12:35am Aug 10 2010
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The being lifted her head proudly at the mother, gazing at the powerful woman with anger in her eyes. 'Perhaps this is your land,' she stated calmly, 'but man has defiled it and so I must destroy the sinner...and all trace of him.'
The young girl sighed and closed the inlaid ivory box with a small snap of the clasp. 'I am Niamh, The Avenger, bringing of divine retribution. This man wished ill on the land, and I must protect the nature and all it holds from his goal. And this storm was not a mere show of strength, the land has been thirsting for water, for rain, and I gave it. Still your anger Danu, the sun begins its healing even now. The felled trees will soon be whole, their branches forever reaching the sky.' The snake, her trusted companion, hissed and coiled, black scales shimmering with each sinuous movement of its powerful body. Naimh silently stroked him, letting her pale hand glide like water over his scales. 'Hush Treachery,' she murmured.
2:16pm Aug 10 2010
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2:20pm Aug 10 2010
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((bump. I need someone to find Dusk.))
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2:22pm Aug 10 2010
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{My charrie is preoccupied already}
2:24pm Aug 10 2010
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((I know...))
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4:07pm Aug 10 2010
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ooc:// Raaah! Sorry. bic:// The big cat pacing at her side hissed, bearing his fangs. Merielle knelt in front of him, placing a hand lightly on his forehead. He silenced, though his eyes blazed with cold fire. Danu settled for clenching her jaw, eyes shifting color to that of s steel blade, sharp and deadly. "Do you think tha this gives you the right to do as you wish? In my lands I am the justice. Some of the gods may give you freedom to pursue justice in their lands, and the lands of men are the gods' playground. But here, in my sacred groves and pristine s*censored*s, I will decide where vengeance is needed. The trees healing is nothing, young one. You need not fret about my lands. For every tree that falls is a ppiece of me felt as well as an arm or leg. A man may have thought, but he would not have been able to accomplish such a deed." With a sigh Merielle looked over where the waters had surged forth, breaking the boundary between land and sea. "That Manannan would allow this..." A deep chuckle sounded off nearby, and a tall, powerfully built figure took hold of that voice. "Daughter, just because I stepped over a little doesn't mean anything. Besides, the young one is so pretty, I couldn't help but be swayed to obey her." Merielle laughed humorlessly, covering her face against the raw power that was Danu's wrath as she faced the god of the seas, Meri's father. "Manannan. I should have known your weakness and treachery played some part in this. Besides, I'm far more beautiful. The nymphs of the woods, who are as lovely as the dawn, are ugly wretches in comparison to me." Abother chuckle, all the merrier for his daughter's growing apprehension. "Yes, o Mother of the Earth. But beauty is no exchange for youth."
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4:08pm Aug 10 2010
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[I got confused at the last part...what happened there?]
4:33pm Aug 10 2010
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ooc:// Meri's parents, the ancient Celtic Earth Mother and the oldest of the Celtic ocean gods are getting into a fight because the ocean god didn't resist your powers when you called upon the oceans to surge up 'creting beaches where there were none'. He thinks you're pretty.
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4:36pm Aug 10 2010
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((Can one of your charries see Dusk, she is at the ocean and shouldn't be to hard to find.))
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4:37pm Aug 10 2010
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ooc:// By the way, found a picture of Manannan, only picture him with legs for now. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs10/i/2006/107/6/4/Merman_by_Morwen65536.jpg
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4:38pm Aug 10 2010
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ooc:// I'll bring in a smexxy merman. Oh, Meli's half-brother Ophius should do well... *roots up pic*
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4:39pm Aug 10 2010
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[oh o-o'] But by now the girl, Niamh, had forgotten of the conversation. Her long slender fingers now held a carved obsidian box, nearly identical to the ivory casket. Her finger flicked the lid open and inside lay an esquisitely carved flute, with carvings of fire, water, wind and air. She lifted it to her lips and a haunting, sorrowful sound came out, causing the sky to darken as if a cloak had been thrown over the blazing sun.
And the wind raised as the music rose, but it was not the storm that had devastated the land only moments before. This wind was controlled, as if it was held by a leash of magic. The wind boiled and twisted as it flowed into the cave, into the carved obsidian flute. And inside, fleeting images of animals seemed to flicker in tune to the beat. Niamh, The Soul Keeper, was collecting her souls.
[Sorry, it's a short one]
4:48pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 5:05pm Aug 10 2010)
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ooc:// http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs40/f/2009/040/b/1/Golden_Merman_by_omegasama.jpg bic:// The ripples made by the girl's touch were like shocks against Ophius's pale, gold and orange flecked skin. He changed his direction, heading toward the source with a flick of his tail. The tide helped in his swimming, carrying him along with it. When finally he reached his destination Ophius gasped, lifting himself partially from the water to get a better look. Divinity shrouded this girl, so he knew she couldn't be as young as she looked, and the clouding of her lilac eyes told of her blindness. So she wouldn't mind if he grew legs without pants, because she wouldn't be able to see whether he wore them or not. With this being his final conclusion Ophius watched as the shimmering sunset hues of his tail split into legs, though the skin of them was as speckled as his back and arms, and neither the fins on his arms nor the webbing between his fingers would leave. "Excuse me, lady Goddess. May I be of some as.sistance?" Danu stepped away from the thread of souls, and both Balder and Grace loosed low, rumbling growls. Merielle shuddered, turning her face away from the darkness. "They needn't have died. Take a good look at your vengeance. Man had not touched this place. Those animals were at peace, and there was balance. Leave this place now, or face three who are both older and greater than you. As keeper as the Sacred Groves I will not let you touch this place again with your so-called justice." For the briefest of moments her eyes flashed the harsh color that held her mother's gaze for the moment, and the ocean god felt the anger of his daughter in rolls like waves tossed in a storm. He shook his head, turning to the young goddess. "She is right. Those souls you collected were happy. Balder would have destroyed any man to set foot on hallowed ground. You were wrong to raise the storm." Mhathair Cre spoke once, eyes aflame. "Leave."
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4:59pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 5:22pm Aug 10 2010)
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"Hello and no, I am not in need of any help, I do believe that Danu is angry again and that Niamh is collecting souls. the Goddess said with a tilt of her head. "I don't believe I have introduced my self. I am called Dusk, though humans call me Wave-bringer, Blue one, mysterious, and many other names. I am the goddess of the lakes and rivers and water in general, though I have no immediate relation to Poseidon." Dusk reffered to the greek god of the oceans and seas. Her black hair fluttered over her neck and she curled her toes in the water. Her lavender colored eyes turned to the newcomer. "You are a merman of somesort, do tell me your name." She dipped her head. It was more a command than a suggestion, but it was said in a kindly tone. Water played over her hands and she swirled it around in her palms, making it into shapes...
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5:10pm Aug 10 2010
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For a moment the young god cocked his head in confusion, then realization struck. "Ah. One of my father's many names. Oceanus, Poseidon, Neptune, Manannan. Though I don't see how any could hold dominion over the waters withouthis blood-right, I shall believe you. I am Ophius, son of the one you call Poseidon, also Son of the Dawn, for my domain is the water around Helios's eastern palace, and my waters are the first to be touched by the light of the sun chariots." He smiled, giving a bow despite the knowledge that she wouldn't see it. "If the Mother is upset, then I have no doubt that my half sister, keeper of these lands, will not be far behind. Despite her attempts, she finds it hard to be far from her mother. Also, the fact that her domain is over the Goddess's Grove doesn't help too much." He chuckled, eyes flashing as blue as the clearest of waters.
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5:13pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 5:22pm Aug 10 2010)
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Niamh looked at the woman cooly as she placed the flute in its box, covering it with a cloth of black velvet. 'It is my job, one of my reasons for existing, to collect the souls of dead animals. And I would never purposely kill one, you believe that I am cruel. If you look at these souls, closely, you would know that none have died through unnatural means, or in your sacred lands. You have no reason to be angry. No crime was committed, save the storm. And all damage shall be repaired.' Her eyes flashed with defiance and Treachery hissed, though his tightly coiled body made not a single twitch or movement. 'You cannot command me, Danu,' the Avenger murmured, 'Not you, but Ouranos commands me. He allows my actions and you have no say.'
5:18pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 5:22pm Aug 10 2010)
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"Ah, but I am, daugter of Zues and The minor water Goddess Amphitrite." Dusk stared at him through sightless orbs. "I have met Apollo, he does not like me much, he believes that because I am blind, I cannot see the sun or feel its warmth." Dusk answered him. She turned her head to the sky. "I have been cursed by the moon God and in the night, when the moon is showing, I must be in my domain or she will destroy me." Dusk told him of her curse, something she rarely did. "I am not familiar with the Goddess's grove. I do not go far from water, afraid of Selen's curse. I am afraid that the sun God will curse me too for not being able to see his golden rays of sunshine." She sighed...
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5:21pm Aug 10 2010
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ooc:// That's physically impossible. The water would have drown those who couldn't get out of the way fast enough, no doubt many birds and their nests were destroyed when the trees fell. Let's try and think about this logically for a minute. In any natural phenomenon of the magnitude that you destroyed, fauna as well as flora would be destroyed.
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5:27pm Aug 10 2010
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He nodded, smiling at the fragile you girl before him. "Amphitrite. Ah, yes. One of father's many wives. Certainly brothers are meant to share their toys, but I think Zeus took that one just a wee bit too far. Still, this explains where you got your looks, for your mother is the most beautiful of father's brides." Listening to the story of her curse he chuckled, though the sound was not one of joy, but gentle understanding. "Diana can be a bit brosque. Once she has an idea in her head, it's impossible to get her to change her mind. But fear not, young one. Her brother isn't nearly so unfair. He thinks that any loss of beauty in the world is a shame and should be avoided at all cost. Besides, young one. Are you not a goddess? We cannot die. Surely Diana just meant some kind of eternal punishment, from which you could easily be sparred."
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5:29pm Aug 10 2010
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[Because Niamh collects the souls of dead animals, she can revive them, but only if they died unjustly. Because she created this storm, she must revive all animals that died. So, yes, they died, but they are alive again. o-o']