8:57pm Mar 7 2010
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2:30pm Mar 8 2010
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"It's fine... I promise. I'm just really surprised. That was my first real kiss from a girl at my school." Jake flushed and put the rabbit in Poppy's arms. He stood up and walked to the bench. He sat down with his head in his hands. Oh damn... I kind of liked that.. but i just really met her.
2:56pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 27
River sighed and pulled herself out of the water. It was quite an unusual expirience swimming in a dark, empty pool. River walked over to the towl rack and slid a towl from it. She wrapped it around her body tightly so she could walk without holding onto it. Just outside the window, River could see a boy and a girl, with a bunny too? River sighed and pounded wether to go say hi or not. She shook her head. Blushing bright red, she realised someone could see her standing there. River hesitated then walked on keeping her fingers crossed that she hadn't been spotted.
2:31pm Mar 9 2010
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Jake looked at the window and saw a girl rush by. "Poppy, I'll be back." Jake stood up and ran into the school. He ran toward the pool room and ended up bumping into a dripping wet girl. "Eh.. Sorry abou that. But were you the one running?"
2:59pm Mar 9 2010
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Poppy was surprised. "Um, okay." She sat and waited with the bunny, and picked at the gr*censored*.
2:20pm Mar 10 2010
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Jake just looked at the girl then turned back. "Listen. You need to be careful here. It gets really slippery when it's wet." Jake looked at the door and saw a man he was deathly scared of. That man walked into the pool area and grabbed Jake. He walked out and into the garden. "You... Your not going to get away from me this time. I'm going to get you anyways."
11:46pm Mar 10 2010
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Poppy turned when she heard a man's voice. He was holding Jake's arm and was dragging him along roughly. "Hey! What are you doing?" Poppy yelled and sprang to her feet. She scratched at the man's arms and he started yelling at her and ended up grabbing her arm with his other one. Now he had Jake and Poppy. "What are you doing?" Poppy repeated, her voice filled with fear. 'Let go of me!!"
11:58pm Mar 10 2010
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Jake looked at Poppy. "Um.. This is a man who has been stalking me for the past 6 years. He won't leave me alone and i don't want him to take me like he did once. I hate him so much.." Jake was trembling. He legs tangling and he tripped. The man grabbed Jake and tossed him into the trunk of a car. He bound Poppy and put her in the back. "Don't shout or I'll kill the boy in the back. If you wouldn't have seen me, he would be the only person here."
12:06am Mar 11 2010
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Poppy nodded and sat rigid. She looked at Jake through her mirror. Her eyes were filled with fear. "Where... Where are you taking us?" Poppy asked quietly. She was super scared.
12:21am Mar 11 2010
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Jake began to kick the trunk as hard as he could. He had little room to move but he was shaking. He was kicking really hard and shouted in fear. "Let me out!! I'm guna die!!" The man looked over at Poppy. "The name's Kev. Jake is an old friend of mine whom I really did fall for. I hate him for always beign so popular. Now he is much weaker. I can get my way with him."
6:58pm Mar 11 2010 (last edited on 8:27pm Mar 11 2010)
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Posts: 27
River stepped back, a bit confused. She was still wet and farther more in her bikini. "Hey!" She shouted as the man grabbed a boy's arm and drag him and another girl into a truck. She was confused. River slinged her bag over her arm and started off for the truck. She ignored the weird looks she got from others in the school yard. River chased the truck down a long dark narrow road. The truck grew fainter till the point she was in the middle of no where, and the truck was vanished. River groaned. The bag over her shoulder was definatley weighing her down. But she needed it. She had her clothes in there, a camera (She had used to snap a picture of the man with The boy and the girl) a finally a cell phone in case of emergency. (This was definatley an emergency.) River sat down, she was worried. Then River spotted, tracks. Possibly from the truck. The only thing River could do was hope. Hope the truck would stop for the night at some sort of clearing. Then she could do what she needed to do. "Just stay out of trouble..." She whispered to herself. River picked up her bag and started off after the tracks. The truck indeed had stopped and River was thank-ful. They may have stopped....but what for? River was shaking as she slowly approached the truck. River darted behind a tree just in case one would see her. Man, River you did it this time. River sighed, but not too loud. She crouched down and listened.
11:57pm Mar 11 2010
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Jake kicked the trunk open and sat up. "YOU!! I hate you when you try to do this to me KEV!!!" Jake stood up and stumbled out of the trunk. He walked to a tree and collapsed. He was tired and hurt. His head was hurt and his arm was cut. His head hurt. "H-Help.." Jake closed his eyes. Kev looked out the window. "Stupid kid.."
12:18am Mar 12 2010
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When the car stopped it stopped so suddenly that Poppy's head crashed against the window. "Ow!" She yelled and quickly jumped out of the car. She closed the door hard and ran to Jake. Her head hurt. "Are you okay?" She asked. "...It was horrible! What was he going to do to us?" Then she got a wave of dizziness and knew she was going to p*censored* out. "Uh... Uh..." She fell backwards onto the gr*censored*.
12:45am Mar 12 2010
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Jake was only able to faintly mumbled. "H-He drugged us... T-Those gloves he wears... They r laced with sleeping narcautics." Jake pas.sed out and groaned. He had gotten Poppy into this whole mess. He felt his mind go numb. Kev grabbed Jake and tied his up. He took Poppy and tossed Jake in the trunk. He tossed Poppy on top of jake. He closed the trunk and liocked it tightly. "Stupid kids."
1:32am Mar 12 2010
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OoC: Lol random turn XDD Completely unexpected. Poppy next woke on top of Jake, uncomfortably. She sat up and hit her head on the roof of the boot. "Ow!" She hissed. She felt Jake move under her, and she slid off him. She shivered in fear. What is happening? She felt a few tears roll down her face. Will I ever get away? She leaned on the back of the boot and sighed.
2:36am Mar 12 2010
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5:44am Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 2:18pm Mar 12 2010)
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Posts: 27
River groaned and watched the truck drive off again. She was terribly tired. River squinted her eyes. She saw the truck wasn't going too fast. River picked up a heavy rock and chucked it at the car. It hit the gla.ss and shattered through. She wasn't sure what would happen next. River picked up another rock and chucked it. This time it hit the back of the truck. River covered her mouth. That was where the boy and the girl had been put. "Sorry!" She yelled. River wasn't sure what the man and his truck would do next. She knew she didn't hit anyone by the direction she threw it.
2:26am Mar 13 2010
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Jake groaned. "Ow.." He opened his eyes and looked at Poppy. The rock came down and he saw a dent form. "P=poppy. Let me untie your ropes.. You have to get out of here. He only wants me anyways. I know what he wants." Jake began tp bite off Poppy's ropes. "Listen, you have to get out of here." Kev looked at River and walked over. He grabbed her, bound and gagged her, and placed her on the trunk with Jake too. "Enjoy your time. It may be all you have left. Jake." He locked them in and began to drive again.
2:30am Mar 13 2010
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Poppy let Jake untie her hands and then sighed, sliding down the trunk until she was lying down.
2:44am Mar 13 2010
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Jake sighed. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this.." Jake looked down and began to try and untie his ropes. "I didn't mean for this to happen."