9:58pm Apr 1 2010
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Brad looked at him and snickered "Well listen, kid...i know it's hard for you to admit it...but it's ok...we'll still accept you then." he teased as Danger lost control of herself, laughing. Evan then drew the same pitbull with an akita with his hair and his gla'sses. "Best. Couple. Ever." He said proudly and looked over at Brad who actually had a really cute laughing face.

10:04pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 923
Neo looked away and fixed his eyes on Ammy again "you getting a kick out of what you started?" he sighed Ammy stopped giggling "Yes actually... you okay? you look a little down...is jamie's death getting to you again?" She said as she put her hand on his shoulder. Neo shrugged away "listen I don't need sympathy." he lied his head in his arms that where crossed on the desk and sighed again. Parkers face turned red with anger "Im. not. gay."
10:04pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 10:08pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 923
10:09pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 10:09pm Apr 1 2010)
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Brad looked at Danger who was still laughing at Parker, he grinned to himself. Evan looked at them for a moment and went back to doodling pictures. Danger finally calmed down and wiped her eyes after laughing so hard and she looked at Parker who was getting madder and madder. "I'm...sorry..." she said guiltfully as she looked down. ((How late can you stay up D; ?))

10:18pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 923
(Dunno, late) Neo picked up his sketch pad and started drawing A chibi Ammy, He smiled at the finished chibi doodle. he then began to draw himself sitting next to her, then he drew Jamie sitting on the other side of her, all of them were smiling, He was messing up her hair and Jamie was poking her and she had a >:c face Parker scoffed and turned around. Ammy smiled "whatcha drawing there?" she peeked at his drawing and smiled, "you two always loved to annoy me." she giggled.
10:23pm Apr 1 2010
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Danger looked up at him with a rather annoyed face "Jeeze...i said i was sorry...snippy much?" she said to harself but loud enough for him to hear. Brad glared at Parker "What's your issue dude? Just because you don't want to admit you're gay? Jeeze" Brad snorted. Evan just continued doodling pictures, rarely looking up.

10:27pm Apr 1 2010
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Parker rolled his eyes and kept silent Neo smiled up at her and messed up her hair "I still do" he chuckled Ammy swatted his arm away " 'ey knock it off." she took a water bottle from her backpack "I can make that mohawk disappear. wanna see?!" she grinned. Neo scooted his chair back "No thank you ammy, I like it the way it is."
10:33pm Apr 1 2010
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Evan just sat and listened to them talk and roughhouse and whatnot. He smiled to himself, they entertained him. Brad leaned in towards Parker again "Hey, jerk-off" he snapped "Answear me when I ask you a question." Danger looked up at Brad and put her hand on his shoulder. "Brad....stop picking fights...leave this kid alone...he seems...mean.." she whined to him, frightened he might fight Parker there and then.

10:41pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker snorted and turned around "is it time for another roidrage episode you big headed ape" he spat Neo smiled at Ammy "Nice jacket... screw up the mohawk, i put paint on the jacket" he smirked grabbing a jar of pink oil color paint "this paint wont ever come off either" Ammer snapped "you wouldn't..." she scooted away from him. Neo grinned "Ohhh i would. want me to demonstrate?" he twisted the cap off. Ammy "No! no im good" she put the water bottle back in her backpack and rested her back against the desk and watched Evan draw, occasionally looking at Neo who was watching evan out of the corner of his eye. she chuckled at him which made him blush and snap at her "Don't start." Ammy rolled her eyes and continued watching Evan draw.
10:45pm Apr 1 2010
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Evan looked up slowly and awkwardly and saw them both looking at him. "Uhmm...can i help you guys?" he giggled and smiled at them, brushing his hair out of his face but it just went back to his face. Brad stood up and towered over Parker. "What was that?" he snarled. Danger stood up and grabbed his arm. "Brad...just ignore him" she tried to calm him down but he just jerked his arm away from her violently.

10:48pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker stood up and spat " I didn't stammer" Neo blushed and looked over at the two standing up Ammy smiled "i like your drawings" (brb)
10:56pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 10:56pm Apr 1 2010)
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Evan looked at her and smiled "Thanks." he said and looked over at Brad and Parker. "ooh..." he said looking at Brad mainly. Brad was breathing heavily as he raised his fist, ready to punch Parker square in the nose. Danger saw and rushed to hook his arms behind his back to the best of her ability. Brad flailed and flailed, Danger could barely keep ahold of him but she tried to stop a fight from breaking out. "Brad....stop it!" she told him, struggling. Brad, in his fit of rage, flipped her over on to a desk and it broke under her. ((LOL that part with Brad...sound fermilliar XD? ))

11:37pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker gasped as danger was flipped, he rushed past raidrage kid and helped up danger, "You okay?!" he said. Neo glanced over at evan and back at brad and snarled "good for nothing jocks" he had enough of the fighting and walked out of cl*censored* Ammy followed stunned. Ammy rushed after him "Neo! why are you acting so funny?" Neo whipped around "just leave me alone." he snapped and walked off leaving Ammy in his wake. Ammy sighed and looked at her feet believing she lost both of her childhood friends. "I have nobody anymore, mother and father left me to be adopted by the most vile people... Jamie is dead, and dear neo hates me" She walked back into cl*censored* and sat in her chair and buried her face in her arms, laying her upper torso on the desk. A few sobs escaped her.
11:44pm Apr 1 2010
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Danger stood up and shook it off, she brushed off her clothes and actually laughed a bit. "That was fun, Bradley!" she smiled at him ignorantly as she sat bad in her desk. Brad looked at her for a minute, she was fine, not hurt at all, so he just stood there shocked that she wasn't harmed but thankful at the same time. Evan wached Neo walk out and Ammy go back to doing her thing and he just went back to drawing, smiling his same old smile.

11:52pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker stood there stunned Neo snuck around prefects to a secluded area where he sat in the shade. the gr*censored* tickling the palms of his hand. He sighed, and looked around. It was good to be alone, away from all the drama. Ammy wiped her burning eyes, her face was streaked with tears and repeated "I have nobody" she rested her cheek on her hand and stared at the picture neo drew, "I miss the days where we lived in sweet ignorance" she sighed to herself, remembering the playdates with her childhood companions. a tear dropped onto the paper, creating a wet blotch on the paper.
11:54pm Apr 1 2010
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Evan sat and listened to her, still drawing but he simply listened to what she had to say whether she was speaking to him or not. Danger looked up at Parker with a blank look on his face. "What?" she asked curiously. Brad noticed Parker wasn't paying attention, he found his oppurtunity and clenched his fists, ready to punch at any time.

12:04am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker looked at brad "Lets go pretty boy" he clenched his fists prepared to fight. Ammy sighed to herself and looked up and Neo walked back in she turned away from him. Neo kneeled next to her. "Im sorry, I had no right to do that" he looked into her black eyes "I shouldn't have snapped at you, it's just... today is not a good day for me... im sorry" and said. Ammy wrapped her arms around him, "apology accepted" she grinned devilishly and licked the side of his face. she giggled and pulled away waiting for a reaction Neo "What the- thats disgusting ammy!" he wiped the side of his face trying to get rid of the saliva. "yuck. don't do that" he laughed and sat next to her.
12:10am Apr 2 2010
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Evan wiggled his hand at them signaling to be quiet as he watched the two guys call each other out. "Shhhhh guys, Brad's about to get his game on." he smiled. Brad heard him and became immedietey distracted, he looked over at Evan. "What the...why'd you say that all like...gay and...wait...he's...like...EWWWWW!" Brad yelled and ran out of the room "A gay guy has the hots for me EWEWEWWWW!" he kept yelling. Evan smiled and watched him run out of the room. "So it took him this long to figger it out, eh?" he chuckled. Danger just looked at Parker for some reason, just stared...slightly blushing 8O.

12:19am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 923
Parker couldn't help but laugh. Neo watched brad run out "Stupid jock" he spat and turned away. Ammy was suprised at the hostility in his voice "You sure hate that jock don't you" she asked him Neo looked at her "I do." he snorted and turned to his sketch book and began sketching Ammy rolled her eyes and sighed "Why?" Neo froze and spoke with a hatred toned voice "he is a jerk... and some other reason id rather not speak of..." he went back to drawing
12:23am Apr 2 2010
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Evan looked up at Neo "But...he's soooo hot" evan giggled and you could hear Brad from down the hall screaming louder when Evan said those words. Danger checked out the new kid, Parker, and then looked at the clock, thay still had while in art so she got comfy and layed her head down on her desk and went back to looking at Parker. 'Finally' she thought to herself 'a guy with a sense of style and decentcy.' she smiled at the thought.
