[[LETS GO!!}}~* Pokemonz *~{{SMALL GROUP]]

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5:55pm Jul 22 2010

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Mizu looked up at ryu whilst returning esper to her pokeball. "i have a pokemon similar to your loppuny." Mizu told Ryu while ryoma was about to battle the girl. 

Mizu removed Blades pokeball and released him. The scizor took on a fighting stance and scanned the area. when he saw there was no threat, he relaxed, but to any other trainer besides mizu would not realise because he stood emotionless beside mizu, with his claws folded. "Scizor" he nodded to the loppuny and ryu. "he is ussually the silent type." she chuckled, blade still showing no emotiom. you got quiet a bit out of him there." she smiled, before turning her attention again to the book reading obsessed girl.

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

7:25pm Jul 22 2010 (last edited on 11:33pm Jul 22 2010)

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Posts: 3,029
Ryu leaned over to whisper into Mizu's ear.
"Its alot worse than you think. See, Buu thinks that she is a fighting type."he whispered.
He backed away from her and looked at the overly watchful Blade.
"Im not sure why, but she does. Nurse Joy tried to correct her, but now...well she's banned from Saffron's Poke Center if she isnt restrained."
Buu held her lemonaid bottle up to signifye that she was done.

5:49am Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 5:55am Jul 23 2010)

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Posts: 1,713

Fiona eyed Ryoma.

"Your on!" she said. "I know I might have a hard time so, don't expect much!" she looked at her pokemon. 

Fiona walked to a side far away waiting for Ryoma to go to the other.

Night heard Ryu and Mizu tallking and told Fiona. "OH! Buu is like Belle, only Belle is smarter! Buu thinks she is a fighting type, but is not, and Belle thinks she is a physic pokemon, huh! that reminds me..." Fiona thought.

((thought so no-one can comment on this cause it is in her head, unless your pokemon can read thoughts))


6:49am Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 3,141

Ryoma snorted. "Then why would you challenge someone you know you're going to lose to?" he demanded. This girl must really be insane because her words had barely made sense she opened her mouth. 

He backed up slightly, positioning himself so he was far enough away from the girl that their Pokemon would have room to battle. He threw his Pokeball into the air, this time his Pokemon appearing out of it in a flash of white light.

Kuro hissed as he appeared, immediately lighting the partial ring of fire around his neck and glaring at Fiona. Because he and Ryoma were so close, the Typhlosion didn't even need to know what exactly was going on.

"You can use all the Pokemon you have on you," Ryoma taunted, "It won't do you a lick of good against Kuro." 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

9:03am Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,805

Mizu smiled when she saw kuro. he had only just evolved from a cynadaquil to a quilava the last time she saw ryoma and now he was a typhlosion. her only pokemon who was good enough to mach Kuro was Nyda her nidorina. that was because she was the only one who new ground and water type moves. normaly, you would say the type advantages didn't matter, but with kuro, they did.

That got Mizu thinking. she hadn't held Nyda for a while. she was back at home with her dad. her togatic wasn't actualy hers, it was her fathers. they had temprarily traded, because tigapri was not strong enough to help around with the house renovations her father had made, so they traded because Nyda was now a Nidoqueen so she was very strong. her father had finished the renovations now, he had told her when she informed him about her badge winning. she glanced at ryoma, then at Fiona then back to ryu, "i'll be back soon," she told the trainer before darting off to the town. 

Blade scanned the area in case there was any threat to Mizu or her new friends before hovering after Mizu, his sharp wings making a buzzing noise as the vibrated against his armer.  

Mizu came to the pokecenter after 5minuets or so. "The battle would be well on its way by now?" she told herself, looking up at her scizor who had stopped beside her.

Mizu was on her way back again. she had traded back her pokemon for her dads via a wirless trader, she had informed him to go over to professor elm's, as he had one in his lab. mizu looked down at the ball in her hand, recalling when she caught her. she was Mizu's first caught pokemon so now, without her bayleaf around, was her closest pokemon.

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:05am Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((Ugh, Rainbow, Ryu whispered that to Mizu. There is no way you could have heard that about Buu.))

Ryu watched as Mizu ran off twards town with her scizor.
He took the empty bottle away from Buu and threw it away in a nearby trash can.
"There's about to be a battle. You can watch as long as you behave."he told Buu.
She nodded.
"I think Im going to let the others out too, ok?"he said as he activated and tossed his pokeballs.
Now the following pokemon were sitting near Buu, a polytoad, an altaria, a weivile, a mawhile and a gallade.

11:06am Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,713

((yeah, and Nght over heard and told Fiona, Fiona can understand pokemon talk right?))

"Well, I only have 3 pokemon so you may only use 3 pokemon as well, make that fair." Fiona babbled. "I'll start! Belle I choose you!"

SDhe waited for what Ryoma would choose. 


11:50am Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 12:33pm Jul 23 2010)

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Posts: 1,805

((rainbow, i know we seem to be ganging up on you, but your about 5 or so meters away :P))

As Mizu neared her new found friends location, she over heard Fiona shout " I choose you!" she chuckled then looked down at nyda's pokeball. Blade followed mizu with his claws floded and his eyes closed. he was sensing where his trainer was via his senses and the feel of the wind.

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

1:05pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 3,141

Ryoma laughed under his breath and Kuro let out a hiss of laughter as well. "I'll only need Kuro for this fight." he said with a smirk. Especially if she's going to use Pokemon like that. He thought, eying the Glaceon. Ice types were no match for Kuro, especially since he had fire on his back.

Kuro seemed to pick up on Ryoma's thought process, which wasn't too hard considering they'd been together for over six years, and hissed again, dropping to all fours and kicking the fire ring around his neck up a notch. 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

1:20pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,805

Mizu could feel a wave of heat rush over her. "Kuro." she smirked, looking back at Blade making sure he didn't zip ahead and defend mizu against the sudden heat. she relaxed when she saw that he remained stationary. 

He was only a scyther when he first met Ryoma and Kuro, and he was no way near as protective then.

Mizu looked back at her new temporary companions, even thought they where only an inch or so high at her distance. her gaze was taken by a pair of taillow from a near by tree.

Mizu continued walking. the trainers where around a foot now, give or take. she smiled when she saw the typhlosion.  

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:01pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 3,029
All of Ryu's pokemon were watching the battle that was about to start.
None had moved and inch except the wevile, who had to back up.
And for good reason too.
He was an ice type and fire made him uncomfortable.
Ryu looked up and saw Mizu return.


2:42pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 3,141

Kuro blinked, glancing in Mizu's direction as she returned. A happy smile crossed his face and he resisted the urge to rush over and give her a bear hug. That could wait until after this battle. Instead he simply flicked his ear in her direction, a small greeting to show he acknowledged her being there. 

Ryoma crossed his arms over his chest. He'd wait for this girl to make the first move.

[[Rainbow, get over hear >8u
And maybe we should shorten the battle to a one on one so it doesn't hold up the other two longer. o3o]] 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

3:58pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,805

Mizu nodded, the smile remaining on her face. she scuttled over to ryu and sat on the tree stump she was on earlier. she removed her over-stuffed sling over bag, and from it removed several bowls to reach her ingredients . she looked at the other three trainers. she could see that ryu had six pokemon, new that ryoma would have six by now, she had six herself, and recalled on her return three being said by fiona. "20 pokemon..." she whistled. "thats alot." she looked up at the overhanging tree with the punch bag, noticing the tailow return. " well, if mum can do it, so can I." she said out loud. she realised that wasn't the best thing to do, it was a habit of hers.

She watched as the pokemon battle got under way. releasing all her pokemon, including her already released Scizor who lent against the tree, there was now a Nidoqueen, Flygon, Ninetails, Espeon and her hyper-active frosslas$ whom she informed not to do anything rash. 

Mizu busily made 20 batches of pokemon food out of oran berries and other ingredients. she was pleased with her end result. she had simmered it in a pot with the help of shana,then asked Blade to accompany Breeze in retrieving leaves to put the food on, which he did on her request.

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:19pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((surry, had to go))
"Belle! use Ice beam!" Belle who thinks she is physic used confusion. She picked up Kuro with her mind and slammed him against the walls several times then  put him down and got ready to dodge. She had hit Kuro pretty hard, nothing that Ryoma expected. Of course Belle reads about physic pokemon ALL the time so she would be the one to know how to do the attacks.
"GOOD JOB! WE SHOWED THEM!" Fiona shouted. Then gave a thumbs up to Ryoma. 

4:27pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 3,141
[[Err.. that's an impossible Godmod.]]

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

4:30pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 4:32pm Jul 23 2010)

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Posts: 1,805
((a glaceon cant learn confusion O_o sorry rainbow, but we are trying to keep it as pokemon realistic as possible. the reading sure, cos there is a talking meowth in the anime, but try not to go too overboard. could you try editing that bit?))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:31pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((well, you should have said that earlier, cause I used it earlier, errr, can I use it? cause I've been using it ever since the start))

4:34pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 3,141

[[I've never seen you use that. And a Glaceon can't learn any Psychic attack cuz that's how Eevee evo's work.

And anyways, that was an auto-hit which is frowned upon in most RPs especially in battles.]]

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

4:38pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((oh! this is the first RP I've used Belle in! In the beiginging she used confusion when I told her to use ice beam! If this is not acceptable I can start the battl over using Belle!))

4:56pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,805
((please do))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat
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