1:48pm Jul 21 2010
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((We will just post intros then and wait for you))
1:56pm Jul 21 2010
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9:06pm Jul 21 2010
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9:17pm Jul 21 2010
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((I'm here!))
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9:18pm Jul 21 2010
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((yay! we can start now. I call not starting!))
9:20pm Jul 21 2010
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((I will just hold on. I have an intro in mind.))
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9:24pm Jul 21 2010
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Dusk sighed and absentmindedly rubbed the sharp fins on her arms. She felt the vibrations in the water as her raiser, a shark named Kula'i, circled her. Dusk reached out to touch her 'mother'. "Clic-skit-site-litks" (Mom, what are you doing?) Dusk made a series of sharp clacks, shark language. The shark stopped circling and gazed up at her. The blind chilld stared straight at the great white. "Gilit Klick Dilsak" (I*m watching for predetors.) Dusk laughed. "Vilt Gosn Clickd-skite" (You're the greatest predetor, who could beat you.) A warm feeling flooded Dusk's senses and made hjer smile. This was where she belonged, not with her birth parents. The sea was her home...
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8:34am Jul 22 2010
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Charlie got down on his hands and knees, croutching like a lion. The tall gra.ss was hiding him from sight along with his sister and two brothers. One of the brothers had a dark brown pelt while the other had a hazel one. The sister had a very light one that almost looked white in the sunlight. Unlike them, however, Charlie was part human when they were all lion. Charlie noticed a difference but he never said anything. If it really mattered then his feline parents would have said something. Nearby there was a heard of antelope grazing. They were paranoid little things, those antelopes, always looking for others that will kill them. Well, they had good reasons to be paranoid. The four siblings looked at eachother, signaling it was time. They launched themselves out of the gra.ss and chased the antelope. By this time the small mammals were hopping away, hoping that they could spare their lives. There was a small one in the back, walking on three legs due to injury. The siblings automatically knew that was their target and sprinted over to it. They two brothers jumped onto it's back while the sister and Charlie weighed it down. Soon the baby antelope was pinned down. The four creatures killed their prey and digged in. They growled while they ate their kill so that no other animal would steal the meat from them until after they were done.
9:59am Jul 22 2010
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When Akila was done eating she went to a lake to drink some water. She gulped some down. Then she layed in the shade. She looked at her mom and dad, who were looking at her brother, Charlie. Akila yawned.
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10:06am Jul 22 2010
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Charlie could feel his parents staring at him from behind. It felt like their eyes were drilling holes into his back. He wondered why they often stared at him like that, like he was different. They would never stare at his siblings like that, just him. He sighed to himself, some things will never change. Charlie wondered why he was the only one that looked human. He didn't feel human, and he didn't have the same characteristics of humans. Humans are an unbalanced and unskilled race while Charlie is not. Yet he didn't feel like he was a lion, he felt somewhere in between.
10:10am Jul 22 2010
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She knew the great white wasn't her real mother, but her birth parents had left her in the sea and this was what had come out of it. The shark, Kula'i, raised her head to stare at Dusk. Her great blue eyes grew wide as she saw what Dusk was doing. "Qii!" (NO!) She screached and tried to grab Dusk. "Hilk Turnit Wordg Sols." (I want to see the world, I will be back someday.) She smiled at the irony of those words, she wouldn't be able to see anything, but she wanted to know what it was like. She swam to the mainland and trotted into the jungle, making sure to wet her neck every time her gills got too dry. She smiled, this was her adventure and nobody elses...
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10:17am Jul 22 2010
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Akila padded over to Shane. "Why are Mom and Dad staring at Charlie?"She asked. Shane just shrugged. Akila padded over to Charlie. "Don't mind Mom and Dad staring at you. I don't know why they are though."She said.
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10:20am Jul 22 2010
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"It's because I'm different, isn't it?" Charlie said without looking at his sister. "They never did act as if I was their son, they always treated me like a weak and fragile human!" He roared as loud as he could, trying to clear his mind.
10:23am Jul 22 2010
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Dusk neared a wide learing in the jungle, it was more like the savvahnea than a jungle though. She heard yelling and hid behind a tree, there was no water to be found and she got breathe. She wasn't going to die, she told herself, she had just started. She scrambled to her feet and callapsed as she neared the sounds of the yelling. She gasped for air hoping they could help her as she blacked out... ((Charlie is the yelling person.))
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10:27am Jul 22 2010
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Akila saw something fsll.She ran to it. "Charlie! Shane!"She called.
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10:28am Jul 22 2010
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"What is that thing?" Charlie asked his siblings. It didn't look like a shark, yet it didn't look fully human. It was like Charlie not fully one species, but a mixture of two. Charlie could sense it's need for water so he picked it up and carried it to a nearby stream. He carfully placed it into the water.
10:32am Jul 22 2010
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Dusk gulped down the water and pressed her wet hand to her heart. She realized that she was completely naked. She hid below the water and grabbed seaweed. She must have been down there for 18 minutes, but when she came back up, she was fully clothed. Her other clothes having wached off when she was in the stream. She heaved a sighed and bowed slightly She stared up at them through sightless purple eyes. "Thank you." she breathed...
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10:37am Jul 22 2010
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10:58am Jul 22 2010
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"Who are you?"Akila asked the girl.
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11:00am Jul 22 2010
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"Dusk." Dusk smiledat the boy and thoguht she was staring at the girl. Hey, every blind person makes mistakes...
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