2:13pm Mar 8 2010
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"Definably." agreed Kai as she gave a low sigh at the feel of the air on her feathers. She pulled out the Eraser's baton and held it in her hand. "Just to be safe." she muttered.
3:40pm Mar 8 2010
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:43am Mar 9 2010
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ooc, Sure Dragon :D
1:01pm Mar 9 2010
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ooc; Bump
1:26pm Mar 9 2010
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Aurora smiled. She finashed stretching her wings and looked around. She walked to a far corner and started to get a running start. She jumped into the air her wings flapping trying to hold her weight.
1:30pm Mar 9 2010
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Kai ran to the opposite wall and jumped off, her wings flapping steadily as she hovered anxiously, watching the doors just incase someone walked in. She flew over and waited next to the doors, holding the rod in both hands.
1:42pm Mar 9 2010
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ooc; Prods ssather >:(
1:58pm Mar 9 2010
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Aurora smiled. She walked over to the door and grabbed the handle just as someone tried to open the door. She took a step back and watched the door slowly open.
2:02pm Mar 9 2010
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Kai tightened her hold on the baton as a scientist walked in, holding a clipboard. "HUh?" he said. "Where is everyone? And what are you doing out of your cage?!" he finished, staring at Aurora in conusion. "Sec.ur..." he didn't finish before Kai hit him on the head, crumpling to the ground. "Let's get going." said Kai anxiously.
2:19pm Mar 9 2010
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Aurora ran out of the room and into another one,"Which way out?" She asked looking around. they were in a large hall with many doors on each wall.
6:22am Mar 10 2010
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ooc; My internet shut off, not using my own >.< Kai looked about and pointed to the left. "That way I guess." she said, starting to run. "All we need is a window to crash out of."
2:45pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Thanks. I'll post it as fase as I can. ^^
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:50pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 2:51pm Mar 10 2010)
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Name: Matrix Void Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Genes: Osprey - Wolf - Human
Looks: Sprouting from inbetween her shoulder blades are russet wings with white feathers underneath. All the feathers on the wings are spotted with small black dots. Her hands - upt her elbows - are orange scales. The fingers are scaled and the nails are black talon. Matrix's feet are also scaled up her knees. Her heels are brought upward sightly so the balls of her feet touch the ground whenever she walks or stands. She has four scale toes tipped wit black talons and one right in the middle of her foot that allows her to completely grip a circular branch or anything else. White feathers start out small on her cheek bones before turning black and going around yellow raptor eyes. Also, some of the black, white, and russet feathers mix with her silvery hair. Plus from her tailbone, russet with white horizontal stripes tail feathers show through a hole in her torn faded blue jeans. On the crown of her head are black wolven ears and a black wolf tail sprouts from underneath her osprey tail feathers Human without bird and wolf additions - Matrix has silvery hair that goes down to her lower jaw and the tips are black and russet. She wears a black t-shirt that has an outline of a chinese dragon in silver. The shirt ends two inches below her waist. Lightly hugging her waist are torn, faded blue jeans that only go down to her knees. She wears no shoes. Personality: Matrix has a calm temperment and a slow fuse, but if you get her angry enough, she'll be fighting you before you even know it. Protective of her friends, she will not leave them in any sort of danger. When she gets into a fighting mode - which doesn't happen often - she is very fierce an aggressive. History: She escaped from the School when she was fifteen after living in it since she was born. The scientists that took her told her mother that she died shortly after being born.
Other: Nothing.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:42pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Great deion ^^
6:44pm Mar 10 2010
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2:17pm Mar 11 2010
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:23pm Mar 11 2010
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Matrix stood on an outcropping of stone a few miles south of the School. A dreaded place that she swore that she'd never, ever return to. Her yellow raptor eyes narrowed to the point of slits and she unfurled her opsrey wings slightly. Something was going on at the moment. But she couldn't make out what though. Flexing her claws that hugged the stone, Matrix luanched herself into the air. Snapping open her wings, she glided out and climbed higher into the sky. Her tail feathers fanned out as her wolven tail curled around her waist.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:46pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Kai chrashed throught the first window she saw, which luckily was high up enough to give her the time to flap her wings and soar upwards. She felt her muscles burn with the effort just to flap her wings, the muscles so unused. She winced as she dipped, her rythem interuppted by a shard of gl*censored* digging into her skin, right above her wing joint. She flew choppily, going by instinct as she had never flown before. She narrowed her eyes and widened them in shock as she saw a figure appear. What the (insert swear word of choice here)?!
2:13pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Matrix smelled another being with her enchanted sense of smell. She silently thanked the wolves. Turning her head she spotted Kai flying a little irregularly. Readjusting her wings, she started hovering in the air. Matrix wanted to convey to Kai that she meant no physical harm without projecting her voice. Her ears were pricked forward though. Her wolven tail was wagging slightly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:48pm Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Kai drew her breath in sharply as she felt her wing give slightly, causing her to dip lower. She bit her lip and forced herself to continue. She narrowed her eyes and saw the figure sharpen as she neared it. It was another person, that was clear, but ít had wings like her and Aurora! "Who are you?" she called out as loudly as she dared.