~Let's try~ Anime Kindergarden ~and be friends!~

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9:51pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Walking up to the school was a pair of blond boys, one very tall for his age, and the other munching on a cheeseburger from McDonalds. The taller one blinked down at the other, bright violet eyes locking onto blue before the two walked into their room. The tall one narrowly dodged a squirt from a water pistol, only being able to dodge it by grabbing the nearest thing to him: a plastic lid on a table.

The child responsible huffed, pouted, then turned to go find something better to do, his water pistol quickly getting swiped by yet another blond, this one decked out in what looked like black pajamas. The child grinned and promptly squirted the child beside the violet-eyed blond.

"Russia! This place is crazy!" the shorter blond stated, crossing his arms with a pout as he stared at his now soggy cheeseburger.

"It is supposed to be, America," the taller blond, Russia, told the pouting blond, America, who huffed.

Meanwhile, the pajama-clad blond, Mello, was currently searching for another victim, a slight smile on his face as he watched the two newcomers.


((Malayka will be in later. She will walk in when everyone else is doing something. xD)) 


9:55pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 3,557
Tsume and Alucvard were wrestling on the bloof, the bnlack-haired boy's red, leather jacket getting thrown off, and his hat flyign somewhere near Mello's feet.  "Don't you think we should stop them, Mello?"  Matt asked, crunshing on a small candy stick, veru aikin to a ciggarette.  The young boy with white hair, was rollign with the other, while the two made animal-like growls. XD

Isn't this fun?

9:59pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 1,943
((Join as Gaara?))

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


10:07pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 1,719

"Come on, Naruto, hurry up with your painting," said Jordin, a sweet little blond version of Shirley Temple with hazel eyes. Right mow, they were thier usual shade of brown, darkening each moment Naruto, a silly little blond with blue eyes who was relatively the same height as Jordin, would show her what her sister called "the purple finger".

"Wait, Jordin, and hold still," Naruto barked as he splashed orange onto the messy paper covered in a rainbow. He then put the brush down and motioned for Jordin to come to look. The next thing he knew was that he was being squished by Jordin.

"It's so pretty! Shey-shey, Naruto!" Jordin squealed.


10:07pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 11,785



Mello bent down to pick up the hat and simply put it on, shrugging. "I say we let them get it out of their systems. They sound like animals," he stated before poiting the water pistol at the wrestling pair and squirting.

Ivan padded towards the two wrestling children, tilting his head to the side a bit. "You should be glad to be here with so many others, because you never know if you'll live to the next day," he stated rather happily, which was...creepy, to say the least. 


10:11pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 3,557

After the words were said, Alucard and Tsuem stopped playign, and looked at each other, then sinister smiled resched their faces, as they rolled so they were near Ivan.

"Ready?" Alucard asekd "Ready!"  Tsume said, then Alucard gave Tsume one good kicke, and the other flew into Ivan.

Isn't this fun?

10:39pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 11,785

((Ogod. xD

You're gonna get the kid chanting, JAde. xD))


Ivan blinked at the two, then let out a grunt as he hit the floor, nothing more. "Russia has been through much worse than this, malchiks," he said, voice carrying a rather heavy Russian accent. He gave them a wide smile, which was kind of unnerving since the normal six-year-old would be crying. 


10:44pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 3,557

Tsume turned into his wolf form and ran behind Alucard, tail between hius legs, as the other stood up.  "Goos job!"  Alucard said.  "Now, RUN!" He said, and the both of them left, Tsume padding at his heels.

Well, those two are an interestign instalment,"  He sighed, pickign uop Alucard's coat and puttign it on. (XD)

Isn't this fun?

10:53pm Mar 12 2010

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Posts: 11,785


Yes, Russia is rather scary. but I like him. :D

HIs sister, Belarus, is frightening as hell, though. owo)) 


Ivan cocked his head as the two boys ran off, having no clue as to why. So, instead, he turned and padded back towards the American, Alfred, who was currently sitting at a table coloring as he fidgeted, unable to keep still. "America is the hero!" he cried when he finished, holding up the picture just as Ivan walked up.

Ivan stared at the paper. "America....you drew...."

"I drew the Earth!" Alfred chirped before launching into song. "Draw a circle, there's the Earth~, draw a circle, there's the Earth~, draw a circle there's the Earth, I'm Ameria~" he sang.

Mello nodded, fixing his new hat before looking back at Ivan and Alfred, tilting his head. "That tall one is even more interesting, though. A normal child would've cried, but he just sat there and smiled..." 


12:38am Mar 13 2010

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Posts: 3,557

"Indeed.  Myabe we're not the only one with ussues,"  He smirked, sticking a candy-ciggarette in Mello's mouth, then ran after Alucard and Tsume to go play with them.

(Hey, hey, I want to brign in a teacher!  Have you ever watched I, My, Me, Strawberry eggs?)

Isn't this fun?

1:38am Mar 13 2010

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Posts: 11,785

((Ohmaigawd. I have indeed, JAde. xD

You may bring in a teacher~ ;3))


Mello blinked as a candy cigarette was placed in his mouth, the sweet taste shutting him up before he could even start talking. After he huffed lightly at the fact that Matt could have warned him, he turned to follow behind the redhead, spinning his water pistol around his finger like it was a real gun.

Ivan continued to sit and talk with Alfred, the Russian boy starting to draw after a while as well, that same creepy smile on his face as he did so. He sat there and drew some of the creepiest images Alfred had ever seen, though the American was able to bear it for the Russian's sake. 


7:35am Mar 13 2010

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Posts: 1,551

((Eep I must catch up :3))

Name: Lag Seeing

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://animeyume.com/blog_images/tegami_bachi_shonen_opener.jpg only he's a couple years younger :D

Personality: Lag has a tender heart. Well... In other words, he's kind of a cry baby. He's fairly stubborn....

Favorite toy: a stuffed animal thing that looks suspiciously like "steak"... http://www.pixeljoint.com/files/icons/steak.png 

Favorite snack: Apples!

Other: Nothin much here...



10:36am Mar 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557

Alucard and Tsume had gone to play a rather violent game of 'Tag, your it!' and and decided to attack the onlooking Matt. They stood up and charged at him, who jumped up from his stop on the gr*censored*y ground and began running the other way.

"Kyaaa!"  "Get 'im!"  Alucard yelled, with Tsume using his four leg's to his advangate to jump on the poor Matt, knockign him to the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey!  Get off, this isn't fun!"  He growled.  Normally a kid would have cried from the impact.  He got pissed.

"What is going on here?!"  barked a stern voice, makign Tsume jump off and turn into human form, and Alucard to star at the woman.

 "Uhh...Nuthin,'" Alucard said, clearing his throat, looking down obviously not expecting the female to be there.

She had long, brown hair and blue eyes, a beautiful body, but she was a bit tall.  She had a black choker.

"Look, I'm not here to spoil your fun, okay?"  She said drooping to knee level, and helping Matt up.

"But I don't want to see you guys doing anythign like that again, okay?"  Alucard and Tsume nodded.

(Oh, my god, I keep picturing myself in my younger, much, much happier days when the name 'Matt' is mentioned, because I am having Matt act like a younger me. >_>')

Also, I fidn this funny, because with the exception of Matt, all of my charecter's are voice by the same man. O_O'

Isn't this fun?

12:27pm Mar 13 2010

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Posts: 11,785

Mello had just been about to jump into the fray when the woman walked in. He blinked at her, having to readjust the stolen red hat on his head to look up at her face. "Are you our teacher?" he asked, glancing over as Ivan wandered towards them. That kid had a creepy feel about him, and it unnerved Mello.

Ivan looked up at the woman, blinking his amethyst eyes before looking at Mello, noticing the edgy ex
pression he wore, frowning lightly. "You should be happier, malchik. You are alive and have comrades, da?" he asked, cocking his head.

Mello simply stared at Ivan. This kid was...weird, at best, and his friend seemedto have some serious hyperactivity issues.

Just as Alfred was heading over, the door to the room opened up and a little girl with big, silvery-blue eyes walked in, clutching a panda bear plush that seemed much to big for her. She stood at the doorway shyly, fidgeting as Mello, Alfred, and Ivan all turned to stare at her, the late girl shrinking under their gaze. This girl, Malayka, was new to the area and was so very shy.


((Murr. P:)) 


12:34pm Mar 13 2010

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Posts: 6,800
Courtney waddled around the school, clutching a stuffed bear. She blinked at a boy who didn't look six, Mello, and smilled softly. "Hello" She cirped.


12:53pm Mar 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((Ivan's the one who doesn't look six. xD

He's so taaall. In Hetalia, he's over 6 feet tall. The tallest of all the countries. |D)) 


Mello turned his head to look at a little girl who had approached him, blinking blue eyes. "Hello..." he said after a moment, tilting his head slightly, the new girl forgotten.

Malayka quickly shuffled over to the coloring table, carefully setting her panda in its own chair before sitting beside it and starting to draw, moving the crayons very carefully while a normal six-year-old would scribble. She was pretty meticulous with her coloring. 


1:09pm Mar 13 2010

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Posts: 3,557
"Yes, I am,"  The woman smiled.  "Hibiki Amawa is my name, but you can just call me Hibiki,"  She said, then looked at Alucard, who was now off to his own buiness, which was terrorizing an ant farm, and Tsume was in wolf form, sleepgng on Matt's lap, as he slept.

Isn't this fun?

1:11pm Mar 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((Can I join? I am not to good at anime but I watch some of the shows.))


1:13pm Mar 13 2010

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Posts: 3,557
(Yes, you can join. ^^)

Isn't this fun?

1:17pm Mar 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

Mello, already bored, wandered off to go refill his water pistol and then paused to stare at his reflection in a mirror. "Oh my God. I look like a six-year-old pimp," he said, sweatdropping. Then he simply shrugged and padded over to the snack table, searching for something, anything, chocolate.

Malayka quickly finished her drawing, which was of a panda munching on bamboo, her drawing skills surprisingly developed for a girl of her age. She smiled, then turned to her stuffed panda and set the drawing in front of it as if the drawing was done just for the toy. She giggled, patting her large plush panda's head.

Ivan stared at the panda in the chair, his mind shooting straight to China, the country located beneath his own. It was warmer there than in Russia, and it was somewhere sunflowers, Ivan's favorite thing besides warmth, could possibly grow. He wasn't really sure why, but Ivan adored sunflowers.

Alfred was off bugging some other children, happily throwing his arms and chirping, "I'm the hero!" every now and then. 

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