6:08pm Apr 4 2010
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Qent didn't even look, but Lake waved. "Guys! Hang on, I'll be over there, lemme just strong-arm Qent a minute..." He said picking Qent up and putting him on his shoulder. "Do you even eat?" Lake questioned, c arring him over o the girl. "Damn it, put me down!"
Isn't this fun?
6:52pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Aqua laughed and smiled as Lake carried Qent over. "Guys this is Maria. She's gonna be one of the new teachers at school."
Maria just waved at them, then looked down and watched Kovu and Mai run around.
Kovu barked and ran over to Lake aand wagged his tail happily.
8:34pm Apr 4 2010
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Name (Required): Jayden Anne Hillir Age (Required): Twenty-One Gender (Required): Female S/O (Required): Bisexual, but leans towards guys Looks (Required): 
Teacher Or Student (Required): Teacher, Baby. It’s her first year. Likes (Optional): Red Roses, Rainy Days, Her Yorkie, Rollercoasters, Her father, art, and not much else to be honest with you. Dislikes (Optional): Those Preppy, snotty, pretty-in-pink girls she has to teach(she hates their attitude), Her mother, writing, and some more things. Pet or pets (Optional, if you add a pet, please don't make is something endangered. Snakes and dogs are okat, though. :3): Her Yorkshire Terrier Maxy. Backround (Optional, but it would be apreciated): As a child, her mother was never around. She was a lawyer, and loved to be right all the time. She was in many fights with her mom, mostly including words like bi**h and know-it-all. Her poor father had to be put up with her snob (or ‘booger’, as Jayden once called her when she was seven) of a mother, who always insisted she needed a mani-pedi because she worked so hard. Jayden’s father, scared of what Jayden’s mother would do if he didn’t, always gave her the money for whatever she needed. A lot has happened since then, and, let’s just say, Jayden hasn’t talked to her mother in 6 years. Jayden might tell you the story why if you really gain her trust. Personality (Optional): Jayden is very a very independent person. She knows how to make the right decisions, and loves teaching. Her favorite thing to do is crawl up and read a romance novel (preferably Wuthering Heights). She does this because she envies the ones who have found love. She hopes that her soul mate is out there somewhere. Jayden truly wants to experience love. Family (Optional): Her Mother and father. Jayden is an only child. Favorate Song (Optional): End of Heartache-Killswitch Engage Favorate Band (Optional): Killswitch Engage Favorate subject (Optional): Art Favorate Game (Optional): Other: (Optional): Can she be the art teacher, please? :]
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:47pm Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 7:01pm Apr 5 2010)
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 Name: Jack Napier Age: Unknown Gender: Male S/O: Aisexual Looks: Above Teacher Or Student: Teacher; Chemistry Likes: Knives, gunpowder, gasoline, paint Dislikes: Everything else, his father Pet: Alexis Brimmings Backround: You don't want to know Personality: You already know Family: None Favorate Song: All Hope Is Gone by SlipKnoT Favorate Band: None Favorate subject: Close combat Favorate Game: Knife throwing Other: Carries nothing in his pockets but knives and lint and doesn't wear his makeup... Unless he wants to. (( You said "It's be funny", so there!!)) Name: Irial Age: Unknown Gender: Male S/O: Straight Looks: Above Teacher Or Student: Student Likes: Girls Dislikes: Most things Pet or pets: Backround: Nunya Personality: He's Irial Family: None Favorate Song: Fake It by Seether   Name: Mike Chadway Age: Unknown Gender: Male S/O: Straighter than an arrow Looks: Above Teacher Or Student: Neither, but likes to "Teach" people about the ugly truth of relationships and men. Likes: Backround: Nope Personality: As perverse as freakin' possible Family: None

1:52am Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 2:04am Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 3,557
(Oh god, oh god, oh god, I FRIGGIN' LOVE YOU, MAN! XD Now Alexis is going to wear his usual only without makeup and a leather leash and colar. XD Oh, sheet, he needz an intro! DX) Glaring outside, he sat on the open window sill. "I wonder...For a saturday, there are a lot of kids around here..." He muttered to no one in particular as he absently pet a large grey cat settled on his lap, curled up sleeping. "Perhaps we should see how long it takes before all hells breaks loose. I hear certain people applied for jobs here, god only knows why..." He mumbled, listening to the cat purr. "Oh, got tons of homework, and your distracting. Quick salad, then back to work," He said picking the cat up that meowed in protest as it was set on the bed, and Alexis walked over to a desk, and almost jumepd when his phone rang. He glared at it knowing the number. "Yeah, what?" He said tone forced calm. "Where you at?" The voice questioned, sounding like the man either was drunk or had a hang-over. "School. You need me to drive you someplace, old man?" He asked, crossing his legs. "No, just checkin' up on you," "..." Alexis rolled his eyes, knowing the other man couldn't see it. "Is there anything you'll need picked up at the store on my way home?" He questioend, tone turning quickly to bordem. "No, just you get home," He said, then the phone hung up. "..Damn.....He's loaded again. And people wonder why I don't like to talk about my parent's...All I got is a queer step-dad...." He smirked. "However, this just fuels things that keep me alive...Like rage...." He looked over and saw Dante (The grey cat. ^o^ ) rubbing against something in the shadows. Probably just the wall or something he dropepd near the bedpost. "Wonder why Jack decided to move near here...He doesn't need a job around here, therfore he doesn't need to make money..Or apply for any jobs that require work here, I thought...? I mean, hell I waste about 90% of my rent on strange men and a hotel, but....Nah. He's Jack, there's something a lot more sinister in the woodworks, that's for damn sure," He as dissimsed, opening the box of pizza and taking out a piece. "Now, let's see. Two trains going at blah blah an hour on the same track, retarded railworkers...Or maybe Jack had them switched to watch them crash and burn...And they go at the same speed. Where do they crash? I'll just skip that one as 'Ask the conductor'....Next questiosn is: "On your e-miling system, what does "CC' stand for? Hmm. Carbon copy is obvious...Captain Crunch, and they should leave me alone...And keep them guessing....Last question for now is 'What is the Acromyn for J.I.A.C.P Hmmm....Knew the answer for this years ago...Let's mark it as 'Jack is a creepy psycho. There, I'm done with homework! :D" He said, opening his laptop. "Hmmm....Blegh, I'll just go RP or something.....Less time I have at my step-father's....." (J.I.A.C.P Is a real Acromyn. >_>') (Y'know what I thought to be a funny running gag of somesort?)
Isn't this fun?
1:55am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Joker not beign a teacher, popping in on poor Alexis will scare him. >_>') Lake let Qent go, makign him fall on the ground with a hard thump. "Ouch!" Lake smiled. "Hi, Maria," "Hi...." Qent muttered, standign up. "Hey, did you guys know we were gettign soem new male teacher's?"
Isn't this fun?
7:35am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"Egch." Aqua said running her fingers through her hair, "I really hope you're wrong. We don't need any stupid new teachers." She saidleaning back against the tree.
"Hey!" Maria said, looking at Aqua shocked.
"I wasn't talking about you. You're already here so you aren't the same new anymore." Aqua said back to her with a laugh.
11:38am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,557
"That's still rude to say before you even knwo the person," Qent said flatly, crossing his arms. "Hey, hey, no fighting, guys!" Lake said waggign a finger near Qent's mouth. "Whatever..." He snapped. "Someone needs coffee~" Lake said to him. "Yeah, let's go there....You guys comming with us?" Qent asked.
Isn't this fun?
11:58am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Aqua stood up and brushed herself off, "Sure." She said looking over at Maria, "Come on. It's time for you to meet new people." She said with a laugh before grabbing Maria and pulling her up.
Maria sighed and brushed herself and whistled to Mai.
Aqua picked Kovu, who was still baring at Lake's feet. She looked a Lake, "Okay. Let's go." She said as Maria picked Mai up.
7:11pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Lol, I should make him a teacher...I know, Chemistry!!!)) Jack walked down the dark hallway, heading towards the big doors that lead to where the Headmaster awaited him. He opened the door, a small grin spreading across his usually make-up ladened face. "Hello, Jack. Come sit, let us discuss your new job." He said, gesturing to the Italian leather chair across from his desk. ~~~ Jack shuddered visibly as he walked into the dark streets, heading towards his mansion. "That was great, Jack." A beautiful voice said, detaching himself from the shadows. He was, in turn, beautiful in a way that made most people want to cry in envy. "I know," Jack smirked, turning to him. "The plan's in motion." The man agreed, clapping him on the back. "Let's go, Irial. I have a friend coming over tomorrow, a certain Mike Chadway..."
7:27pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 10,925
Ring, Ring, Riiiing!! Jayden’s alarm clock went off for the fifth time in twenty minutes. She awoke with a groan; her hand reached for the snooze button. When she couldn’t find it, her eyes snapped open. She glimpsed at the time and cussed loudly. She rushed out of bed and to her closet, yelling “I’m going to be late!” which woke up the snoring dog in the corner. Maxy barked defensively as a response to the shouting. “Hush, Maxy, no need for your inner wolf right now,” Jayden told him, tossing unwanted clothes over her shoulder as she looked through the closet. “Perfect,” She announced, holding up a buttoned brown tank top, a white and red leather jacket, and, folded on her arm, a pair of dark jeans. ((See outfit in picture)). Quickly she stripped from her pajamas and slid on her clothes.
Jayden ran down the stairs with a “Be good, Maxy!” Not stopping for anything to eat, she rushed out the door and into her black Porsche. “Way to be almost late for your first day on the job, Jade,” She scolded herself as she drove to the school. Quickly Jayden found a parking spot and then ran into the school, looking for the principal’s office. She had to check in with the Principal before she went to her clas.sroom. When she found it, she walked in as though she was perfectly calm. “Hello, Sir,” Jayden addressed her boss. The principal nodded, “Jayden,” He said. “Room 228. Don’t forget it. “Here are your keys,” He told her, sliding a chain which held about six or seven different keys. Jayden took them and stuffed them in her jacket pocket, said “Thank you,” and went off to her cla.ssroom.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:36pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack groaned in his cla.ssroom, bored as hell. He'd arrived earlier than all of the teachers, and almost earlier than the principal. When he woke up, it was around 5:35 A.M. Jack never got more than three hours of sleep, anyway. His body wouldn't let him. He grabbed a piece of chalk, expertly writing "Jack" in calligraphy on the board. "This better work, especially since I'm the only guy teaching here." He muttered, to himself, drinking from a can of soda.
8:02pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 10,925
Jayden went around the room, placing cans of paintbrushes here and there, hanging artwork she had made to brighten up the room, drawing pictures on the chalkboard along with “Miss Hillir,” arranging tables and chairs the way she liked. When she was done, she looked around, hands on her hips, and smiled triumphantly. She then walked into the hallway, seeing if anyone she knew was near her room. Damnit, she thought. There wasn’t. Then again, she only knew one teacher here other than the principal. It was ((making up a character here, I might decide to play her o-o)) Grace, her roommate from college. Grace was a Guidance Counselor. Of course she wouldn’t be near the regular cla.ssrooms. Oh, well. Maybe there was some friendly teachers by her anyway.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:06pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((You guys do understandit's a weekend, so they don't have school right?))
8:08pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((Somebody could've told me that. o_o;))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:09pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Jack sighed, placing beakers, petri dishes, and other various ob ject on the long desks spread across the rooms. He would let the kids pick their own partners, since he was a cool guy like that. But, all hell would break loose if any of them stepped out of line. He was making himself known among the students quickly, since Jack didn't play games. Well, he did, but that was a night, while he was donned in his favorite suit and paint. But right now, he was dressed in a purple shirt that had HA! written all over in a red scrawl. His plain black Levis hugged him perfectly, as the shirt all but hugged his finely chiseled chest. He considered looking for other teachers, but frankly, he didn't care.
8:10pm Apr 5 2010
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((Why didn't anyone tell me?? How about we make this Monday morning?? xD))
8:10pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 8:11pm Apr 5 2010)
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((Well, Jayden is slightly crazy. She would be the kind of teacher to come and prepare on a Saturday. :D Agreeing with Chance, though. Monday Monday Monday! :P))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:11pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((So is the Joker. He's always prepared, so et's just leave it at that. Psychopaths can get away with things like that.))
8:12pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((Let's hear it for the lunatics! ;D Lol. I need Jadey to meet Jack.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.
