[[LETS GO!!}}~* Pokemonz *~{{SMALL GROUP]]

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5:27pm Jul 23 2010

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"Belle! Use ice beam and jump! Then finish it with a bite!"  Fiona yelled.  

Belle used Ice beam she hit Kuro and and then jumped onto him and bit him. quite an attack thought Fiona. 


5:43pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((Youre still kinda doing it))

6:09pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,805
((ah dreamz, let her have that one, but rainbow, there is no way you can beat a strong fire type with ice beam ;P))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:17pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((well, don't I get to use all thee pokemon? and I know, I choose Belle cause I thought she would get away with knowing physic attacks. so I'm stuck with her, now when she gets knocked out I'll put Night in!))

9:24pm Jul 23 2010

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[[I'm letting her have it only cuz I was going to anyways.

And be more specific cuz I have no idea where Belle was going to bite him.]]

The Ice Beam let off nothing but a bunch of steam as it hit Kuro's shoulder. He snorted as he saw the Glaceon lunge at him, allowing her to jump onto his back and bite his flank. The Typhlosion smirked and looked back at his trainer.

Ryoma chuckled. Kuro always knew exactly what he wanted him to do so he only had to nod to his Pokemon when it was time to use his final attack. "You guys might wanna step back." he said.

Kuro's smirk widened and he hissed again. He curled up into a ball with Belle still on top and made a scratching motion with his back claws against the blazing fur on his neck. There was a sound like a match strike then an explosion of fire and smoke, consuming Kuro and anything else near him.

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

9:35pm Jul 23 2010

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((I dont mean to come off as rude or mean rainbow.))

5:25am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 1,805

Shana casually continued preparing the food as Kuro let off an engulfing attack. "ouch for the glaceon." she muttered, she didn't need to look up, she new what move ryoma was moving as she was there when he was training him. she smirked as another of the several heat waves rushed over her.

Blade was holding the leaves that Breeze picked she was whizzing round the tree getting the largest ones she could find.

Shana look up at the mound of flame on the battle field. she was in awe at the pure power of that one attack.

((are you using overheat or something? im as$uming you used overheat)) 

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:34am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 3,141

[[It's actually a physical trait that all Typhlosion have.

"It can also rub its blazing fur together to cause huge, devastating explosive blasts, also capable of burning anything to cinders..."

That's under it's "Special Abilities" on Bulbapedia. If you don't want him to be able to use it I can replace it with Eruption since it has a bit of a similar effect o3o]]

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

5:44am Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 6:02am Jul 24 2010)

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Posts: 1,713

((hey your on!))

Belle jumped away from Kuro. She was injured badly so one more attack would nknock her out. Thats why Fiona had hard things planned. But they would never do aNY damage!

"Don't worry your fine!" Fiona called. "Right?"

"G-G- GLACEON!"" Now use punch amd hit him in the head, in fact in the eye" Fiona called after Belle spoke.

"Oh and then roll in a ball and try to use Ice beam while doing so!" Fiona added.

Belle punched Kuro in the eye as hard as she could. ((which was barely anything)) Then she rolled in a ball while still on top of his head and shot ice out her while rolling. She would have freezed Kuro but he was a fire type.

"GOOD! while Kuro is frozen with shock use ... GIGA PUNCH! topped with hyper beam right where you hit him, in the eye!" Fiona called. Belle hit him with giga punch, but she added a little flare to hyper beam she added some ice shards which melted soon after they touched Kuro.

((the attack did nothing really Fiona just wanted to hype him up, Belle is not a real hard hitter! She can't knock out a butterfree1 lv. 5))

"Good!" my plan is working. 


5:50am Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 5:51am Jul 24 2010)

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Posts: 3,141

[[Ok, first off, Glaceon can't learn Giga Punch either. If you're having trouble with a move-set look here: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Glaceon_(Pokémon)

And second, you're still auto-hitting, which isn't fair and is pretty much a form of Godmodding. It's especially bad since you hit Kuro in the eye, which if it hit hard enough, could blind him or, since a Glaceon's paw is smaller then a Typhlosion's eyes socket, could do a number of more gruesome things that I don't wish to go into detail about.

Edit; and third, could she really of dodged that attack? Were thinking a quick, large scale explosion here that pretty much engulfed the whole battle field. You gotta be fair and creative in Pokemon battles if you want to win.]]

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

5:58am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((Glaceon can learn Giga punch! I went to bulbapedia and looked at the attacks! And tlak to Fiona about that stuff! I know all that! Read Fiona's bio! She is mean to boys and has an attitude! If you need to stop the battle! Cause Fiona is just doing what she can since she has a HUDGE dissatvantage! and by the way I have never really Rped a pokemon battle, so that could be a factor. If FIONA is doing something wrong tell her to stop, its not likely that she will but if it comes to the point where Belle might blind Kuro she WILL stop without a doubt!))

6:03am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((I edited it to your advantage!))

6:16am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 3,141

[[Glaceons can learn Giga /Impact/ not Giga Punch.

And of course she had a huge disadvantage-- she's fighting a high-leveled and highly experienced Pokemon that has a both physical and type based advantages-- but you can't just compensate that by automatically hitting him. You just have to face that you're out-matched and, unless you can come up with something logical, you're going to be beat. 

I'm not asking you to edit it to my advantage. I'm just asking you not to have an unfair/un-logical advantage by auto-hitting like you keep doing. Instead of saying:

Belle punched Kuro as hard as she could in the eye.

Say something like:

Belle jumped at Kuro's face slashing at his eye with her unsheathed claws. [Since Glaceon's can't punch.]

And I would respond something like this:

Kuro hissed, moving out of the way just in time to protect his eye. The strike still came too fast to completly avoid and he flinched as he felt her claws rake down his cheek.

In Pokemon battles it's important to remember that both of the RPers should be playing fair. In the example posts, Belle didn't auto hit, but it still showed what she wanted to do, and I decided Kuro couldn't avoid it completely so he still took damage on my fair terms. That's the art of a RP Pokemon battle.]] 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

8:28am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 1,805
((This batlle is going nowhere! my RP, lets just say kuro won, cos at the rate you two are going, it will never finish ;P now come and have pokemon food with me! ^_^ ))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

8:38am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((what? no- fair! now I have no chance of being inn this RP! I might as well quit! In fact soince now I have to leave I WILL quit!))

8:59am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 3,141

[[Ok, sorry o_o Works for me, Toshiro.]]

Kuro stood up on his back paws, shaking the soot from his fur. The earth around him was completely scorched from his fire attacks. 

"I think we might have over-done it." Ryoma commented, glancing at his opponent before turning back to Mizu. He pulled his Pokeballs from his belt, releasing his Luxray, Dewgong, Gliscor, and Nidoking from their balls. Jun and Seth recognized Mizu immediately, waving to her, but Gauche and Blood stood awkwardly, unsure of who she was. 

Kuro shook off the rest of the soot and rushed over to Mizu, giving her a great big hug and licking her face, glad to see his trainer's friend again. 

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

9:30am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 1,713

Fiona gathered up the knocked out Belle and ran away. She was crying.

Night got one last swipe at Kuro before following Fiona. Rose was ahead of Fiona running away. And Night was all of a sudden right next to Fiona. Belle was just waking up and had fell asleep in Fiona's arms.


11:11am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 1,805

Mizu looked up at the crying Fiona who was retreating away from the group. she stood up smiling, she new this girl had no chance against kuro, but she didn't expect her to leave. " Hey! Fiona? was it, where are you going? i have made food for your pokemon." she said giving out the leaves to her own and ryu's and ryoma's pokemon before dishing out the food.

Mizu was then greeted by Kuro. "hey there good to see you too!" she told him returning the hug.

Nyda walked over to where kuro was standing and dipped her head. "Nido" she said with a green across her face before going over to greet Seth.

Breeze and Sirocco had not yet been acquainted with ryoma. The frosslas$ busily inspected his pokemon, darting from one to another, where as sirocco flicked his long powerful tail sliceing some falling leaves i half.


Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

11:57am Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 12:17pm Jul 24 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
((Your glaceon couldve used protect and dig. IF YOU KNEW BETTER YOU MIGHT HAVE WON!))

Ryu was glad that Mizu had made food for everyone.
He looked up for the girl that had challenged Ryoma.
"Hey Fiona, right?"he called to her.
Buu and Alice, the altaria, followed Ryu as the others ate.
"I was watching your battle. I could help your glaceon have a better chance of beating its type disadvantages."
Buu was nodding her head in agreement to what he was saying.
Alice was playing with Fiona's other pokemon.

3:22pm Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 1,805

Mizu walked over to Sirocco and sat down leaning in his front. she placed her hand out with a moulded ball of food on it and told him that he could eat it. Sirocco dipped his long neck and muzzled mizu's out stretched hand and pick the ball up before taking it in his own hands, nibbling at the treat.

Mizu stroked his neck before she skipped over to join the rest of the pokemon. 

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat
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