12:04am Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((okay then im markingless is that okay??))
2:51am Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Fine. Please go back and edit your bio. And please, use punctuation, capitalization and try to spell right.]]
4:38am Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 3,141
--|Bios|-- Name: Landon Dante Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: He's usually quiet and reserved, fearful that if he speaks out of term he will be punish. But once that cold outer shell of his is cracked, he's actually creative and quite childish. Deion:
Marking: A Black Sword marking on the left side of his neck. It starts a few centimeters below his ear then goes down to the nape of his neck. Talent: He is very skilled with all kinds of blades but prefers to use shorter ones. His signature weapons are four dirks (daggers). He ties their hilts together to make two sets of double ended daggers. He also seems to get along well with animals, but that could just be a coincidence. Crush: Open, although he probably wont accept anyone. Other: Although it doesn't exactly belong to him, a brown tom cat always seems to follow him around. Although he often ignores him, Landon has occasionally called him Mud. -------------- --|Bios|-- Name: Anthony [Tony] Lore Gender: Male Age: 16 Personality: Too hard to explain... Deion:
Marking: Markingless Talent: The main thing Tony is really skilled at is combat. He seems to have developed his own 'rogue' style of fighting that also incorporates elemental magic. He has a great memory and eye for detail and is a quick learner (even if it doesn't guarantee he can use what he's learned.) Crush: Open Other: Has a little metal mechanical owl toy that he carries around everywhere. It was designed by a toy maker when he was little. When charged with electricity, it can move around like a real owl and even relay coded messages depending on how it is charged with electricity. Tony simply calls it Owl.
5:10am Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yay, accepted! I guess we can start! -adds Loki's characters-]]
12:44pm Jul 12 2010
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Posts: 680
((We can XD But Just a note, I will be in a different region/state for the next tow days so the possibility of me not able to post anything is high >w< But I will be sure to have Rufi make so dramatic entrance >w< Just don't go too far ahead without me <3))
3:51am Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 7:16am Jul 13 2010)
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[[S'okay, Kittz! I shall sound out rMails telling everyone about the board starting, except for you, since you know x3]] Aryia peeked outside the doors of her small cottage. "Quiet today." She murmured, quietly slipping outside and closing the door behind her. Scanning the area, she saw that her neighbors was already up and about, as Aryia observed the life running around her. A small dog ran by her. Aryia watched it, smiling. She lifted up her right arm to examine her snake mark. Aryia grinned, quite proud of it, and strode on, heading into the atrium to buy food for the day. --- Korvan was kneeling down on a sandy path, petting a stray cat. It purred affectionately, leaning on him. Korvan smiled at the cat, scratching its ears. "Good kitty." He murmured, before standing up and walking away. He paused, and turned around again, throwing a small slice of beef in the air. The stray leapt up and caught it, meowing gratefully. Korvan smiled again, and headed back into the kingdom.
10:56am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((can i change my characters name to alice and have her blind??))
11:03am Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Hey Tld may I join?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:29pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 2:31pm Jul 13 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
{{I would love to join as a sorceress, oh, and Fish. o_o}}
3:07am Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Alright, Amh, but I find blindness extremely cliche now. Yay, I'd love you two to join, Kuro and Serenity :d Fishies are cool : o]]
10:00am Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 9:44am Jul 15 2010)
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Name: Feala Sharne Gender: Female Age: 18 Personality: A calm, collected, and kindred individual. Feala is unable to leave anyone in a dire or painful situation if she can, in any way, prevent it; Usually putting herself in danger if need be. Despite her self-sacrificing tendency, she always thinks beforehand and as.sesses any given scene before getting herself recklessly involved; She will not run blind into a potentially deadly situation. Feala is unafraid of conflict, having being around it constantly thanks to her mark, and will face it head on without hesitation, remaining true to her role as a Sorceress. She comes across as mature most of the time, though she does have a more laid back and fun loving side, and will willingly allow other to see it. Deion:
 Marking: A white, intricate, royal looking star, located at the base of her neck, just above the collarbone. Talent: She's a healer, adept with both potion healing and magical healing. She also has a strange ability that allows her to feel or detect when people are injured, physically or emotionally, meaning she can provide care suited to each of her individual patients. It also means she herself can suffer a great deal if huge numbers of people get hurt in one go, having to burden herself with the amount of suffering that comes with it. Crush: None just yet. :3 Other: None.
8:07am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Feela is accepted! I'll go add her now :] ]]
9:43am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 9:44am Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
It was another day, much like any other to Feala. Lately, not much seemed to have taken place on the war front, and she found currently her skills were not a constant need. It was a good thing, she supposed It did, atleast, give her a break.
She stood on a small hill not far from her cottage like home, overlooking the other stout buildings that provided living quarters for the people of this Kingdom. A huge oak towered above her, her body covered by the shadow it cast, the white dress she wore taking on a shade of light silver.
After a moment, she began her descent down the hill, towards her home, not having much of a plan for the day. She made her way to the base of that gras.sy curve, then meandered through the streets, arms crossed, her eyes taking in the people around her as she pas.sed, greeting many of her previous patients and their families.
After speaking for a short while with one of the said families, she looked over her shoulder, her eyes focusing on a figure not too far from her. It was Korvan, a man who Feala knew to be one of the Kingdoms markingless. She waved a hand in greeting, before turning back to the family she spoke with.
10:28am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Join? -Jabs Fish-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:47pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 1:47pm Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 680
((Sorry for the lateness >~< ))
Violet eyes glanced at the rising sun but winced at the sudden intrusion of light. Rufi was indeed sleeping on a bed of his quite luxurious cottage. His three blades kept next to his bed just incase of some attack. Grudgingly the black head got up and headed towards the toilet, he found throwing foul out the window slightly off putting. On the way he p*censored*ed his pet fish which was staring blankly at his master. Long whiskers twitched as Rufi went towards him picking up some fish food and dabbing some in the bowl.
"Don't eat too much Whisps," a soft yet deep voice said, "You're fat enough as it is," With that he left the witch's fish to his meal. Getting dressed and admiring his sword marking on his butt cheek. Oh how he seduced many women with it. The black clothes he wore contrasted his tanned skin. Grabbing his swords and giving his fish an unheard bye, the knight exited his house only half an hour after he woken up. Outside it was still quiet but lots of people heading to the atrium for the day's freshest goods. Maybe I should perhaps head there too, some ladies need help carrying their goods eh? Rufi chuckled at himself. Blushed looks from all his female neighbours meant that all of them had some sort of relationship with the knight player. On the way a unknown face caught his eye. A girl around his age with red hair and wearing a white outfit. Of course being the gentle man he was, Rufi can't resist knowing this lady. So checking his breath and knowing it smelt like mint he strode forward and greeted himself.
"Good morning Milady, you look exceptional today, my name is Rufi Daniel Heartbeat, may I know the pleasure of yours?" his violet eyes stared into her eyes, a grin spread across his face.

2:02pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,789
((I think Feala should know Rufi already. xD It's gives you someone who can keep an eye on him. xD!))
2:31pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 680
((Feala can if she wants XD Rufi should know most of the ladies names by now >.> What a monster I created :P))
2:36pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,789
((I mean as a sort of long term friend. The one who basically rolls her eyes every time he goes off. xD))
2:37pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((actually im dropping out of this rp. i'll just delete my bio.))
11:44pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yushyush, you can join, Ferro!]] Aryia turned around when she heard the word 'milady'. 'Huh.' She thought. 'Nobody has called me that in a long time.' She saw a weird looking guy, with purple-violet eyes, grinning at her. "Hello!" She said, using her usual perky voice. "Um, good morning, Rufi! My name is Aryia. You suuure are... friendly!" She looked around. Most of the girls in this area had their eyes on this person named Rufi. "Uhm... Why are they staring at you? Are you in trouble?" She asked blankly.