7:12pm Aug 5 2010
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((Can there be multiple of those?))
7:18pm Aug 5 2010
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((No. The only ones that there are multiples of are the warriors (They're more of the general population--what most cats grow up to be), apprentices (warriors in training, with the exclusion of the Medicine cat apprentice, who trains only with the medicine cat), queens (pregnant females), kits (the kittens), and the elders (retired cats). The Medicine Cat and the Medicine Cat Apprentice are one-cat-only duties as well, being the healer and the healer-in-training.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:33pm Aug 5 2010
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((On my charecters can I add small pics?))
7:38pm Aug 5 2010
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7:39pm Aug 5 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Aug 5 2010)
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Posts: 138
((Done. Check it out!)) Name: Wrenstar Warrior Name: Gender: Female Age: 10 moons Personality: If you need something or anything, she can't resist helping. She tries to be friends with everyone, and is slow to fall in love. She is very brave and kind, but when thretaned will never back down. She has strong beliefs and is stone when it comes to them. Territorial, upspoken, clever, cunning, and beautiful in both mind and body, She makes an amazing friend and is a born leader. History: I do not know who my parents are, if I have any siblings, where I'm from or why I am, and has a very secrete past full of love, lies, hate, dispair, hope, betrayal, and other unspoken themes. I joined NightClan at 7 moons, and was cared for by the Medicine Cat, Fernpaw. She raised me before dyeing of old age. Other than that I will only say one thing: times were hard. What matters to me is now. Clan: NightClan Ranking: Leader Mate/Crush: Wildfire Family: Unknown Weakness/Flaws: Easily offended, territorial, too quick of friend, has a nick taken out of one ear, overly long body. Stregnths:Coat blends with surroundings well (tortiseshell), high sense of hearing and smelling. Likes: Quiet, crisp air, starlings Dislikes: Loud, wind, dark, Looks: Long and beautiful, flaunting a smooth, tight tortiseshell coat with a white patch on my rump. I have tufts on my ears and am long haired. I have sharp claws and dagger-like teeth. Beautiful in all ways. Other: 
Name: Wildfire Warrior Name: Wildgr*censored* Gender: Male Age: 11 moons Personality: Wary and sometimes withdrawn, but typically very kind and gentle. He wants a family and is quite lonely at times but dosen't show it. Never territorial and always willing to share, he is very sweet. He is never irrational and is good at comprimising. He is only aggresive if absolutly nessicairy and is a wonderful keeper of Clan peace. History: His father, Clockfern, died before he was born of unknown causes and he had no siblings. His mother, Windsong, died when he was born and he was raised by himself. He joined NightClan at only 2 moons and has been a trustworthy member sience. He has never been attacked by the MoonClan and holds nothing aganst them. He lived a hard life. Clan: NightClan Rank: Warrior Crush/Mate: Wrenstar Family: Mother-Windsong(deciesed), father- Clockfern(deciesed) Weakness/Flaws: His past, a bright coat, sense of scent poor Strengths: Muscular, open minded, peaceful Likes: His girlfriend, fire, light Dislikes: Loud noises, fighting, wind Looks: Longhaired silver tabby with normal to long body, big cat, muscular, sleek, stunning green eyes, beautiful colors, black spot over eye Other: 

7:57pm Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 138
((Is anybody on?))
11:03am Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 4:02pm Aug 7 2010)
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Name: Shadepaw Warrior Name: Shadebite Gender: Male Age: Seven Moons Personality: Shadepaw is arrogant and hard-headed. He believes that he should be listened to most of the time, even though he is still an apprentice. Obedience is not something that Shadepaw likes. The young apprentice would rather be wild and unruly than follow any orders. Rules are unfortunate things, Shadepaw claims and refuses to be pinned down by them. Eventually Shadepaw might be tamed, but it might take a while. History (Kits optional): Shadepaw was never truely a part of MoonClan. He was found, squeaking pitifully next to his parents dead bodies during leaf-bare. Shadepaw's parents had not been prepared for the harsh cold and didn't survive. Shadepaw was taken into the Clan after careful consideration. He was not that liked in the Clan even though he needed a place to live and grow up in.
Clan: MoonClan Ranking: Apprentice Mate/Crush: Open Family: His mother Jackal (deceased) and his father Rune (deceased) Weaknesses/Flaws: Shadepaw is reckless, he does not work well with other cats, and he is clumsy. Strengths/Talents: Shadepaw is determined to fight for his Clan, he can be quite reliable if you can get through to him, and he has strong paws.
Likes: Himself, Life, Battles
Dislikes: Rules, Those who annoy him, Silence
Looks: Shadepaw is a small long-furred dark gray tom with a black tipped tail. His eyes are a very pale green color that is quite haunting when you look at them. Shadepaw's chest is struck with a splash of white. Four tiny scars are on his left ear and are an angry red color since they were made recently. Shadepaw's claws are curved and look almost like thorns.
Other: Nothing
11:40am Aug 6 2010
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((Thanks Wolf. ^o^ ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
1:53pm Aug 6 2010
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((Bump. We need more MoonClan cats. <3 ))
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9:39pm Aug 6 2010
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9:40pm Aug 6 2010
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((Feyth will make another Moonclan cat, she says. This is her sister because Feyth fell off her back and stopped her fall with her fingers.))
 <-- Click me
11:01pm Aug 6 2010
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((AWw, Feyth! Tell her I say I'm sorry she got hurt. D: Thank you for posting for her, though. ;D ))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
4:32am Aug 7 2010
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Name: Rainstar Warrior Name: None
Gender: She-cat
Age: 32 moons Personality: Rainstar was once mischievous and was one of the biggest pranksters in the Clan, until she became leader. Having the role made her serious, but of course, is a very jovial and social cat. Anyone could go up to her and start crying- she would listen with an attentive ear, and would kill herself in the place of a Clan member. But of course, with all these, comes a bad part. Who would forget her notorious bad temper when she's angry? History: Rainstar was an adopted kit and had thought that her world was just going to crash. That was until she was rescued by a Clan cat, raised up by her, and when her foster mother died, she decided that even if nobody was there for her anymore, she would be there for somebody else. No kit, apprentice or warrior would be left out in her Clan. Clan: Moonclan
Ranking: Leader
Mate/Crush: none Family: Soulpaw (kit, but doesn't know) Weaknesses/Flaws: Bad temper, rather skinny, accident-prone Strengths/Talents: runs fast, sociable, delighted at most times Likes: Peace, friendship, respect
Dislikes: War, broken promises, hate
Looks: White with silver socks Other: None Name: Soulpaw Warrior Name: Soulfeather
Gender: she-cat
Age: 12 moons Personality: Soulpaw is one of the cats in the clan that would always stay beside you , even when you are a killer, and try to make you become a better cat. She's rather quiet, a cat who doesn't yowl in anger. Do not take advantage of her, though, for Rainstar is very protective of her, and if you even dare hurt Soulpaw, get ready to get raked in the face. History: She is Rainstar's kit, but both do not know of their kinship. She grew up believing shewas an orphan, and yearns to have motherly love. She looks up to Rainstar, for she had thought that she, as an orphan, was nursed by her. Clan: MoonClan Ranking: Apprentice Mate/Crush: none yet Family:Rainstar Weaknesses/Flaws: Quiet, weak, easily bullied Strengths/Talents: Loyal, respectful, enthusiastic Likes: Daydreaming, playing with friends, taking care of others Dislikes: War, hate between two cats, shattered peace Looks: White with silver socks

4:35am Aug 7 2010
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ooc : LaCortori: Why does Wildfire have two warrior names? o_o
10:12am Aug 7 2010
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((Twintkitty: Please read the rules. ;| ))
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11:03am Aug 7 2010
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(I gave my sis half of my pie for doing that and I am busy making the rest of Raven's cat.))
 <-- Click me
4:01pm Aug 7 2010
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Name: Flintkit Warrior Name: Flintsight Gender: Male Age: Four Moons Personality: Flintkit is quiet and seems to be serious for a kit. Sure, he can play but he prefers to be left alone to sulk in the shadows. Flintkit seems to have a hate for any fighting even play-fighting and likes to avoid them, though eventually he'll have to stop doing so. Flintkit does have a fiery temper though that he tries to keep under his control which makes him want to keep away from everyone else even more. The world is a sad place for Flintkit and he wants to be left alone.
History (Kits optional): Flintkit was never at peace. His mother Whisperflight died giving birth to him and his father Lionrage was killed also. Flintkit was left without his real mother and without a father. Sure, he loved his adopted mother, but he wanted to see his real one which he never would. Flintkit could only rely on what he was told to picture his mother. So Flintkit let himself be separated from the other kits, barely speaking.
Clan: MoonClan
Ranking: Kit
Mate/Crush: Open
Family: Whisperflight (deceased mother), Lionrage (deceased father), Copperkit (deceased brother), Duskkit (deceased brother), Tearkit (deceased sister)
Weaknesses/Flaws: Flintkit wants to do everything by himself, can't hear as well as some other cats, and can't take watching fights. Strengths/Talents: Flintkit is quiet, has good eyesight though not extraordinary, and is quite serious.
Likes: Peace, Silent Places, Shadows
Dislikes: Battles, Not Having His Real Parents, Loud Noises
Looks: Flintkit is a broad-shouldered tom with a short pale gray tabby coat that makes him resemble his mother. The young kit's eyes are a dark amber that looks hard and serious. The eyes look strange on Flintkit's small kit face. Flintkit's claw are small and curved, though they will grow in time. His tail is fluffier than the rest of him and long.
Other: Nothing
10:18am Aug 8 2010
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 <-- Click me
7:30pm Aug 8 2010
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((Accepted, Wolf.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:37pm Aug 8 2010
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((May I join as Medicine Cat of Moonclan and a few warriors?))