There is a small kingdom, though large enough to be called a kingdom. But the rulers, they rarely speak. The people seem to rule themselves. Or rather, the marks rule the people. In this kingdom, what you are is governed by the 'mark' one are born with. The knights all have the mark of a black sword, the healers all have the mark of a star. These special marks can appear anywhere on the body, the arm, the thigh, the forehead. But sometimes, a child is born without their mark. They have none, and they will never develop one. These children are seen as either a blessing, or a curse. They could either be skilled in almost everything taught to them, or perhaps, they would fall behind all the others. The ones that are skilled in every talent have always become... corrupted. That is why whatever child without a mark born within the kingdom is dealt with harshly. Recently, a lot of peasants have been producing markingless children. They are now in their teens. Will the kingdom be able to tolerate all these new teens, or perhaps, destroy them?
A small kingdom. Not very large, not too small. There are stalls, atriums, and wooden huts. The largest building is the castle. Outside the walls of the kingdom is a small forest, where wildlife is abundant. A few marked people live outside, but come into the kingdom every once in a while.
Markingless [No more spots left]
No powerplaying, godmodding, text-talk, spamming, or advertisments for other RPs.
Be literate, or at least, semi-literate. Meaning NO ONE-LINERS.
Romance and violence are both encouraged.
Three characters maximum
Keep. The. Gender Ratio. EVEN.
No same character romance.
Please, please, please, BE ACTIVE
Put the word 'Fish' in your bio to prove that you have read the rules.
I can change the rules anytime.
Name: [Please get rid of these messages. They'll clutter up your bio]]
Age: [15-18]
Personality: [RP out is fine.]
Deion: [Pictures are fine.]
Marking: [A knight has a black sword marking, a sorceror/ress has a star, a witch has a snake, a peasant has a rake, a noble has a coin, and markingless... well...]
Talent: [Must relate to your mark]
Crush: [Ask before announcing, and romance is always encouraged.]
Other: [One pet is accepted]