[[LETS GO!!}}~* Pokemonz *~{{SMALL GROUP]]

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1:33pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,141
Ryoma was glaring at a stray Krabby that was shuffling a bit too close to him when he heard someone shout. He blinked and looked up. "Oh, Hey!" he called back. He walked over to the male and smiled at him. "Do you know where we are?" he asked with a nervous laugh. Riding on Blood was sometimes confusing. 

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1:34pm Jul 20 2010

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[[It's very rare to have a Pokemon be able to talk. Even intelligent Pokemon can't just randomly do it.]]

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

1:39pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((okay! thanks one more thing join my pokemon RP! it is epic!))

2:00pm Jul 20 2010

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Buu didnt like the new human.
"Lopunny!"she growled in an angry tone.
She put herself between Ryu and Ryoma and got in a fighting stance.
"Buu quit that."he scolded her.
She back down and moved away.
"Hey, Im Ryu and this is Buu, my lopunny."he introduced.

2:26pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,141
Ryoma blinked, slightly surprised by the Lopunny's attitude towards him.
"I'm Ryoma." he said, nodding in greeting. "It's nice to meet--"
A flash of white light suddenly lit up from his belt and an Umbreon appeared beside Ryoma when the light receded. 
"Umbri!" Shiro said, sitting in front of Ryu and wagging his tail excitedly. 
Ryoma laughed slightly. "And this is Shiro. He likes to let himself out of his Pokeball sometimes."

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3:44pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,713

Fiona was really annoyed. She packed her things, putting Belle in her pokeball and continued on. Soon she saw two boys talking. There was also a lopunny and umbreon. 

"Uhhh, do you guys know the way to the center where they teach pokemon NOT TO READ!" she screamed. "My glaceon here reads about Mr. Mime and Mime. Jr. So she does physic attacks when I tell her to do Ice Beam!"

Night saw the other umbreon. "Umbri, Um um BRRREEEEEOOONN" he cried.

"SHUTT UP!"  yelled Fiona. "Can't you see I'm in a bad mood" 


3:50pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 3,141
[[Err, you're in Johto and Ryoma and Ryu are west of Petalburg City. That's physically impossible.]]

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5:12pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 1,805

((petalburg city is in hoenn, and by my calculations, 5-6 hours of flying :P im sure you can work something out.))

 Mizu had landed further in than she had first planned, but thought it best to pick up where she left off.

She petted, and hugged sirocco as if the world was going to end. that was his longest flight yet. "Gon, Fly-Flygon." expressed the shattered dragon pokemon. mizu finished off his praise, by making him a special batch of pokemon food for flying so well. before returning him to his pokeball, a "pop"  sound came from Mizu's belt. Breeze had let herself out again. "Fross Fross Fross Fross..." said the Frosslas$ repetitively, before mizu returned the now two released pokemon from there balls.

Mizu walked for a bit before spotting two trainers not far ahead in the distance. from the looks ofthings, one of them had not long landed themselves. she squinted her eyes slightly, them raised them in disbelief. it was Ryoma. a friend of hers, and was partners with an umbreon that was siblings with her espeon.

"Ryoma!" she yelled, waving one hand, "Hey there!"

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

12:18pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 1,805



Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

1:18pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 3,029
"Well, youre just outside of Petalburge."he said as Buu looked over to Mizu, who was calling out to Ryoma.
"Please Buu. I dont think anyone is here to fight us."he tried to reas.sure the loppuny.
"Punny..."she said lowering her fist.
"We already got the badge form Norman.(?)"he added.

(The normal gyms leader name is Norman right?)

2:57pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 1,805

As Mizu approached the two boys, she noticed the loppunny attempting to confront her. she diddn't flinch, she was used to pokemon feeling unsteady by her. she had been travelling for over 6 years. she smilled when she saw its trainer make it lower its guard.

"Ryoma, hey there. its been years." she smirked.

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:50pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 1,713

Fiona got no answer. "You guys know I've been working for like 10 hours?" Fiona shouted. "You can at least learn my name!"

Then another girl walked up. "Do you know how to teach your pokemon NOT TO READ!" Fiona knodded and pointed to her pokeball. "She reads!" 


6:30pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 1,805

Mizu ignored the shouting girl. she seemed very big headed to her, bloating about pokemon and books, thanks all she had picked up. Mizu saw no interest in that. she preferred firs hand information, actually exploring and finding out stuff for herself. "its the best way to learn." was a phrase now ringing in her head. it was somthing her mother had said time and time again when she was still back in jhoto. she was in sinnoh at the moment studying the gr*censored* evolution of the eevee along with Mizu's bayleaf.

Mizu sat down on a rock, waiting for a reply. 

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

7:38pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 3,141

[[Sorry for being slow. >_<]] 

Ryoma glanced at the shouting girl, wondering if she was deranged or something, before looking back to Mizu, a large grin on his face. "It has been years. I think the last time I saw you was during the Lake of Rage Red Gyarados Incident." He chuckled slightly. "So how's your Bayleaf doing? Have you evolved her yet?" he asked. 

Shiro jumped up onto Mizu's lap excitedly, licking at her cheek slightly as his tail wagged a mile a minute. He was excited to see someone he recognized and even more excited to see his sister's trainer again. 

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4:35am Jul 22 2010

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"I didn't realise it was that long ago!" she exclaimed. stroking shiro as he was on her lap playfully. "I'm sure someone wants to see you!" she told the excited umbreon.

she serched her belt making sure she didn't knock him off in the process. she found the pokeball and relesed the Espeon. a red beam flashed and formed an espeon sitting gracefully on the ground. she turned her attention to the pokemon and sat up cocking her head before pouncing on him, making him roll off mizu's lap. with him pinned to the floor she licked him, then yapped rather then purr. "Espiee Espeon." her tone was excited.

Mizu looked at the playing pokemon then continued talking to him, occasionally looking at the other boy. "Bayleaf? oh, yea she did evolve." Mizu sighed. "But as a magneum stoped listening to me so my mum has taken her along with her own pokemon to research the eevee evolutions there." she looked up at the sky before rotating her neck. "so, who's your friend here?" she was gesturing to the guy with the loppuny. 

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

12:45pm Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 3,029
"Hello."Ryu said as he put out his hand to shake Mizu's hand.
"My name is Ryu."
His loppuny saw him introduce himself and she copied him.
"Lup-LOPPUNY!"she exclaimed as she held her paw out to shake Mizu's hand.
"Oh. This is my partner, Buu."Ryu introduced his loppuny.

2:50pm Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 1,713

"Hello, maybe we got off on the wrong hand!" Fiona said.

"I have a problem here!" She said as politely as she could, trying not to put anger in her voice. "Hey! I was at that thing too! The red Gyarados thing! Right?" She let Belle out. Belle imidiatley started reading. Her big gl*censored*es bulging off her face.  

"Glac- glac!" Belle said to the 3 other people. She pointed to the picture.

"She is saying look at the Mr.  Mime and how his power works!" she always does that. "AND HEY! you guys are not paying attention too me!"

Rose got very skitsih. Night still eyed the other Umbreon but Fiona held him back from attacking. Then she got an idea. "HOW ABOUT ONE OF YOU CHALLENGE ME TO A BATTLE!" she screamed trying to get them to listen. "IF I WIN YOU GUYS WILL HELP ME! IF I LOOSE I'LL LEAVE AND NOT BOTHER YOU UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO COME WITH YOU!" she looked at them. Then looked at Belle and whispered something in her ear. 


3:01pm Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 3,141

Shiro rolled off Mizu's lap and barked excitedly at the sight of his sister, even if she was pinning him down. He brought a paw up and pressed it against her nose lightly. It was something he always did to her when he saw her.

Ryoma frowned. "That's a shame." he said. He had always thought Mizu and Bayleaf had been close. He turned to Fiona, giving her an annoyed glare. "Fine!" he said. "I'll battle you, but don't think you have a chance at winning." He pulled a Pokeball off his belt and tossed it into the air, catching it as it came back down. He really just wanted to get this girl to shut up. She was giving him a headache with all her screaming. 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

3:56pm Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 1,805

"Espeeeon!" said the pokemon happily. she shrunk back after shiro put his paw on her face. she nudged he to get up then sat down flicking her long feline tail. they now look verry different due to there evolutions. her more feline, and her brother canine, but that didn't stop them getting along.

"Yea, i thought we where too." Mizu sighed after introducing herself to Ryu. she turrned her attention to the girl with obsession with her reading glaceon. "If i where my mother, i'd be all over her right now." mizu thought to herself.

"I'll battle you..." Spoke Ryoma sounding slightly annoyed. "Oh boy." mizu coughed under her breath feeling sorry for the girl, amushed at the same time. she folded her arms and brought her right hand to her mouth. Ryoma and herself where pretty well matched, at least the last time they met. and now that mizu had just beat claire, she was sure Ryoma was just as good, if not better.

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:33pm Jul 22 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Ryu observed the girl who was challenging Ryoma.
Her loudness was making Buu uncomfortable.
"Lah! Loppuny!"Buu resented as Ryu made her sit down.
"Could you calm down?"he called out to the girl.
"My loppuny has sensitive ear and loud noises make her agitated. You really dont want to aggitate her."he said as he gave Buu a bottle of lemonaid.
Buu took the bottle from Ryu and began chugging the cool liquid inside.
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