6:08pm Sep 27 2010
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((Okay, that'll work.^_^))
6:10pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 134
(Ta-daa! My computer's a bit off, sorry for the lack-of-image.) Full Name; Thomas Roane Gender; Male Age; He claims to be very, very old, but he looks about nineteen-ish. Appearance; (I can't seem to be able to copy pics for some reason) Tom is a rather average-looking guy. He could p*censored* for human very easily, as his hair is a rather unremarkable ginger-brown shade, and his skin, though pale, is is slightly sunburned in some places. His nose is a bit too big and he can never seem to find tim to cut his hair. His fangs are awkwardly long and are visible even when his mouth is closed, so he wears a scarf and tells people he has a cold. His eyes are a deep yellow shade, and he has burn marks on his hands and arms that he doesn't like to talk about. Species; Vampire History; Eh... not now, please. No really, please stop mentioning it. Crush; ... Weakneses/Flaws; Tom has a slight addiction to blood. Human, lycan, heck, maybe even demon, he'll drink it if he can get it. It's not like they don't have enough to share... Tom is also a bit farsighted, and ends up tripping on things. Advantages/intrests; Well, he's an okay fighter, but he's a much better writer. He also loves mice and squirrels. He has a bit of a hoarding habit which sometimes comes in handy. Personality; Tom is a great guy, really, a little slow sometimes, but generally very friendly. If you can ignore the fact that he seems everyone as a potential meal, he's a great friend. Unfortunately, his hunger often gets the better of him. He's easily impressed and has a hard time getting when he's being laughed at. He can be very blunt and seeming cruel though he is very touchy himself, and when he does figure out he's being insulted, he's bound to overreact. Other; He carries around a backpack which is often full of odd things he picks up, and a couple of poems and short stories.
5% of the internet loves Twilight.
94% hate it.
Only 24% have actually read the book.
6:31pm Sep 27 2010
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((Okay, lets start! ^^)) Calyx let out a long yawn, followed by a grunt. She staggered up, gripping one of her arrows. Once she was up, she used the wall for support. Her eyes were closed, but she didn't need sight to know someone was with her. Being a scent-seer had its advantages. She quickly spun around, already having her Bow and Arrow ready to shoot, to see a Vampire sleeping at the corner of they're makeshift house. Oh, thats right....She placed down her Weapon to smirk at herself, I keep forgetting.....She plopped right down, her legs crossed and her hand placed on her chin, thinking. Kohaku, the Vampire laying before her, had helped her find shelter. She was never going to get used to waking up with a Vampire a foot away from her. She sighed heavily, allowing herself to fall onto her back. A hiss issued from Kohaku's lips as he curled up. "Would you keep it down over there?!" She heard him snarl. "i'm trying to sleep, you idiotic moron." He added, turning his head over to look her in the eye. "Well, sheesh. Sorry, Mr.Perfect." She shot back at him. Kohaku sat up, his hand over his eyes as he yawned. "Am I not allowed sleep?" He moaned. Calyx allowed herself to smile at the Vampire. "You shut up." She threw her jacket at his face playfully. Kohaku caught it before it could reach his face. "Ha ha." He answered, throwing the jacket back to her. He got up, groaning. "I hate waking up." He said. "Well, its a part of life, get used to it." Calyx said, half irritated. The vampire snickered at her comment. "Breakfast?" He stared at her. "You mentaly-retarded leech!" She said half serious, half humurous. "Go hunt of somethin'." She pulled out a brush from her bag and started to brush her hair. Kohaku shrugged, and crossed his legs confortably. "Why don't you." he answered. Cayx sighed again, it was going to be a long night.
7:36pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Why is Kohaku's last name Vayne? O_O ))
7:43pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 17,364
4:09pm Sep 28 2010
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8:30pm Sep 28 2010
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Lantern walked through a forest, the long pine tree's seeming to stretch to the sun. Her eyes where glazed over with thought, instincts telling her where to walk. She snapped out of the thinking for a moment, just for enough time to catch the smell of a Vampire.
She could smell the pale skin, the fangs and the overall disgusting lust for blood that they portrayed. But there was another scent mixed in with the pool-- a human? Why would a human be in this close of range to a vampire? She went into a click of thought for a moment, thinking over that maybe the vampire was the human's protector. And in a world like this, it probably was true.
She stopped walking for a moment, throwing a curve in her step to lurch behind the tree's that surrounded where the two creatures where. Lantern's natural instincts snarled, the faint hair on the back of her neck bristling. Her normally somewhat bright hazel eyes dimmed, to the point where they seemed to be almost black. With a second past, her optics flickered over to the human-- a girl like herself.
Lantern backed up a bit, the claws of her Lupine heart scratching at her mind, telling her to kill the Vampire and move on with her day. But she refused to her internal orders, quieting them down. She wanted to observe the two a bit more, not wanting to shift into her larger more powerful self and fight.
2:02am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[-clicks Fyrewolf- :p ]] Full Name; Maya Sororen
Gender; Female
Age; 18 Appearance;  Wolf Form:
Species; Lycan
History; N/A
Crush; Dewd, Imma make her like Ash later, mmkay? XD
Weakneses/Flaws; She loves to speak her mind. Maya is also extremely dense, and sometimes can't tell whether or not the things she said was inappropriate. She also enjoys playing jokes on people. When in a fight, Maya would charge straight forward, not stopping to think about the disadvantages.
Advantages/intrests; Maya is confident, and has a good sense of humor. She's also a formidable opponent. Personality; (Atleast one sentence) Maya is bold and curious, who loves to poke and prod things until they reach breaking point. She can easily speak her mind, and is rather cheerful. She has no sense of humiliation or fear. Maya is also rather stubborn and headstrong. Other;.... Boo.
6:38am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Accepted, Tld! ^^ )) Calyx shivered. "Ever get the feelin' that your being watched?" She asked. "WHat do you mean?" Kohaku asked, not moving his eyes away from his bag. Calyx huffed and grabbed a nearby rock. "Hey, whats the matter with you--" Kohaku looked up to be pelted by rocks. "Hey! Hey! Quit it, you stupid human!" He snickered slightly. Calyx stopped and smirked at him, "Better pay attention next time, Leech." She said, brushing her hair. "Oh ha. Ha. Ha." Kohaku said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Kohaku's eyes darted around the cave, with a serious look on his face. "What is it now?" Snapped Calyx, slightly annoyed. "I think I smell....." He started. "Well? A what?!" Calyx leaned closer. "Neh, forget it." he answered, pulling out a piece of wood and a pocket knife. He started carving at it. Calyx huffed and crossed her arms. She looked away, outside the cave. A Lycan......Kohaku thought. Hopefully it will leave us alone.....
6:47am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yey :d ]] Maya had shifted to her wolf form, since it was so much easier to slip quietly in and out, and weave through trees. Maya had never felt truly safe in her human form, though she did turn back on the occ*censored*ion to eat cooked food by the fire. She stopped, sniffing the air. Hello? Maya thought, curious when new scents hit her nose. I've never smelled this before. Entranced and curious, Maya followed the mysterious scents, leading her to stop clumsily behind a tree, to watch two human-like forms. Her eyes widened when she saw another wolf watching them. The gaze seemed merely curious, like her, but still, Maya preferred bursting out and trotting right up to them. "Hello." She called from behind her trees, poking her head out. She was well aware that the male had a knife, and could throw it at her.
6:58am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"What th ehell is that?!" Snapped Calyx, reaching for her bow. "Wolf!" She pulle dback an arrow. Kohaku swatted her Weapon down like it was nothing. "Kohaku! Whats your deal?!" SHe snapped at him. He set a hand on her shoulder and forced her to sit. "Its not a Wolf," He started. "Its a Lycan." Calyx stared at him for a few long seconds. "Sorry." She said finally. Kohaku nodded to the Lycan. "Hello, who are you?" He continued to carve what ever it was he was carving. Calyx sat up, scratching her head. Calyx calmed down and walked a few steps closer to the Lycan. "It sure looks like a Wolf." She said stubornly. "Are you sure it is what you say...A Lycan?" Kohaku nodded. "Fine, fine." Was all she said. Kohaku swallowed the lump in his throat. He stared a Calyx, but not at her face....but at her neck.
7:02am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Maya growled anxiously when the girl picked up her bow. She sighed when the male had taken it away. Maya wondered what to do, then trotted right up to them. "Yes, a Lycan, boy." She said pleasantly. "I'm surprised you know. I thought you would be one of those dumb vampires that scream talking wolf." Maya chuckled. She was a prankster and a trickster, spending most of her time deceiving the more stupider vampire race. "My name is Maya, and this is my wolf form." She flicked a tail to show them that yes, she could understand.
7:16am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Kohaku's not that stupid." Calyx snapped. SHe turned around, "Isn't that right, Kohaku--" She saw him staring at her neck. "You perverted Vampire!" She slapped him upside the head. Kohaku came back to focus and looked around to Calyx, who was stomping away angirly. "Calyx!" He wailed. "Where are you going?" Calyx turned around, anger un her eyes. "You dumbnut!" Then she continued walking away. Kohaku placed a hand on his forehead, muttering things to himself. Calyx came to a small pond. She sat down and took off ehr shoes, socks, then dangled them in the water. "Stupid idiot." She muttered to herself. "What am I to him?" She thought about it. "Am I just some human he can throw away?" She let out a sigh, followed by a yawn. "Should I go back?" She asked herself.
7:22am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Maya observed them for a moment. "Aren't you going to console your girlfriend, vampire?" She asked, a-ssuming that the boy was one when the girl screamed at him. "Y'know, staring at people's necks is also unpleasant, even if you're a Lycan." She grinned wolfishly, slowly going back to her original human form. "Well, here. I'm a human again. Come on, let's go and find that girl."
7:29am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku hissed. "She is NOT my Girlfriend!" he snapped at the Lycan. "We're JUST friends." He sat up, stretching. "And I didn't mean it!" He snared to himself. "I didn't mean it..." He repeated to himself. "She probrably went to the Pond, Thats like, her secret hideout." he snickered to himself. "But its not as secret anymore...." He shrugged, and nodded. "Yeah, lets go find her. I have to apologize." He huffed. -fail post- (( I gtg ))
7:32am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
"Whatever." She said, trailing behind the boy. 'The more you talk about it, the less I'll believe you.' She thought, semi-amused. "I have to say, a vampire forming a bond of any type with a human is strange." Maya spoke up, then covered her mouth. "Sorry." She mumbled, knowing the kid was going to yell at her again. "I like to speak my mind, and don't say anything against that." [[Baibai!]]
7:36am Sep 29 2010
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Lantern watched as the girl ran into the tree line, her hazel eyes watching her suspiciously. Like a shadow she followed the girls footsteps, a distinct scent trail following her. She finally came to the spot where the human was, apparently washing her shoes and socks. Lantern gave a inhuman sneer, sounding more like a hiss. With intimidating silence she walked from the ebony shadows of the long pines, stepping casually into the pond clearing.
As if she was as smooth as gla.ss a human like wolf form came about her, sand colored fur gleaming under the mid-day sun. "Hello there, human." She spoke, a grin showing the fangs that hid themselves behind her lips. "I saw you run from your 'protector' back there. And yes, those foul vampires tend to scare off most of the faint hearted humans." She said, the grin quieting down.
3:52pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Urm...What has happened?))
4:08pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( We've only just started. :) There is not much to read~ )) Calyx flinched at the new voice, almost falling into the water. "H-Hello." She stuttered, slowly turning around. She hissed to herself, Damnit! Why didn't I bring my Bow? She scolded herself. "W-Who are y-you?" She stuttered again. Stop fidigiting you idiot. She told herself. It somewhat helped her, but it didn't bring her courage up, or her fear down. Atleast it had made her stop stuttering. "Its actually rude to stalk people," Then she rembered, by the creatures appearance, she was Lycan. "Did your mother ever teach you that?" You stupid little-- Stop haras.sing it! Calyx looked down into the water. "Oh, you saw that..." She said. "his name is Kohaku, the most selfish, ill-mannered, sarcastic idiot Vampire I've ever known." She snickered. "I'm Calyx, if you were wandering." She put the facts togethor, she saw what had happened with ehr and Kohaku, she had found her.... HEy! You were eavesdropping on her!" She snapped. "What's your ploblem?!"
4:11pm Sep 29 2010
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((B-but I feel to lazy to read that!D8 Lol. Jk. Okay, let me go read it and then I will post my intro.^_^))