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7:10am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 3,141

Gauche let out a loud roar, startling Ryoma. For the past hour, Ryoma had been laying on his back on Gauche's back, staring at the Pokeball that held Kuro, his Typhlosion. The Luxray was his main form of travel on land. His Gliscor was a good flier, yes, but he could only use updrafts to glide, making him a bit unreliable. 

Ryoma sat up and turned around to see what had gotten to Gauche, laughing when he found out what. A small Slowpoke was laying in the Luxray's path. Something that could have easily been stepped over but Gauche was much too stubborn to do so. Ryoma slid off his Pokemon and carefully lead him around the Slowpoke.  

"You are so particular." He teased, "It's a wonder we get anywhere." Gauche snorted in response, taking the lead to the Pokemon Center. Once inside, he sat down on one of the couches. His Pokemon was all rested from the last town and Gauche was too stubborn to accept help until he collapsed.

Absentmindedly, he pulled out his map and inspected it. There were plenty of Gyms that he still needed to visit and he should pick a destination instead of wandering around idly. After a bit of thought, he picked Hoenn as his next destination. Still, there was the matter of how to get there. He'd probably have to alternate his Luxray, Gliscor, and Dewgong to get there. Not exactly a quick trip. He wondered if he would have to switch out one of his Pokemon with his Staraptor that Professor Elm was keeping for him.

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7:27am Jul 19 2010

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"That's enough for now Buu."he told the lopunny as he handed her a bottle of lemonaid.
He knew it was her favorite treat and it was healthy for her too.
"There's no need for us to go to a poke center so lets head for the next gym."
Although Ryu was from Hoenn, he didnt start battling Hoenn's gyms first. He went to Kanto, then Johto and now he was finally home.

8:25am Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 10:10am Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 1,713
Name: Fiona HAwk
Gender: Female
Age: 18

}deion or pic{
Personality: a kind girl, she is very happy and loves her pokemon very much, easy to make friends with unless your a boy, she dislikes boys and their sillyness although most boys fall in love with her
Rose the leafeon
Night the shiny umbreon 

8:28am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 3,141
[[Shaymin is a Legendary Pokemon, Rainbow.]]

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8:50am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,805
((yus, no shaymin. sorry))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

9:26am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,805

Mizu waited until it was morning before she set off. because Her Mum was a pokemon resercher, Mizu had picked up a few tricks. one of them included how to make a well balanced pokemon food. 

The sun was still rising in johto. and there was a draft coming from the well. That was where mizu set up the pokemon food and released all her pokemon. after they had all finished, she allowed them to relax awile.

Blade the sat underneath a tree watching Mizu's surroundings whilst Togapri sat perched on his head. esper lay next to the trainer purring as she stroked her whilst Mizu leant back into shana's soft fur, relaxing at the wamth radiating from the ninetails. Breeze the frosslas$, on the other hand, unlike everyone else, was hyper active as always, floating above the ground exploring everywhere, and not slowly at that. 

Mizu returned her pokemon to there pokeballs, bar Sirocco who was waiting under a tree, perking his head up as mizu approached him. she mounted the flygon who was now hovering gracefully due to his ability despite his size. 

In a few moments, they were off, heading towards hoenn. luckily for Sirocco, they where not that far inland, which made the flight over the ocean shorter. 

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:10am Jul 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713
((fixed! can c=someone catch me up?))

10:44am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,805
(( no, read whats happened :P there isnt much. In other words, me and zombie ar heading for hoenn, dreamz is already in hoenn. it would help if you read, this is only the second page.))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:04pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,805



Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:22pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((okay, i'm caught up, one more thing, I made a new bio, this one is old! but her looks are the same!)) I'll edit the other one if that is okay

6:21pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,805
((Yea, okey, you can change it. can you post something new when you do?))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:00am Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 1:12pm Jul 20 2010)

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Posts: 1,713

((okay it is below this!))

Pokemon Bio


Name- Fiona hawk

Gender- Female

Personality- Fiona is a kind loving girl with a big heart. She is easy to make friends with although she does have quite a big attitude, especially if your a boy. She hates boys and their sillyness. But otherwise Fiona is a cheerfull 18 year old girl with a big attitude.


Grace the sky shyamin~ Grace is a kind cheerfull pokemon a lot like Fiona. She is kind toward everyone. But I advise you not to get on her bad side. She will use her full power on you and that means nothing close to good. She makes friends with everyone, including boys. And that gets on Fiona’s nerve when Grace talks to human boys so sweetly.

Rose the leafeon~ Rose is a shy girl. She has a big heart is you can catch her. Rose has amazing speed. If any pokemon besides the ones she knows comes close Rose will either attack or run away. Fiona has a problem with this too.  She is always afraid of loosing Rose. If you get to know Rose she can be a kind individual, but good luck trying.

Night the shiny umbreon~ Night has a big attitude. He likes to babble about things no-one cares about and only cares about basically his problems.  He is hard to controll but is very good in battle. He knows attacks his opponents don’t. He should cause he was Fiona’s first pokemon she had him for 6 years now. Since she was 12. Night is very trustwourthy. He prowls the camp at night and bites all pokemon with in a mile reach. Fiona gets tired of Night’s prowling and sometimes has to lock him in the cabin or put him a pokeball. Night is frienndly but don’t mess with Fiona or you will have Night on your trail for the next week or two. Night is what makes Fiona elite.

Belle the glaceon~ Belle is the girl of wisdom for Fiona. She always can tell weather things will turn out good. She probably can do that from studying Mr. Mime and Mime Jr. so much. Belle is so smart she can read! She always has her head in a book. Most of the time it is about pokemon. Fiona never has to look in a poke-dex when a wild pokemon comes for a battle. She just turns to Belle fpr all the answers. Belle is a pokemon with a lot of heart and spirit. She always likes silence so sh can read. So if you want to make friends with her you must catch her when she is not reading or focusing.

other- Fiona’s goal is to beat the elite 4 and become the #1 pokemon trainer. 

age- 18 

((there here is the bio, I finally finshed my new one! No more making uup characters on the spot or filling ou a new Fiona all the time!)) 


10:23am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,141
[[You still can't have a Shaymin.]]

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10:55am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,805

((No SHAYMIN!!! meh.))

"Were finally here." mizu said exhausted. eventhough she hadn't been flying herself, having wind blasting onto your face for hours on end takes it out of you.

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

11:38am Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,141

[[Blah. I'm just going to skip over writing about the travel. :P I'm still tired and feeling lazy >_<]]

Ryoma slid of Blood's back when the Gliscor landed. He pulled his goggles down and rubbed his stiff shoulder. Flying was a lot different from riding. You had to stay lower on your Pokemon and stay still unless you wanted to fall off. At least with riding you could stretch out and relax. He stretched his hands above his head then pulled a Pokeball off his belt, recalling Blood into it with a flash of red light. He looked around, wondering where exactly Blood had decided to land.

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12:56pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((i am 6 degrees past braindeadness >.<))

1:01pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,141
[[You can make Ryu find Ryoma or something. Cuz I'm braindead too o3o]]

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

1:26pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,713

Fiona trudged the forest of Jhoto. She complained the whole way. "Belle put the book down!" she crying. "Night stay here! and Rose your just plain annoying stop being scared!"

Finally she put her things down and ran. "Okay who is first?" she cried. Night stepped foward. "Belle you get in there too!"

"Okay now Belle use ice beam, Night use giga impact!" she commanded. Night obeyed but Belle used a physic attack. "BELLE! you not a Mr. Mime!!!" 


1:26pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Ryu was at the beach outside of Petalburg City.
Buu, his loppuny was standing next to him when she notice someone land on a gliscor.
"Bun."she said pointing at the some what confused guy.
"Hey!"Ryu called over to the guy.

1:29pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,713

"Glac" Belle pointed at her book. ((I think Belle should be able to talk since she can read!))

"BELLE!" Fiona walked over and took her book away.

"GLAC!" Belle looked at her.

"Belle, please! do as I tell you!" Fiona asked kindly. 

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