7:56pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:01pm Apr 1 2010)
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Danger just kept hugging him "I'm real sorry about Bradders....he's well...a jock...but he can be a sweetheart.." she trailed off and looked up at him. Evan walked up next to Neo "Hellllooooo there mister" He smiled and adjusted his gla'sses "What's your name?" He asked and messed with his mohawk. ((Rika: that'd be awesome...Brad needs a friend lolol yeah we do need more characters and teachers if you guys dont mind >_o especially teachers Neo: Awww who was it?))

8:04pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:10pm Apr 1 2010)
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Neo froze, one tear seemed to escape him and ran down his face, he pretended to yawn and wiped the tear away before he turned around "Neo... what do you call yourself..?" his cold eyes met Evan's, he struggled to lock his gaze on Evan. (my old friend Jamie)
8:10pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 392
(Oh dear, I missed things, sorry. Could I get a recap or should I just read through?)
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
8:10pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:12pm Apr 1 2010)
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Evan smiled triumphantly and put his hands on his hips "I am...Evaniel Fulton" he snorted with laughter and pushed up his gla'sses "But call me Evan" he laughed and pushed his hair out of his eye slightly and it did as it always did, just fell back into place. (Mon: Everyone talked about their relative's death but now gym cla'ss is over and they're walking to Art as tension builds between Brad and Rika's two emos :P)

8:15pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo smiled at him, feeling better that he had made a friend. He held a steady gaze on Evan, reas.sured he wouldn't snap at him. His skin started burning as the sun's heat reached him. His crimson eyes looked around for a moment making a note of where he was, then he fixed his gaze back on Evan.
8:18pm Apr 1 2010
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Evan just walked next to him, keeping his normal triumphant grin with his hands in his pockets and he was glad he had also made friends with someone new at this school but he looked foward at Brad, walking in front of him. "Dang that boy got a nice butt" he grinned to himself ((Ohgodddd |D Evan isn't afraid to say anything lololol))

8:23pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:31pm Apr 1 2010)
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Name: Parker (ooh danger will like this bio XD)Gender: (Male/Female) male Age: 16Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): his family lives in the area and sent him here.Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): he wears a blue and dark blue argyle sweater vest, with a white shirt underneath, at the end of the sleeve the fabric is cuffed. He has short raven black hair with two strands always in his face. He has chocolate colored eyes, his skin has a slight tan to it, he wears onyx colored slack and black loafers on his feet. He also is quite muscular in the arm area.Personality: he always thinks he can buy friends and girls with the money he has, he alway's encourages people to stop fighting, but when screw around with his friends, he will fight.Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Crush on DangerFriends: none yetEnemies: none yetClique: PrepNeo tried not to chuckle, at what Evan said. It took a lot of the pressure off him to know someone else who was into guys. Neo looked up at the sky for a second or two and looked down at his feet as he walked, he sighed as images of his departed friend plagued his mind, another tear escaped him and fell onto his right foot. Parker walked to art, his hands in his pockets as he walked with a posture that told everyone he was a prep. He glanced around and spotted Danger, he smiled.
8:25pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:32pm Apr 1 2010)
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((OhNeo....Neo, Neo, Neoooo...|D)) Evan looked foward "Here we go, art cla'ss" He walked in and sat down and looked around "Guess the teacher ent here yet" he said as he relaxed in his seat. Danger was sitting pristenely in her seat going through her backpack.

8:29pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 392
(Okay, so sorry bout being gone. My history teacher is evil. I'm suffering from a touch of writers block now too so I'll take a bit to think up a good post, till then this is a free bump. ^^ Also if you need more teachers I could be the math teacher...)
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
8:31pm Apr 1 2010
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((Monchan, that'd be sweet if you would :P ))

8:36pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:38pm Apr 1 2010)
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Neo sat down next to him, he had the worst urge to draw and he finally had the chance. He picked up his sketch book and a sketching pencil and started drawing. His hand all over the paper, began to draw a mourning wolf. The wolf was looking at the stars above him, tears running down it's face. And a smaller body lay at his paws, a spirit emerging from the corpse, clawing it's way towards the moon. Neo signed the drawing at the corner of the paper and added some missing detail. he added the words "farewell my friend, I will join you soon enough in your journey to the stars" above his signature.
8:41pm Apr 1 2010
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Evan peeked over his shoulder and smiled to himself and looked at Brad as he walked in and whistled. Brad quickly looked up and around uncomfertably then went and sat next to Danger who was still going through her backpack.

8:44pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker followed behind him, he sat in front of danger and looked around. Neo closed his sketch book and placed it on the desk infront of him and sighed of relief that he got that off his chest. He glanced at Evan once and a while as he awaited the teacher's arrival.
8:47pm Apr 1 2010
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Danger looked at Parker, as did Brad and they both wondered who he was but all Danger thought was that he was kinda hot. ((lol)) Evan looked at him and smiled "I like your work" he said to him and pushed up his gla'sses again. "I guess the teacher isn't gonna be here...." Brad muttered to himself.

8:50pm Apr 1 2010
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Neo smiled, his face turning a very very pale pink "Thank you" he looked up at the ceiling, his crimson eyes regaining their cheery glow slowly. His heart felt warm instead of the bitter ice that formed when the information on his friend reached him.
8:51pm Apr 1 2010
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((FOLDING LAUNDRY. SORRY. owo And I'm too lazy to type out a deion. P: Heeey~ Do they have like..swordfighting clas-ses here, by any chance? P: Otherwise, playing with swords will just be one of my guy's hobbies. xD))
8:55pm Apr 1 2010
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((IDK I guess they could in gym XD;; lol)) Evan smiled at Neo and still looked up at the door every few minutes. He was beggining to get bored so he figured he'd try and get a rise out of the cla'ss so hebegan to sing some Jonas Brothers songs. ((Oh i love Evan...he's so fun |D))

8:59pm Apr 1 2010
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((Will post his bio in a bit. Just gotta mate these socks. C:>))
8:59pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:03pm Apr 1 2010)
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okay one more bio: Name: Amanda (She goes by Ammy)Gender: (Male/Female) Female Age: 17Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): Her family lives nearbyAppearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): She always is dressed in white clothing, She has pure white hair, she is albino aswell except her eyes are black. she wears an Okami Amaterasu jacket, when she puts the hood up it has ears and issun on the top. all the markings are correct as well. at the bottom of the jacket is a tail similar to okami's. she wears white skinny jeans and white sneakers.Personality: she never backs down from a fight and is a very outgoing, bright, and spiritual person. she also believes that there are many different gods in the world.Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: none yetFriends: Neo (she is an old friend of his)Enemies:none yetClique: NerdsNeo chuckled and listened, he Didn't mind them. He was suprised when a familiar person walked through the door and sat infront of him. "Ammy?" Parker made a "what the heck face at Evan" Ammy was late for art and she sat infront of Neo and she looked back at him. "Hello" she smiled at him, suprised he was here.
9:02pm Apr 1 2010
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((Well, I guess I better bring in Mr. Adama, Jayce, and Altair first. >W>))