12:52pm Jun 29 2010
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(( I didnt...*epic fail* ))
1:46pm Jun 29 2010
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((Lol, he is the only young Air Bender. The tattoos are a sign of mastering the element, and no other kid but Aang has them, because Aang excelled in it, due to being the Avatar - By the series' beginning Aang is already an Airbending master, the youngest in history. Aang achieved his mastery tattoos when he mastered 35 of the 36 tiers of Airbending and invented a new Airbending move, the Air Scooter. Because Air is his natural element, it is the one he utilizes the most in battle. Once Aang begins to learn the other elements, for tactical purposes he relies less on Airbending though it continues to remain his signature element. As a master Aang's skill with Airbending is exceptional, being able to fight on-par with powerful masters or against large numbers of opponents. He has been shown to create tornadoes and currents of air strong enough to lift or deflect extremely heavy objects. Aang's skill with air is great, even perilous, though his pacifistic Air Nomad nature halts the use of air as a deadly weapon (unless he is enraged or in the Avatar State). Instead, Aang uses Airbending for pure defense, evasion or other round-about methods of combat other than aggression. When not in battle Aang uses Airbending in his everyday life, often for flying with his tle="Glider" cl*censored*="mw-redirect">glider. While in the Avatar State, Aang's Airbending power is magnified to the point he can erode pure rock away with a powerful gust of air. http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Aang#Airbending ))

1:56pm Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((dude i just got learned))
2:12pm Jun 29 2010
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4:55pm Jun 29 2010
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Doe-Doe arrived home with Tobalt within 13 minutes.
She hopped off and left Tobalt under a thick shady tree.
"Mom!"she called out walking twards the house.
It was oddly quiet in the yard.
"Mom, Im home."she called out.
A few seconds after she called out a man in red and dark clothing stepped out the front door.
Doe-Doe gasped.
"T-the fire nation!"she breathed as she stepped back.
He walked twards her followed by two other fire nation warriors.
The one in the front unrolled a scroll and read aloud, "By the order of the Fire Nation king..."
As he was reading Doe-Doe saw her mom and all 6 of her sisters with being moved into a black steel wagon. Doe-Doe frowned angryly.
"Where are you taking my family?"she asked
He explained that they were being volunteered to work for the fire nation. She didnt like that idea.
She tried her best to fight back and free her family, but since she was out numbered she had to escape underground with Tobalt.
5:56pm Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Chance, she does not have tatoos that were painted on her, she was born with them and plus, anybody who makes their own move and masters the element gets the tatoos.))
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8:06pm Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Feyth, it doesn't work that way. Aang's the only child to master the element, which is why he has the tattoos.))
9:27pm Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((well why cant she have the markings. I understand if you said no black markings but i think she could have them))
7:05am Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I had them in the otehr rp and there was no problem and by the way, she is 14, not a child.))
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8:46am Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Lol fourteen is a child. I'm fourteen I still consider myself a kid. But anyways just let her have the markings. It doesn't have to be like exactly correct it's not like anybody really cares if it's proper or not.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:05pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((I'm not saying she can't have the markings, I'm just informing. 14 is a child, the law says so xD :p 18 and over is non-child. Plus, your bio says she's 112, like Aang.))
8:05pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((so no laws are broken! No reason to ob ject to the arrows))
10:12pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((well. . .now that that is all behind us lets continue to RP))
10:37pm Jun 30 2010
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10:42pm Jun 30 2010
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((Alright, someone come find me xD))
10:46pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((I rmailed krill and Tld, they play Katara and Sokka))
10:47pm Jun 30 2010
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((who's Sokka and his annoying sister))
10:49pm Jun 30 2010
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((I just said, Tld and krill))
10:53pm Jun 30 2010
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((im sorry my post are lagging D: ))
6:43am Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I meant 114. Oops.)) Dusk sighed and stared unseeing up at the stars. She fingered the black necklace around her neck and then let her hand fall to Feyth, her sky bison. "Do you think I am the last one?" She glanced blankly at at her. The sky bison let out a puff of air that twisted around her head, "Yes, you're right, no one else could have survived.... but still. Monk gyatso, he was the only other one to accept me. The one besides the guru who wasn't even an airbender." She rubbed Feyth's belly absentmindedly as she had a flashback to her short 4 years at the Southern Airbendng temple. "Dusk, you seem worried, is something on your mind?" Monk Gyatso glanced over at his young pupil. "You haven't eaten anything for the past 5 minutes." He laughed fulheartedly and his glance turned away. "Granddaddy, I'm tired and where are mommy and daddy." The four year old Dusk was saying. "I can't pracice airbending right now, I am worried about if they are okay." Dusk glanced blindly at him, "What if they never come back." Tears welled up at the edges of her eyes and she cried.... Dusk sighed, it would never be like that again, she didn't think Grandpa was a bad man, but he hadn't said anything, not a word, when she was banished from all four airbending tribes...
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