9:03pm Apr 1 2010
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((I LOVE OKAMI! :'D Shiranui FTW. P: And Yami was OMGHARD. And annoying. >W>))
9:05pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:05pm Apr 1 2010)
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(lol im fighting all the previous bosses, im on ninetails not looking forward to fight blight or that spider again)
9:07pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:07pm Apr 1 2010)
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Evan smiled at Parker and stopped his singing. "What?" he asked smiling still. Danger looked at him and laughed and Brad just stared at Evan. "There is...soemthing wrong with that child" Brad finally said as he leaned towards Parker. "So...who 'er you?" Brad asked Parker. ((Neoooo that spider....YOU CAN'T KILLIT WITHOUT MEEEE 8'D))

9:08pm Apr 1 2010
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Jayce and Altair entered the room after a little bit. Jayce had a sketchbook clutched in his hands, while Altair had only brought his own stash of coloring utensils, a grin his face. Jayce sat down at the drawing station that Mr. Adama had set up and flipped his notebook open to a clean page. He picked up a pencil and started sketching an outline, drawing something purely from memory. He was going to draw his little sister, Kayla Marie, as a little angel. Mr. Adama walked in moments after Jayce and Altair, an apologetic smile on his kind face. "I'm sorry for making you all wait so long. The office needed me for something," he said before clapping his hands together. "Anyways, as you may have all noticed, I have set up different places for each of you to visit! You can sculpt with clay, draw and paint, or you use the wooden figurines to practice your poses!" he told his students. ((I love Mr. Adama. I'm basing his personality a bit off of my English teacher, Mr. Boone. Boone is fun. |D))
9:09pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:13pm Apr 1 2010)
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parker turned around in his seat, "Parker... you?" he said slowly. Neo glanced at evan and a smile formed on his face, "Ammy long time no see" Ammy smiled at him "Right? how are you, i see you havent changed since i last saw you." she punched him slightly in the shoulder "I see you're still into guys" she giggled when she saw his face turn bright red. Neo stammered "A..ammy!" he looked at her sternly
9:09pm Apr 1 2010
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((Oh mai GAWD YAMI TAKES FOREVER. He has like...four or five different forms. And you have to get the brushstrokes all over again. ... Stupid YAmi. >w>))
9:11pm Apr 1 2010
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((XDDD Brad is all like 'HATE. >O' at Jayce and Altair. xDDD Funny. x3))
9:17pm Apr 1 2010
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Brad just sat and looked at Parker for a moment "You call me Big Bad Brad, got it?" he said sternly. Danger bit her lip but couldn't help it, she bust out laughing at the name 'Big Bad Brad', she laughed quite loud and for a long time. AS she laughed Evan finally looked at her, other laughing causes him to laugh, so Evan caught the giggles and laughed too. Brad looked over at Evan "Shaddup" he grumbled to himself.

9:19pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:20pm Apr 1 2010)
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((Double post. Sorry. e.o))
9:19pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 11,785
- Name: Alexander Andrews (Alex/Al/Andy)
- Gender: Male
- Age: 18
- Reason for being send to boarding school (Behavior reasons/expultion, etc): His parent felt it would be the best way for him to develop both his basketball skills and his swordfighting skills. :D
- Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color): (NOT MINE. owo)
((Add a red shortsleeve shirt and you got his outfit. xD Oh, and he wears tennis shoes when not playing with his swords~)) - Personality: He's a lot more socially developed than BRad is, and has an easier time talking with people. Generally, he's also calmer and quieter than Brad is, unless it comes to them having a...friendly debate on whether football or basketball is better. Oh, and he loves swordfighting. And sharp objects period. |D
- Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: OPen~ Both genders, too, dude. ;D
- Friends: Brad. ouo
- Enemies: None yet. ;O
- Clique: Jock :D
((Mmm. Gotta go here really soon. D|))
9:22pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,724
((Oooooh he's cuuuute |D))

9:22pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:24pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 923
Neo and Ammy were oblivious to the laughter and stared eachother down "You gotta big mouth you know that Ammy." he snapped Ammy chuckled "I know and I use it to annoy the heck out of people." she said in a stuck up way. "It's true though. Why you so scared that someone might find out your Bi eh?" she said quite loud causing Neo to clench his fists. Neo "dammit ammy shut your mouth" he said blushing more than he ever has, hoping the whole cla.ss didn't hear her. Parker chuckled at what brad said, and finally burst into laughter because of everyone else's laughter was contagious
9:23pm Apr 1 2010
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With a soft sigh, Alex padded into the room, his wooden swordfighting sandals slung over his shoulder. "Sorry I'm late. Took longer than I thought it would to finish up," he told the teacher as he moved to sit near Brad. Mr. Adama nodded, smiling. "Try to be on time tomorrow, alright?" "Got it," Alex said, smiling a little. ((Fail intro. xD))
9:26pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:26pm Apr 1 2010)
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Danger had most of the cla'ss laughing as she continued and Brad's face turned bright red with anger and embarrasment. Brad slammed his fist on his desk causing it to make a very loud bang noise that caused Danger and Evan to stop immedietly. "That what i thought" Brad sneered at the two that stopped laughing. Brad looked up at Alex "Hey Man!" he said putting his fist up for Alex to pound it ;D.

9:27pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:28pm Apr 1 2010)
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"What's wrong with being bi?" both Jayce and Altair asked, lifting their heads at the comment. Jayce blinked, then sighed and returned to his sketch, moving his hand carefully over the page, wanting to get every detail of his sister just right. "Li'l Kay....flying with the angels..." he murmured under his breath. Alex tilted his head, watching the others curiously. "There's nothing wrong with it," he stated, leaning back in his chair. "I'll sit here and openly admit that I'm bi." Then he grinned and punded BRad's fist."Hey!" ((Let's see what reactions that gets~ AND I GOTTA GO. D|))
9:30pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:33pm Apr 1 2010)
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Neo pushed ammy's shoulder playfully "your still that firey person I met when we were little" he chuckled "Anyway did you hear 'bout our old friend Jamie?" Ammy giggled "I know... No I didn't what happened" her face twisting into a worried ex pression. Neo "He pa.ssed away this morning...he died from cancer." He said choking on the words. Ammy became quiet as she looked down at the floor, she looked back up into Neo's eyes, tears escaping her eyes. she quickly became silent, and felt like as small as a poncle. Parker jumped and stopped laughing.
9:35pm Apr 1 2010
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Evan raised his hand and gave his same old smile "I'm bi." Brad just sat there and left his fist in the air, so many guys that like guys...he was freaked out but it but he wasn't about to say anything. Danger looked around "Well there's nothing wrong with being bi..." she said trying to make herself not seem like a suspect of being bi, though she was, but in the closet about it. Danger then looked at Parker who Brad was still eyeing. "What about you, kid?" Brad asked to Parker.

9:39pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:42pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 923
Parker grunted "there is nothing wrong with bi people... but im not bi or gay. im straight." Neo blushed when evan admitted it "I don't have a problem with being bi Its just i've been mocked because people found out i was" Ammy grinned, and dried her face from the tears, "t...told y...you there was n...nothing to be af...fraid of" her voice was shaky. (im saving the bosses for you. I think you might like some of them. Orochi is fun to fight. it has eight heads that each have different elements. and you gotta make some of the heads drunk, its fun)
9:46pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,724
Brad looked at Parker for a minute, just stared into his eyes "You look gay..." he smirked to himself and Danger bust out laughing. "He kinda does!" she said, laughing. Evan grabbed a big piece of paper and doodled a picture of a demonic looking pitbull and showed it to Neo. "Look it's Brad" he said quietly enough that Brad couldn't hear and giggled.

9:52pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo giggled and looked at brad then at the picture "It looks like him" he said in a quiet voie that only evan could hear. Ammy giggled at what brad said. Parkers face turned into a rage face, "I am not gay. or bi." he snapped