2:46am Mar 13 2010
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Poppy stared at Jake. "I'm just so confused... I don't get why I am here." She found Jake's hand and held it tightly. "I'm scared, jake."
2:49am Mar 13 2010
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Jake blushed and held Poppy's hand. "Please Poppy, don't be scared. It's already my fault your in herer and I just don't wana get you hurt. I'm sorry."
2:52am Mar 13 2010
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Poppy closed her eyes. "It isn't your fault. You couldn't help it that he grabbed me too. Do you know where he is taking us?"
2:57am Mar 13 2010
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Jake looked at Poppy. "I really do.. He's taken me here before. He's going to keep us for ransom to the police. As for me... He has some other plans. Last time i was here, him and his gagn beat me up.. Then they whipped me and said it was all because theu were angery."
9:21am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 27
River sat as far away from the other two as she could get. It was a bit awkward. Although it wasn't easy, she found a little spot in the truck she could cram into. It was useless trying to get out. River leaned back. She was very uncomfortable. Her eyes were closed and thought it was much easier to just sit and listen to what was going on. Then River opened her eyes. "What did you possibly do...." River paused then looked over at the two. "That made him so angry?" River quickly added. "Unless you don't want to tell us I understand."
4:44am Mar 14 2010
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Jake flinched. "Well... It wasn't what I did, it was what my older sister did.. She dumped him a while back right after he had proposed to her. He was depressed for a while. My sister right a new months after because of a car crash. And now he hates me because of what she did."
6:24pm Mar 14 2010
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Posts: 27
River sighed. "I-I'm sorry." She closed her eyes again. "This may not be the best time but can i ask both of you for your names. I have been stuck referring you guys to that boy and that girl." River looked back over to them. River usually tried to hide her emotions but she could feel hot tears in her eyes.
2:19pm Mar 16 2010
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Jake looked at River. "Jake Toshiro.. Im a year older than you guys.." He smiled and looked at River intently. "Are you going to cry? Don't worry. Just.. You guys need to get out of here before we reach out destination. I promise you that you won't be hurt as long as I can help it." Jake bit the bindings off River and Poppy.
2:29pm Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 27
(( Where's milomouse?)) River sighed. "If you can some how get us out of here, why don't you just leave with us?" River knew it was a silly question but it didn't seem right. "Im River, by the way." She added.
2:41pm Mar 18 2010
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((dunno)) "Well, i can't really leave until I tell him where my sister is hiding. She told me to pretend she died and he figured out she isn't dead... I'm protecting that secret and he's goign to keep coming after me until I tell him. AI've said many false places, he goes and doesn't find her. So, he hates me." Jake sighed.
3:57pm Mar 18 2010
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"I'm Poppy." Poppy said quietly and curled up into a ball. She was cold, and scared, and noticed straight away that the car was slowing to a stop.
8:47pm Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 27
The car stopped. River jerked her head up. She grabbed a handle on a crate next to her to prevent crashing forward. She sighed as she heared a door slam and foot steps. The door to the back of the truck opened and automatically light beamed through. River ended up being right next to the truck door when it opened. She fell out with a thud. River looked around an unfimiliar surrounding. It was sort of grey and dull. It was shady over head because of the trees. It looked like the middle of no where. Wow, this "Kev" guy is actually smart enough to put us out here.... River thought. She looked back at Jake and Poppy to see if they had gotten out of the truck.
1:22am Mar 19 2010
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Poppy fell out of the car and the man kicked her in the ribs. She curled into a ball and rolled to the side of the car, her head buried in her legs. She heard Jake coming out of the car.
2:28pm Mar 19 2010
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Jake stepped out of the car and looked at Kev. "You know.. You don't gotta torture girls for something that I did. You have this grudge with me. Not them and not anybody else in this world. Except maybe my sister. But still. Let them go and i'll tell you what you want to know. But you must untie them then me." Kev somewhat trusted Jake so he untied the girls noticing the bite marks. "So Jake, this signature bite that's pierced many other binds is left on these too? Well, these are strong enough to withstand even your bite." Kev shoved the girls toward the tire tracks. "Follow them and you'll be fine." He grabbed Jake and untied him. Jake truned around and punched Kev in the face and then in the gut. He panted and ran down the tracks. He had Poppy's hand in one hand and River's hand in the other. "Don;t argue and just run! Don't look back!"
8:34pm Mar 19 2010
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Poppy held Jake's hand and ran as fast as she could. She couldn't help but look back, and saw Kev running towards them, gaining on them.
1:56am Mar 20 2010
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"Damn it Poppy, what did I just get through saying!" Jake let go of the girls and turned around. When Kev was within arm's length, Jake threwa punch that sent Kev to the floor. Jake ran and grabbed the girls once more." Hurry up. Don't look back this time!"
2:09am Mar 20 2010
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Poppy ran as fast as she could and almost tripped. They kept running for what seemed like ages and finally they got rid of Kev.
1:12pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 27
River could barely move. Once they finally lost track of Kev she exclaimed: "This is crazy! How long will he hold this stupid grudge?!" She exclaimed. The tears wetr welling inside of her. "Jake, he's going to keep coming back!" River wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry...." She whispered.
2:40am Mar 21 2010
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Jake panted and sighed. "F-Five years and counting. My sister's been in hiding for six years. He was depressed for one. So yeah, 5 years..." Jake sighed and looked at River. "River, don't cry." Jake carried her on his back and held Poppy's hand. He began to walk and came to a small diner. "Well, let's rest here. He didn't take us any farther than the town edge. The school should be close and we can leave from there. I'm sorry to bother you."
11:54am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 27
River sat down feeling dizzy. "Are you sure this is the right way?" She looked around. "He turned quite a few times and these tracks are heading different ways...." River's eyes widened. "There..." She pointed towards a running shadow. "Is that Kev?"