((sorry rika if i had offended you;())
"Where did kid go to in such a hurry?" Liz moaned fastening her jacket. "Its not like him to allow us to stay off schedule?" she said getting paranoid. "Maby he's finally packed in his OCD?" she sighed, someone like him would never do that.
Meanwhile paddy was sitting on a chair humming to herself with a big smile on her face watching Liz as she paced the room.
Liz had started to over-exagerate her options "Maby a ghost came and took him away?" she started shivering. "Patty!" she yelled and ran and hugged her younger sister who looked down at Liz who was kneeling on the floor.
"We can go find him?" she suggested which calmed Liz down. before setting out liz made sure the chair was square against the dining room table, but not to the extent of how Kid would do things.
"Right!" Paddy exclaimed her hands on her hips, "Lets go find kid!" she said cheerfully.