7:17pm Apr 10 2010
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(It's Alexis. DX)
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7:20pm Apr 10 2010
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((I know.)) "Wait, sorry Alex. I'm looking for Ripper." Jack laughed awkwardly. "Do you know I almost killed you?"
7:22pm Apr 10 2010
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"Unfortunatly," Alexis grumbled, shaking to near violent levels, starign at the ground.
"D....Don't knwo where he is. Okay, I'm d-done talkign ,bye, Jack," He mubmled, walkign in the opposite direction.
"We'll talk later..Hopefully..." He thought to himself, arms crossed.
Isn't this fun?
7:31pm Apr 10 2010
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"Sorry, kid." Jack started, shifting back to normal. "You look like him from over there."
7:35pm Apr 10 2010
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"Well, I wasn't!" He snapped, then turned around. "I'm as suming you haven't a clue as to who tried to kill me via bunjee jumping incident, no?" He asked, holding the broken blue elastic rope up, showing the rippec end. "And, if not, then I found this by the lake, exact opposite way you came. Might be helpful," He said showing a rock that cat-like claws on it. "I'm guessing you disapearign on me for two weeks is you hunting Ripper down?"
Isn't this fun?
7:42pm Apr 10 2010
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Aurora listened to the two people outside the house she was in. They were talking about some guy. I think I may have heard of him... She thought. She looked over at the forest. She couldn't hear the two children calling for help anymore. ((Writers block.98))
7:43pm Apr 10 2010
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"I's been a week and three days." Jack huffed, his anger bristling. "Listen, boy, I don't need you getting all menstrual on me." He growled, turning the opposite way and walking back down the street. ((Get it? Because he acts like a girl xD))
8:16pm Apr 10 2010
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(Yes, I laughed. XD) "..." Alexis looked down. "..Sorry..." He grumbled, then turned around, walkign off with a sigh. He went back down the alley that he had killed the man in, looking for the possibility that's where he had lweft his gun, but didn't see the bodsy. "What the hell...?" Alexis muttered, walking over to blood spatters, and gasped, feeling cold gloved hands grab his neck painfully tight, "Run this to youer dad for me, will ya?" He asked, seeign a cimson red letter fall to the ground, as soon as it hit the ground the presence was gone, leavign Alexis gaspign on the ground. "..Damn....." He breathed.
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9:31pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((I don't know where my lovely little Jayden should pop in. o3o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

9:34pm Apr 10 2010
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Jack growled, darting towards Alexis. "Son of a b*tch," He muttered, looking at the letter. "Hand me that..."
9:55pm Apr 10 2010
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"Here..." He grumbled, holding the unvelope up. "Jack... Go into the graveyard at seven, and wait there an hour. Then go home. -Ripper "The hell....No man should be able to soak a letter in that much blood, and not expect somoen to p*censored* out..." He muttered, going into the corner of the ally and vomitting.
Isn't this fun?
9:55pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"Here..." He grumbled, holding the unvelope up. "Jack... Go into the graveyard at seven, and wait there an hour. Then go home. -Ripper "The hell....No man should be able to soak a letter in that much blood, and not expect somoen to p*censored* out..." He muttered, going into the corner of the ally and vomitting.
Isn't this fun?
9:58pm Apr 10 2010
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"I'm going." Jack growled, his body shaking in angst and rage. "That son of a b*tch htinks he can put his hands on my son?" He snarled loudly, sounding like a Jaguar. "I'm gonna KILL HIM!"
1:24am Apr 11 2010
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"I'm sure it's what he wants you to think. He's probably oging to do somethign to the house while your gone. He's a master at phucking with people," Alexis mumbled. "On that note, maybe it would be a better idea if you waited at the house for him, and I went to the graveyard incase he did try something there..." He thought aloud, arms crossed.
Isn't this fun?
11:56am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 15,067
"No, you're not going alone." Jack denied, his anger dissipating as he paced. "Fine, you can go. But Toby's following."
8:05pm Apr 11 2010
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I just had the epicest idea, Chancia! 8D What if Alexis get's kisnapped, and is missing for six years, and comes back home with a little 'surprise' adnd the best part is, it's not at Alexis' expence! :D) "My brother? You know I'm better at doing this kind of crap alone..." He sighed. "Fine," He said, turning and leaving.
Isn't this fun?
8:10pm Apr 11 2010
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"Listen kid," Jack started, grabbing and spinning Alexis back by the arm. "It's not my fault I care," Was all he said, before letting him go. Toby dropped down from the darkness above. "How sweet." ((Go for it.))
8:19pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Alexis glared at him, and said: "Come on..." Within minutes they were at the graveyard, and Alexis was sitting on a gravestone that was a tad bit taller than he was. "Why wait an hour? What do you think he was doing?" Alexis finnaly broke the silence, regarding the letter that Ripper sent to Jack, then it occured to him Toby didn't read the letter. (Okay, so how does Alexis get kidnapped. My idea was Toby get's knocked out, and Alexis get's grabbed. XD)
Isn't this fun?
8:23pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Alright, but let's make it six months, don't want Toby to die for what he let happen, because we all know Jack's gonna blow up on Tboy.)) Jack raced to the house, deciding to climb it by hand. He waited of the roof, whistling lightly and swinging his legs like a child (Because we all know Jack is a child.) Toby sighed, sitting at the foot of the tombstone Alexis was on. "I dunno, didn't read it. Dad ripped it up." ((Oh, and it may sometimes look like I misspell Toby, but I put Tboy on purpose.))
8:33pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(No, it has to be 6 years, or it will completely mess it up...) (Oh, makin' fun of my typo's?! >O Just kidding! XD) "Whatever..." He grumbled. He looked up to asked Toby another question, but saw him unconcious on the ground. "Toby, you oka-" He saw a shadow, but that's all before he was hit in the back of the head with a sledgehammer, like Toby, and dragged offf. (God, I'll be happy to retype that if oyu want. DX Also, did you read the fic? I don't mean to pester you, but I wanted to know so I can send chapter two. And if you did, what do you think? :D)
Isn't this fun?