6:08pm Aug 5 2010
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6:09pm Aug 5 2010
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ooc: out of Character
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6:12pm Aug 5 2010
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((OoC is Out of Character It shoes that you're not posting as your character for the roleplay. You can use it like Feyth showed, just posting OoC: and then typing, or I use the double-parenthesis. there are lots of other ways to do it, too, so look around. ;D Also, have you ever read or roleplayed Warriors? It has a few requirements that you didn't quite meet.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:15pm Aug 5 2010 (last edited on 6:16pm Aug 5 2010)
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Posts: 138
((lola: No, I havent, but I want to make friends and have fun here. If I made errors, I will correct them it you can point them out.))
6:20pm Aug 5 2010
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(The name would be something like LeafSTAR or WrenSTAR. Some sort of name that cat's would know about.))
 <-- Click me
6:22pm Aug 5 2010 (last edited on 11:58am Aug 7 2010)
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Name: Ravenpaw
Warrior Name: Ravenfoot
Gender: Male Age: 11 moons
Personality: He is notas mysterious as Dusk, but neither is he as bubbly as Lifewing. He is somewhere in between the two of them. At times he can be quiet, listening to every word his mentor says. At other times, he can be a rambunctious little cat that does thngs on his own. The only thing he never jokes about, is battle. He is always serious in battle because he knows that its always a life or death situation. His fiery personality would make him a warrior in no time if it wasn't for his playful ways.
History (Kits optional): {Their past. Optional for kits, otherwise at least five sentences.}
Clan: Moonclan
Ranking: Med. Cat apprentice
Mate/Crush:Might have one...
Family: Flowerheart (NPC), Waveclaw (Deceased), Riverkit (Deceased) Weaknesses/Flaws:{three} Strengths/Talents: {Three.}
Likes: {Three.}
Dislikes: {Three.}
Looks: {Preferable a deion, but if you absolutely have to put a picute, ask before doing so, and make sure that it doesn't stretch the page!}
Other: {Anything else?} Rest is coming after I fold clothes -_-'
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6:22pm Aug 5 2010
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Name: Rhen <-- Since Rhen isn't a real word, it needs to be changed. Warriors have names related to nature and the things around them. For instance, you could replaces "Wren" with "Wren." Warrior name: None <-- All warriors have Warrior names. They always have a two part name, the beginning always staying the same whiel the end part chaning. The end part begins as "kit" when they are kittens--just known as kits to Warriors (Examples: Wrenkit.). The second, when they are an apprentice, or in training, the end is "paw" (Example: Wrenpaw.). Third, and usually last, is their Warrior name. It is given by the Clan leader, andis their permanent name. It usually has to do with nature as well, but somtimes it is a bady part--fpr lack of a better word (Examples: Wrentail,Wrenclaw, or Wrenfur. Or Wrenbreeze, if the lastpart is nature-related. Get creative!). Gender: Female Age: 24 moons <-- A moon is about a month, just in case you didn't knoiw. Personality: If you need something or anything, she can't resist helping. She tries to be friends with everyone, and is slow to fall in love. She is very brave and kind, but when thretaned will never back down. I have strong beliefs and am stone when it comes to them. Territorial, upspoken, clever, cunning, and beautiful in both mind and body. She makes an amazing friend and is a born leader. <--Be sure to stay in one point of view--third person, plesae-- when writing a personality. Also, all Clans have a religion: StarClan. It is where you go after you die, and where the warriors' ancestors reside. Medicine Cats and Medicine Cat Apprentices cat sometimes talk to them, or recive prophecies. History: I do not know who my parents are, if I have any siblings, where I'm from or why I am, and has a very secrete past full of love, lies, hate, dispair, hope, betrayal, and other unspoken themes. I will not discuss further, but joined NightClan at 7 moons. <-- At least five sentences. Clan: NightClan Ranking: Leader(?) Mate/Crush: None yet Family: Unknown Weakness/Flaws: Easily offended, territorial, too quick of friend, has a nick taken out of one ear, overly long body. Stregnths:Coat blends with surroundings well (tortiseshell), high sense of hearing and smelling. Likes: Quiet, crisp air, starlings Dislikes: Loud, wind, dark, fire, religion Looks: Longhaired tortiseshell with white patch on rump, silver eyes, long body <-- More deion, please! Other: No ((Sorry to ramble. <3 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:23pm Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 138
((Feyth: So my name would have to be RhenStar or something symmalyr?
6:23pm Aug 5 2010
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((And no problem. :) I didn't mean to snap.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:24pm Aug 5 2010
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((It would have to be more like Wrenstar because cat's don't have names like Rhen unless they were kittypets.))
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6:26pm Aug 5 2010
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((They are nature-oriented names. Kittypets are housecats, so she could have that name if she was one of those--but they don';t really have contact with Clan cats.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:26pm Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 138
((lola: I'm sorry, I should probally go somewhere else sience I know none of the rules. If you want me to go, I'll delete everything I wrote and put a single . instead, Ok?))
6:29pm Aug 5 2010
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((No! You're toally welcome to stayt. I know it can get really confusing. ;D <3 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:30pm Aug 5 2010
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((Alright, then I'll try to edit my self.))
6:36pm Aug 5 2010
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((Lola, post on the creatu!!))
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6:37pm Aug 5 2010
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((Feyth: We should wait for Nightmare. ;D <3 ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
6:38pm Aug 5 2010
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((I is impatient.))
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6:39pm Aug 5 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm Aug 5 2010)
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Name: Wrenstar Warrior Name: Gender: Female Age: 10 moons Personality: If you need something or anything, she can't resist helping. She tries to be friends with everyone, and is slow to fall in love. She is very brave and kind, but when thretaned will never back down. She has strong beliefs and is stone when it comes to them. Territorial, upspoken, clever, cunning, and beautiful in both mind and body, She makes an amazing friend and is a born leader. History: I do not know who my parents are, if I have any siblings, where I'm from or why I am, and has a very secrete past full of love, lies, hate, dispair, hope, betrayal, and other unspoken themes. I joined NightClan at 7 moons, and was cared for by the Medicine Cat, Fernpaw. She raised me before dyeing of old age. Other than that I will only say one thing: times were hard. What matters to me is now. Clan: NightClan Ranking: Leader Mate/Crush: Wildfire Family: Unknown Weakness/Flaws: Easily offended, territorial, too quick of friend, has a nick taken out of one ear, overly long body. Stregnths:Coat blends with surroundings well (tortiseshell), high sense of hearing and smelling. Likes: Quiet, crisp air, starlings Dislikes: Loud, wind, dark, fire Looks: Long and beautiful, flaunting a smooth, tight tortiseshell coat with a white patch on my rump. I have tufts on my ears and am long haired. I have sharp claws and dagger-like teeth. Beautiful in all ways. Other: No Name: Wildfire Warrior Name: Wildgr*censored* Gender: Male Age: 11 moons Personality: Wary and sometimes withdrawn, but typically very kind and gentle. He wants a family and is quite lonely at times but dosen't show it. Never territorial and always willing to share, he is very sweet. He is never irrational and is good at comprimising. He is only aggresive if absolutly nessicairy and is a wonder keeper of Clan peace. History: His father, Clockfern, died before he was born of unknown causes and he had no siblings. His mother, Windsong, died when he was born and he was raised by himself. He joined NightClan at only 2 moons and has been a trustworthy member sience. He has never been attacked by the MoonClan and holds nothing aganst them. He lived a hard life. Clan: NightClan Rank: Warrior Crush/Mate: Wrenstar Family: Mother-Windsong(deciesed), father- Clockfern(deciesed) Weakness/Flaws: His past, a bright coat, sense of scent poor Strengths: Muscular, open minded, peaceful Likes: His girlfriend, fire, light Dislikes: Loud noises, fighting, wind Looks: Longhaired silver tabby with normal to long body, big cat, muscular, sleek, stunning green eyes, beautiful colors, black spot over eye Other: No

6:41pm Aug 5 2010
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((It would be Wrenfire now. They only have one warrior name. If they are leader, it has to be Wrenstar.))
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6:42pm Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 138
((Thanks Feyth, I'll fix it.))