to art, he had recently lost a close friend he had know since he was in diapers to the grips of cancer. He fought back tears as he made his way to cl*censored*. (i just found out that a friend i've known since i was in diapers pa.ssed on today)