Name (Required): Rika Fuyone (....Marf. >w>)
Age (Required): 26 (;3)
Gender (Required): Female. Durr~
S/O (Required): Straight. o:
Looks (Required): 
Teacher Or Student (Required): Teacher. P:
Likes (Optional): Drawing, writing, reading, students that behave, Soviet Russia jokes,'s an extensive list. |D
Dislikes (Optional): Students that misbehave, homophobes (She believes that sexual orientation is no factor in how a person behaves. She is very tolerant of anyone, really. P:), rudeness. e.o
Pet or pets (Optional, if you add a pet, please don't make is something endangered. Snakes and dogs are okat, though. :3): She has a puppy named Buddy. <3 Well, he's not really a puppy... >w>
THat be Buddy. <3
Backround (Optional, but it would be apreciated): NOthing out of the ordinary. oUo
Personality (Optional): She is a very happy, sweet, extremely tolerant person that takes quite a while to get angry. She's also very kind and considerate, as well as caring. She wants only the best for her students. :D
Family (Optional): Mother, father, sister, two brothers. She is the oldest sibling. owo
Favorate Song (Optional): Fragrance by Gackt. oUo Watch him do it live and you'll see why~
Favorate Band (Optional): Mmm. That's gotta be Linkin Park. P:
Favorate subject (Optional): She likes all subjects ecxept history. o:
Favorate Game (Optional): Hmmmm. That's a hard choice to make. IT's gotta be be between the Kingdom HEarts series and the Devil May Cry series. oUo
Other: Is the English teacher! :D
Name (Required): Elliot Nightwood
Age (Required): 17
Gender (Required): Male
S/O (Required): Bisexual
Looks (Required):

Teacher Or Student (Required): Student
Likes (Optional): Certain things.
Dislikes (Optional): Everything else. :D
Pet or pets (Optional, if you add a pet, please don't make is something endangered. Snakes and dogs are okat, though. :3): Non. ;O
Backround (Optional, but it would be apreciated): NOthing special. o:
Personality (Optional): He's the 'cool' type. He's very calm and analytical. He's also pretty quiet most of the time, preferring to curl up on his bed with a good book to going out to go on a pantie raid on the teachers. ono
Family (Optional): Mom, dad, and an older brother. oUo
Favorate Song (Optional): Better Than Drug - Skillet
Favorate Band (Optional): Skillet oUo
Favorate subject (Optional): English because he gets to read the whole time. oUo
Favorate Game (Optional): Mm. SUper Smash Brothers Brawl. ;D
Other: Is Averik's little brother. oUo
Name (Required): Averik Nightwood
Age (Required): 19
Gender (Required): MAle
S/O (Required): Bisexual
Looks (Required):
((He wears orange contact. oUo))
Teacher Or Student (Required): Student
Likes (Optional): His brother, tattoos, piercings, warm weather. :D
Dislikes (Optional): Homophobes, cold weather, stormy weather. ono
Pet or pets (Optional, if you add a pet, please don't make is something endangered. Snakes and dogs are okat, though. :3): He has a kitteh named Sylvester.

Backround (Optional, but it would be apreciated): Nothing out of the ordinary. P:
Personality (Optional): He's more of a bad boy than his brother and is usually found getting in trouble or leading pantie raids. :D He's a mischievous little bugger, but has a kind heart beneath it all. :D He's always willing to stick up for his little brother. <3
Family (Optional): Mom, dad, little brother.
Favorate Song (Optional): Riot - Three Days Grace :D
Favorate Band (Optional): Three Days Grace P:
Favorate subject (Optional): Gym.C:
Favorate Game (Optional): Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Can easily kick Elliot's bum. C:
Other: Elliot's big brother. P:
Name (Required): Jayce Michael Hall
Age (Required): 18
Gender (Required): Male
S/O (Required): Gay~ ouo
Looks (Required):Jayce has shaggy black hair that has a blood red wedge in the bangs, which are feather-cut and fall over his right eye in that clas-sic 'emo' style, dull green eyes that were once a vibrant emerald, and extremely pale skin...he wears black bondage pants and a black shirt to hide his scars, both from the crash and from his tendency to cut to at least try to feel something. He also wears a black leather trenchcoat sometimes. Around his neck is a spiked black choker along with an onyx and ruby cross that had been p*censored*ed down through his family. His mother gave it to him just before she died in the hospital, so he refuses to allow anything to happen to it, or for it to leave his sight. He's very tall and very thin, mostly because he hardly eats unless his ribs start to show. Then he'll eat regularly until you can't see them anymore and return to just...not eating. All in all, he's not the best looking guy on the streets, nor the happiest.
Teacher Or Student (Required): Student
Likes (Optional): Unknown. ono
Dislikes (Optional): Unknown. ono
Pet or pets (Optional, if you add a pet, please don't make is something endangered. Snakes and dogs are okat, though. :3): None.
Backround (Optional, but it would be apreciated): He had a normal childhood, up until he was ten years old. He had been riding with his mom, dad, little sister, and his best friend on their way to go on vacation when a semi-trailer swerved into the way of their vehicle and crashed into them. Everyone but Jayce died, whether t be immediate or in the hospital. He's been an emotionless shell ever since.
Personality (Optional): Mm. Severely depressed. Lifeless. A shell. ono
Family (Optional): Mom (Deceased), Dad (Deceased), little sister named Kayla Marie Hall (Deceased)
Favorate Song (Optional): What Hurts The Most - Rascal Flatts
Favorate Band (Optional): Green Day
Favorate subject (Optional): Art ono
Favorate Game (Optional): Mm. He hasn't touched a single video game since he was ten. D:
Other: Is a cutter and very rarely ever talks. IS basically a social outcast. D;
The doggy is my baby, Buddy, who had to be given away a few years back. D;
The kitty is Fathead/Sylvester/Ospreyclaw (We all call him something different. xD), who was my uncle's cat. HE gave him to us. :D
Sylvester's pic was actually taken in my room. ;O))