12:55am Feb 24 2010
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Poppy smiles warmly. 'I have hardly anyone to sit next to as well, mind if I come with you?' She let Jake buy lunch for her then slipped a $5 note into his back pocket without him knowing. 'Maybe she wants to ask you out!' Poppy laughs, then an awkward silence fell between them. The canteen lady broke it. 'What do you want dearies?' Poppy grins at Jake. 'Just a chocolate milk and a pie.' 'Sure thing.' The canteen lady said before disappearing to get Poppy's food.
1:01am Feb 24 2010
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Jake smiled and took out some money for their lunches. "I really hope not. I did some looking up on the computers and it turns out that she likes to make fun of kids who get 'F's on her tests. I hate people like that. I'll have a chicken sandwich and and strawberries.. No drink.." He said to a seconds canteen lady. "Anyways.: He felt something slip into his back pocket. He flinched. "Did you just touch my butt?" He whispered in Poppy's ear.
3:27am Feb 24 2010
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Poppy's eyes widened. "Of course not!" She said with a laugh. "I would never do that." She collected her food and started walking with Jake. "So where do you have Science?" She asked, eager to change the subject.
2:16pm Feb 24 2010
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"ehh... Um.. I have it with Mrs. Chuknle.. I could never pronouce her name right..." He walked into the garden and sat down on the only bench and table there. "Well, are you going to sit?" He took out his soda and opened it. He drank the soda and ate his sandwich. "So, what about you?" He looked at her.
1:57am Feb 25 2010
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Poppy sits down opposite Jake shyly. "I have it with Mr Luis." She opened her chocolate milk and takes a gulp. "So....." She says awkwardly. She sees some years sevens running after each other.
10:37am Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; I'll post when I get back from school. Pooh. xP
2:08pm Feb 25 2010
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Jake smiled and looked at the middle schoolers. "Haha, i remember being that small. But i never had friends." He ate his sandwich. "So anyways, why are you so shy? You've never talked to me before though."
3:10pm Feb 25 2010
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((Okay Shado (: )) Poppy blushed. "I dunno... I have always been a bit shy, but when I'm with you I just can't stop talking!" She put her chin in her hands. "You are the first person who has actually talked to me for longer than a minute." She confesses.
2:12pm Feb 26 2010
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Jake laughed. "Haha, that's a shocker. I haven't really taalked to anybody either... I feel pretty lonely all the time." Jake finished his sandwich and yawned. "So anyways, you okay? That chalk left a mark in your hair."
5:16pm Feb 26 2010
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Poppy pulled her ponytail around her shoulder and stroked it gently. "Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled gently. "Thanks for asking." Poppy looked into Jake's eyes.
3:04am Feb 27 2010
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Jake smiled. "You know. You really have pretty e-" Some girls came running up to Jake. Each one shouting his name as they ran. They all wanted Jake to play with them. One was playing baseball, the other volleyball, and the last was playing basketball. Jake looked at all three. He know none of them were sporty. He could tell by the way they dressed. "Ehh.. Only if Poppy can come.."
9:53pm Feb 27 2010
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Poppy's heart started beating when Jake started talking, but slumped when a group of girls inturrupted him. "Alright, I'll play basketball. I play it on the weekends." She pinned back some of her hair and walked next to Jake to the court.
2:43am Feb 28 2010
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Jake sighed. "Too many fangirls are here. I dont know what they even see in me." Jake yawned and walked onto the court. They began fighting over who's team Jake should be on. "Shut the hell up!!!" Jake shouted at the bickering girls. "I'll be on the team opposite of Poppy. Trust me." He held his hand out to Poppy. "Come on Poppy."
2:40pm Mar 1 2010
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12:56am Mar 2 2010
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((Wait. Is Poppy on the other team or on Jake's team? Because he held out his hand to her O.o))
1:01am Mar 2 2010
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((He wants her on the other team. He's going to get a little flirty to piss off the other girls. Like when she has the ball, he's going to.. nvm.. You'll have to see. *wink wink*))
3:05pm Mar 2 2010 (last edited on 3:11pm Mar 2 2010)
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((Haha okay then ;p)) Poppy stood and waited for the other team to get the ball. Then she would make her move. Finally, one of the girls on Jake's team grabbed the ball and she ran to her and blocked her way to everyone else. Poppy got the ball when the girl started bouncing it. She manouvered her way through the other girls who were completely hopeless and got a goal. Poppy wiped her forehead and stood ready for the ball again.
11:02pm Mar 2 2010
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11:51pm Mar 2 2010
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Jake smiled. "Pretty good Poppy. Heh, but are you good enough for me?" He lazily dribbled the ball and ran quickly toward the next hoop. Most of the girls tried to get the ball from Jake. He laughed and stepped back. He tossed the ball, making it from half-court. "Heh, beat that." Jake grabbed the ball and handed it to Poppy. "You ball."
11:56pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Ack, sorry for not posting. xD; *Has been spacing out lately* Recap? And I've been really lazy, also. -_-