10:56pm Jan 5 2011 (last edited on 7:21pm Jan 12 2011)
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Posts: 225
Year 2999. Month 11. Winged Era. One month away from the Prophecy. In the world of--for the sake of simple names--Earth, the Winged Era is upon. It is the pinnacle of flight machinery and the horror of DNA tampering. There are the average Sky Pirates--normal, but highly talented humans with a knack for flight. They steer Airships powered by anti-pollutant energy (honestly, who can fly in their own smoke anyway?) and command bits of aerial magic. Most of the Sky Pirates are just born with it. But a century before the hype and popularity of Sky Pirates, there were the Winged Ones. They are humans, whose DNA was tampered with before they were born. Created by a scientist whose love for the sky soon proved to be a curse for his patients, rather than an intended blessing. As soon as the first pair of wings sprouted from the tiny girl, society had shunned her. They hunted them down. Inhuman. Abhorrence. How can those...things sprout from your back? Not all wings turned out to be beautiful--like those of a cherub. Some were bat-like, or covered in scales. Thus, some of the Winged Ones hid from society, forcing themselves to be able to learn how to retract their wings back. Of course, they could never keep them that way, but they learned so anyhow. And thus, they went into the cities unnoticed and were now a 'rare hunting target'. Ironically, the children of the Winged Ones grew their own pair as well, to the obvious dismay of their parents. They had no special powers, save their wings, but they were talented with weaponry and very imaginative--all those years from hiding from hunters were not wasted. Some were even blessed with the gift of Sight or heightened senses, such as mind/emotion reading. In fact, it was a Winged One who delivered the Prophecy of doom. At the year 3000, the Winged Era will fall. Why? No ones knows. And that's why we're here to find out, and if possible, prevent it. *-----*------* So, my brain died a bit, thus, I shall leave it to you people to determine why the Winged Era will fall, etc. Let's take things into our own hands, shall we? :) Go with the flow and be creative.~ This is sort of a steam-punk-ish era as well, so fashions have a bit of Victorian flare incorporated. But of course, it's modern too.
*Same art as my DA ID. Check out my rancher shop. <3
11:11pm Jan 5 2011 (last edited on 7:16pm Jan 11 2011)
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Posts: 225
RULES 1) Limit 1-2 characters per person; make sure to handle it well. 2) Nothing against Res. rules. 3) Romance allowed, but nothing against Res. rules either. But remember, this is adventure too. :3 4) No god-like characters. Sorry, no OVER 9000!!! this time. :c 5) Have fun and respect each other; the plot is dependent on you guys to advance it. 6) Try to keep guy/girl ratio a bit even. 7) Did I mention to have fun? ;D --->> AIR BIO. + Name: Gender/Age: Type (normal human, air pirate, or winged one): Appearance (pic. or deion): Personality (or you can rp it out): Companion Pet (optional): Talents (aka, abilities): Other: *Note: Just don't wanna see everyone having a wolf companion or something; give it some spice. :) Most of the time, it's air pirates who have a companion (ie. stereotypical parrot). I'll post up my bio. if people join. :| *hopes*
*Same art as my DA ID. Check out my rancher shop. <3
11:25am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Sounds interesting. I might join later. ^^ )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:07am Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 225
((Yay. :D ))
*Same art as my DA ID. Check out my rancher shop. <3
1:33am Jan 9 2011 (last edited on 4:09pm Jan 13 2011)
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Posts: 4,093
{ OMG BUT )8 I WANTED MY CHARACTER TO BE SUPER SAIYAN Notrly. May I join as a Winged One? <3 I like the plot, plus I want to see what will end up being the bane of the Winged Era. xD If I may, here's my bio. } --->> AIR BIO. + Name Anise Gender/Age Female/15 Type Winged One Appearance [♥] (With black hair) Credit to CelestialValkyrie on DA. (Body) Anise is a slight girl. Standing at 5'6" and weighing no more than ninety pounts, she would be mistaken for someone some years younger than her if it weren't for her face, which is more composed and mature-looking than any child's. She most often wears a calm, if slightly bored, ex pression on her pale, cream-tinted face. Her skin, despite being such a pretty colour, is littered with long, thin white scars that make it's texture rough, along with a perpetual sunburn across her nose. She also has sporadic patches of extremely pale skin, due to her leucism. Anise has thick, windblown (ha) ebony hair, and unusually coloured eyes; a sort of paled crimson, for some reason no one can define. Leucism doesn't affect eyes. Because of this lack of pigmentation, though, she is generally weaker and more prone to sickness than normally pigmented people. She makes up for it with her speed, and viciousness. :p
(Wings) Anise's wings which, outstretched, reach just over 11 feet, and are mainly black, with irregular white splotches (her leucism again). Her wings appear to be those of a bat- all skin stretched between bones. They are extremely light, so if she were to stop flapping she would simply be torn away and left to the wind's devices. It's a handy getaway in a hurry, actually. Her flying is quicker, snappier, and more precise than a bird's wing could have managed, though she cannot glide and tires more quickly.
(Clothes) Anise wears the grey and black corset shown in the picture, along with the beads and the grey fabric choker (ignore the heart, kay. o3o). The corset, slightly tattered in some places, is tied down her back in black thread. On her hips she wears a knee-length charcoal skirt, which has buttons and leather straps binding it tighter around her legs, just for convenience's sake. It never helps to have a skirt fluttering around when in flight. She wears lacey (only on the ends) dark crimson leggings and flats. She carries a steel pocketwatch as a necklace wherever she goes, a shotgun, a rifle, and warm black gloves that reach her elbow. She often ties a reddish hood around her neck during flight to shield her from the sun's blinding glare. Personality Roleplay it out. c: Companion Pet A rose-haired tarantula that she doesn't ever plan on naming. xD Talents Anise is first and foremost a sharpshooter. She carries guns for a reason; for defense, for threats, and because she's really damn good at using them. She can mow down a sparrow from nearly a hundred metres away. In flight. Also, she is decent with simple hand stuff- she's particularly good at forging writing.
She is also extremely quick and agile, something of a really irritating monkey in a fight. xD Oh and lying. c8 Huhuhu. Other Actually, no tattoos. O3O Below her left collarbone (but above the breast) she has a brand mark- yeah, from those red hot poker things. It's in the shape of an X, and about as big as her palm.
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:48pm Jan 9 2011
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{ Bump. <3 }
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:57pm Jan 9 2011 (last edited on 3:49pm Jan 9 2011)
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Name: Grace Gender/Age: Female/13 Type: Winged One Appearance: Grace has chestnut brown hair that goes down to her shoulder blades. Her hair is fairly straight except it turns into spiral curls near the ends. Her eyes are a cold, stormy dark grey and they will burn a hole into your soul. She is about 5'3" and has long legs. Her skin is an average tone. A few freckles are splashed across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Her wings are a light brown with a few golden feathers mixed in with the brown ones. There are a few scales near the bend of her wings, but they are barely noticeable. Personality: She can't really be described, so rp it out. Companion Pet: A small black male dog with pointy ears and bright blue eyes that she calls Lone. Talents: She is extremely talented with daggers and always keeps them tucked somewhere on her. She can basically talk to animals by reading their body language and using her body language to communicate back with them. Other: She has a tattoo of a feather on her right ankle.
Love is all we need~
2:04pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< May I join as a female Winged one? >>
3:47pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 225
((Yay! :D Thanks for the bump Dustfeather. <3 @Leo, yes. ^^ @Dustfeather and WolfieBell: Hmm, yes. Talents that aren't connected with elemental powers, but more like mental powers and such--reading minds, emotions, foreseeing prophecies (sight), having superior skills with a particular weapon, in-tune w/animals, etc. ^^ I suppose, just anything non-elemental but not too over the top either. I'll post my bio once I'm done with homework...and once I think of my character. -cough- o.o; ))
*Same art as my DA ID. Check out my rancher shop. <3
4:19pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 4,093
{ Okay, got it. :D ...Ah crap, I forgot to describe her wings. ._. Well, editing bio then. ~ }
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
4:36pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 4,093
{ Edited. I wrote out some of her personality too. Sorry for making such a ridiculously long bio. xD }
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:30pm Jan 9 2011 (last edited on 9:18pm Jan 9 2011)
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Name: Ariana June Gender/Age: Female / 16 Type: Winged One Appearance: (not my art) Personality: She is mind speaking but quiet and somewhat shy, Due to her shyness she is very Observant and sees thing a person wouldn’t notice. Ariana is also unusually stubborn and loves to laugh. She is a Klutz. though you wouldn’t think so. Curious is another way to put her and also Pure basically meaning she is innocent. She is a curious girl and some times you would find her wandering off. She is Smart and is determind to do what others doubt or whats on her mind. Some might say that she dreams to big and hardly lives. Companion Pet: She has a white weesle named is Eden. She had had him ever since she was born. And if people where smart they would know not to touch him or mess with him. Talents: She is verry talented with a sowrd but thats only from tons of practice. The gift she has would be reading people. She can read the emotion they are feeling and with more pactice she could read the type of person they aree by their handwrighting. The only problem is, is that she trys to ignore it. Other:
9:31pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(I can only post by phone! The page is too stretched! Can you fix that? )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:45pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 225
((Which post is stretched--is it stretched horizontally? I'm not sure if I can fix it... :( ))
*Same art as my DA ID. Check out my rancher shop. <3
9:49pm Jan 9 2011 (last edited on 9:50pm Jan 9 2011)
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Posts: 4,093
{ The page isn't stretched for me... I think it's only because you're using a phone, Iheart. :C }
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:07pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 1,329
<< Its not streached for me either...oh and Neiru do you want me to make a male due to lack of them? >>
11:31pm Jan 9 2011 (last edited on 1:43am Jan 13 2011)
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Posts: 225
((@Leo: Only if you want. ^^ I'll be making a male to for the same reason, lol. :3 )) Name: Edel Valyr (pronounced 'a-dull') Gender/Age: Male / 16--approaching 17 Type: Sky Pirate Appearance: Stands at 5'10. His eyes are of a golden hue, with, strangely, wisps of burgundy orange. When traveling in town or cities, he likes to wear a maroon cloak to hide his identity--sometimes, a sky pirate is known for thievery (who knew?). But underneath, he wears a black beret with the insignia of a stallion with wings--the symbol of his airship. He wears a black muscle shirt (with sleeves and white-line designs) underneath a maroon jacket equipped with a black sort of hoodie. This is coupled with black pants and a belt looping sideways for his sword. Another belt is looped right on top of it to form an 'x'. It's mostly for design (pirates are often -ahem- stylish), but this belt serves as a holder for a small blade. Simple shoes for quick movement. He wears a small, onyx 'x' earring that dangles from short silver chain on his left ear. He's ambidextrous, but prefers to use his sword with his right hand, thus he wears a black glove that reaches just a bit above his knuckles. His face resembles a mischievous kid, but his eyes tell a different story. His skin in surprisingly light despite all the contact from the sun when flying his ship and his muscles are well-toned from all the steering, but his figure remains slender. His hair is the color of midnight with droplets of ginger strands. His features may be softer than most, but don't let it fool you. If he smirks at you, then either you run or face the consequences. He is, though, charming and handsome. JACKET REFERENCE. <3 Clicky-click. c: Basically what his jacket looks like; I love the design for this. (credits to makers of Resonance of Fate game) Personality: Not at all like a kid, but he loves his fair share of trickery. Aloof--almost borderline uncaring. (Will rp it out). Companion Pet: None, but a particular dove likes to hang around him a lot. It tells him if land is near (hahaha) aside from annoying him with love-dovey (ha..ha..) coos. Talents: Skilled with a sword, but better skilled with aerial magic. He can bend the currents around him, which make him a pretty darn good captain of his airship. Although, he tires quickly from it. Other: Commands his own ship called the Pegasus--rightly named so. He believes airships are the riders of the sky (though he wouldn't mind a real flying horse..). Works as a mercenary, although he chooses his clients. He will not serve those he thinks are unworthy. Also works as a treasure hunter.
*Same art as my DA ID. Check out my rancher shop. <3
11:42pm Jan 9 2011
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Posts: 4,093
{ I gave Anise bat-like wings to add some variety. x3 }
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
4:10pm Jan 10 2011
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{ Bumpers. }
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:46pm Jan 10 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(You see, it's fine on my phone-not stretched-but when I go on the computer, I can't see over half the page due to stretching. D: )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -