11:52pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 11:53pm Jul 15 2010)
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(( One question. Can a witch be a boy? And are there still Markingless left?))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:31am Jul 16 2010
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[[Sorry for the late post :/]] A loud yowl broke through the silence of Landon's small cottage, causing the knight to sit up quickly in fright, the sheet falling from his bare chest. He groaned and buried his face in his hands. Every bloody morning it was the same thing. That strange cat showed up at his window and howled for food like a wolf to the moon. It was like some strange curse unleashed upon. He hadn't even fed it until he had figured out if he fed the cat, it would go away for the day... or at lest stop howling. Landon slid out of his bed, quickly pulling on a robe to cover himself, before walking over to the window and pulling aside the cloth that hid it and opening it. The cat immediately jumped into the cottage and padded over to his table, jumping up on it and sitting down. It curled it's tail around itself and looked at Landon expectedly. "Devil's spawn." The knight muttered, walking over to the ice box and pulling out a strip of meat. He tossed it at the cat, which snapped it up and began gnawing on it. "Next time get your own dang food." Landon muttered, walking over to his wardrobe and pulling out his usual clothes. He quickly got dressed and ran his hands through his hair, pulling out the tangles but not actually caring that it was still messy. After getting the rest of the way ready, he grabbed his daggers and fixed them to his belt. He thought for a moment, making sure he hadn't forgotten anything before leaving his cottage, the cat following behind him. ----------------------------- A small gust a breeze roused Tony from his nap, his eyes fluttering open. He sat up, looking around the hill he had dozed off on. He didn't have an exact sleep schedule; he just slept whenever and wherever he was tired. Spotting Owl, he picked up the toy and inspected it. It didn't move so it must have run out of juice when he slept. A small spark of electricity danced over his fingers and Owl suddenly sprung to life with a small mechanical squawk. "There you go, bud." Tony said, patting Owl's head before flopping back down on the gras-s. Not having anything to do was boring.
1:12am Jul 16 2010
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[[Yup, a witch can be a male. Or you could just refer to him as a Warlock. And yes, there is one markingless spot left due to Amh quitting. And s'okay, Loki c:]]
2:55am Jul 16 2010
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((Kuro- Oh :D That would be cool XD)) Rufi was stunned at the reply he got, usually it was some sort of rejection whom he had to continue pursuing that lady until she had fallen for him. His violet eyes noticed the black reptile marking on her shoulder which implied that she was a witch. Heh and I thought the witches were the hardest to tame, The knight thought before she spoke. "What a beautiful name, Aryia-chan. So it seems your looks weren't the only thing that is gorgeous. Who wouldn't be friendly with such a woman?" Rufi grinned as he titled his hat up so his eyes and heart tattoo would shine in the morning light. Upon Aryia's question about the girls his smile became sheepish, "Of course not milady, It's just I'm the center of eighty percent of their gossip and rumors. I must guess they like me," Rufi could see the atrium from where he was standing. His stomach began to rumble and a slight blush spread across his face, "Excuse me for my rude stomach, perhaps I can treat you to breakfast, I must say I cook well but we could eat out I suppose," He grinned awaiting for an answer. ((I'm not sure in the medieval times, they had eat out places XD I remember the stuff they eat TwT))

3:34am Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 8:25am Jul 16 2010)
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[[Uhmm... Sure! We could just have them buy food from a stall :d Then I shall depend on you to pick out the food XD]] Aryia still looked at Rufi with a blank look. "Thank you, Rufi. I think your name sounds unique!" Aryia still looked around her. The women were now giving her looks of slight distate when Rufi invited her to eat with him. "Umm... Okay, I myself am pretty hungry right now." Aryia wasn't fazed by these piercing looks from the surrounding girls, but she didn't like their attitude. Aryia sighed, closing her eyes. She made a small hissing sound. "Come... come..." She murmured. To others, Aryia would sound like she was attempting to hiss and sound like a snake. But Aryia was really using her magic to summon her favorite companion. A black shape slithered towards her, making a few people jump in fright. The snake came right up to Aryia's feet. She bent down and picked him up. "Good morning to you, Amarth." Aryia cooed, touching him lightly on the forehead. The black mamba hissed, but in pleasure. Aryia glared at the girls surrounding her, daring them to speak up. A few looked away. Satisfied, she turned back to Rufi. "I hope he can come along." Aryia said, petting Amarth, who was coiling around her right hand. --- Korvan saw a hand wave in his direction. He shifted his eyes, but did not turn his face. Korvan recognized Feala, a healer who knew he was one of the few markingless. Before he could do anything, Feala had turned back to converse with a family. Korvan sighed, slowly making his way into the atrium. 'Perhaps I should buy more food for the animals.' Korvan thought, thinking of the cat he fed.

10:26am Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 10:37am Jul 16 2010)
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After speaking with the family outside their home for a moment more, Feala finally bid farewell to the child whom she had previously treated, shaking hands with the boys parents before continuing on her way down the street. She had no particluar plans nor any pressing business, and her progress through one of the Kingdoms small market squares was leisurely.
Eventually, the white clad healer spotted a familiar figure in the distance and came to a stop, raising a hand to cover her gray eyes as she focused on the being. It was Rufi, marked as one of the Kingdoms warriors, an old friend and well renowned flirt. The fact there was a girl with him didn't surprise the blonde at all, and she shook her head, smiling in tolerant exasperation. Honestly. He was nothing if not predictable. She eventually decided to leave him to it, falling into light conversation with one of the stall owners as she looked through his produce, a number of brightly coloured fruits, the sweet scents permeating the air around the stand that displayed them.
11:08am Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 11:10am Jul 16 2010)
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Unaru stood among a few trees just outside the kingdom, a bow and arrow in his hands. He flicked his head to the right slightly, trying to getsome of his hair of his eyes, then aimed at the center of a tree trunk not too far from him. He had carved a circle, using his dagger, on the middle of the trunk and used it as a target. He pulled back the string of his bow then let go, sending the arrow flying toward the tree. Once it hit the tree, Unaru jogged over to it then saw that the arrow was inside the carved circle. A slight smile appeared one his face as he pulled the arrow out of the tree. After pulling it out he walked back to where his other arrows were and stashed them in a holder. "I can practice more later," he decided then began walking back to the the kingdom. Once he was inside the kingdom, he pa$$ed a few people who had their markings expossed. Most of them were knights. Unaru let out a quiet sigh after he had pa$$ed them. He had liked the idea of being skilled in lots of things because he was a markingless, but a part of him had always wanted to have something to show off. ~~~ Accalia was in her cottage, sitting on a chair and looking out the window. Her left arm was resting on the windowsill(?) as she watched the cilvilians of the kingdom go about. She let out a sigh and her attention drifted over to her right arm, where the black snake marking was. She let out a sigh and, using her right hand, put some of her hair behind her right ear before standing up. "I little walk around won't hurt," she said to herself then walked over to the cottage door. She opened it then walked out, closing the door behind her, then walked down the street, unsre of where to go.
2:58pm Jul 16 2010
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Name: Dravius Splite Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: I'm horrid at this, so RP it out. Deion: He's the blonde one, and his eyes are two colors, one is black, the other is a golden colour. His arms are bandaged at all times, and he wears the simple black clothes, doesn't carry a weapon for fear he'll hurt himself. Marking: Markingless Talent: He can't do anything, and is regarded as a menace to everyone's safety. Crush: None, he's not that popular. Other: He stands at six feet, five inches. And everyone calls him Split. Unless he knows you well.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:11pm Jul 16 2010
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Split, the boy in black, slunk through the marketplace, putting up with the occasional curse and thrown rock. He already had a black eye from begging from the blacksmith, a great hairy beast of a man. He touched his eye with long fingers, wincing at his own touch. As he walked past a gaggle of older women, whispers wrapped around him, snatches of insults and pity, "Wonder he can breathe right..." "Menace to the town" "Should just leave." Split pulled his shaggy blonde hair in front of his face, pas.sing the sharp-tounged women. With a yelp, he collided with a blonde girl, falling backwards. Split had been looking at the ground, not where he was going. He recognized the girl, and looked up at the large, pretty star that ersided on her breastbone. "I'm very sorry, Mi'lady." he said, scrambling to his feet, and falling back again, knocking over a stall and recieving an insult and a curse from the owner. "Sorry, sorry." He said, backing away and bowing to the healer in front of him, breathing hard. His thick blonde hair covered his face aas he pulled out of his bow and tried to stride away, clipping his thin hip on the friut stand, ripping his shirt and leaving a long, red track of missing skin. Split winced, clapping his hand over his wound, then stumbling away from the stand, apologizing profusley, then sighed and contiued quickly, cursing himself inside his head for the spectacal, hearing titters and snickers trailing behind him. He looked up just in time to avoid a thrown rock, but in doing so, slippd on antoher rock and went down, smacking his skull on the hard ground with a yelp.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
4:56am Jul 17 2010
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[[Nyah. I shall add Dravius to the list right now :d]]
7:49am Jul 17 2010
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Feala had been in deep conversation with the fruit stall owner when she felt a heavy weight run into her. Grasping hold of the side of the fruit stand to stop herself falling, she glanced to her side, recognising the male who had collided with her as yet another of the Markingless; Currently sprawled on the floor beneath her thanks to the impact. He was, as far as she knew, one of the less able Markingless, and she felt a tiny wrench of pity as the guy made an attempt to right himself.
She stood away from the stall, glancing at one of the nearby owners as he attacked the blonde Markingless verbally, silencing him with a look. She turned back just in time to watch as the blonde ducked to avoid a thrown stone, before promptly falling to the ground for a third time. She sighed; Really... People could be so cruel and cold, like there wasn't enough suffering in the world already... Not that they seemed to care, obviously.
"Stop it," She said bluntly, her voice steely and clear as she stepped over a number of fallen produce, heading quickly over to stand by the blonde. She knelt once she reached him and gently placed a hand to the side of his head; As.sessing the damage with touch. It wasn't too bad... Though he would probably suffer an ongoing and very painful headache over the next couple of days, and she was going to have to do something about that cut.
The people of the Kingdom seemed to have finally lost interest in the Markingless, atleast, the verbal abuse had finally flickered out, and people continued to go about their own business as though nothing had taken place. She figured the was only because of her intervention, seeing as many of the Kingdom's inhabitants knew her, having being treated by her at one point or another. They owed her enough to do as she asked, or atleast, back off enough to allow her to deal with the unfortunate male.
She moved her free hand to the other side of his head, holding him so that he looked directly at her. She felt he'd be able to stand, with a little help anyway. She muttered under her breath, casting a simple spell that would allow the Markingless to think clearly, shortly followed by another to dull the immediate pain. She could treat properly him once they got off the street.
"What's your name?" She asked, glanacing at his other injuries before returning her gaze to his face, thankful that the Kingdom's inhabitants had enough respect for her to leave him be for now. "Where do you live?"
10:34am Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 680
Rufi glanced at Aryia with interest as his name was mentioned. His father was slightly drunk when he was born it seems. But mentioning that would ruin his image and pride. "Thank you Milady," He turned and faced the store they were at- which contained rabbit and goose meat which was to the knight's delight already cooked. His violet eyes glanced at the girls giving Aryia evil stares and looks of disgust. Rufi sighed as he waved and blew a kiss to the girls making them squeal and gossip with one another. He returned his attention with the witch next to him. His eyes widened when he noticed a black serpent. Of course being a man he had no fear of such animals, "Or course he can, He's cute. Here roast rabbit," He p*censored*ed a paper bag of newly roasted meat. He proceeded to find a suitable sitting place before a foe caught his eye. The foe went by the name of Feala whom was probably the only girl in the town not to fall for his flirts. The black haired man waved at her and looked back at Aryia. "It seems there is a problem I need to attend to, I am terribly saddened to have to leave your extraordinary company, perhaps we can meet again, milady," With a kiss on her hand and a stoke of the snake's head, he strolled to the direction where Feala was when he heard curses and the stall owners chucking waste and rocks at a poor blond boy whom knocked into the sorceress. He held his hand out to stop some of the disgusting food being thrown at the seemingly clumsy boy. By the time he stopped the section of stalls, Feala had her hands on the boy, healing him probably. His grinned as he hopped across the waste towards them. "Feala-chan, long time no see. Did you miss me honey?" He laughed as he looked at the mismatched eyed boy, "Yo, kiddo. Hungry? Here," He smiled as he offered the blonde the share of rabbit meat he had. Rufi had that habit of calling anyone who seemed younger than him 'kiddo'. It was his father's habit so he guessed it came from there. "You two want to come over to my cottage so we can treat your wounds?" He grinned his usual grin as the surrounding female stall keepers blushed slightly. The knight sweat-dropped as he tilted his hat to show his face more.

2:52pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 12:23am Jul 18 2010)
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Split opened his mismatched eyes wide and looked up at the two marked standing over him. He pulled swiftly away from both of them, staggering slightly as he got to his feet. "Split, Mi'lady, and no thank you, Mi'lord." His voice wavered slightly as he bowed again, his bandaged arms and hands in front of him. "Thank you, Mi'lady, for removing my headache." Split was deep into a bow, staring straight at the ground, his hair hanging vertical. "I hope I have not caused Mi'lady inconvienience." Pulling himself up out of his deep bow, he backed away, putting each foot down with extreme care, to avoid tripping again. He was breathing hard, his thin chest heaving like a pair of broken bellows. Through the stark white of his bandaged arms, thin streaks of bright red could be seen, and he stared at the bag of meat in Rufi's hand, it's delicious smell wrapping itself around the boy's nose. Split hadn't eaten in days, as no one would take the chance to hire him for a job, after he had let an entire flock of sheep loose, in an accident. "Um, Mi'lord, if it isn't trouble, may I take you on that offer of food?" His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeper, trying to catch any hint of the mouth-watering rabbit. Split shifted from foot to foot looking down at the feet of the Marked in front of him. He had never been spoken to nicely by a marked, nonetheless by two. A small drop of sweat traced down the bridge of his long straight nose. He actually had a rather handsome face, with long lashes, full lips, and a small saddle of freckles across his face. His brown eye had a small scar above it, making the hair in the bottom half of the eyebrow to grow in a stark white. His shaggy, thick blonde hair, although not particularly neat, was glossy and heatly looking. The only bad thing about his looks were the smattering of bruising around his face and neck, the only places that were visible above the simple black clothes and thin red striped arms.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:43am Jul 18 2010
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Aryia looked up at Rufi, watching him walk away. "What a weird person." She thought, thinking that he displayed much kindness to stranger. She glanced back at Amirith. "You don't like him?" She asked. Whatever he said, Aryia would always make a mental note of. SHe saw another familiar face wandering around the atrium. "Hey, Korvan!" She waved at the markingless and smiled, relieved to see someone she knew. Amirith looked at Korvan also, as Korvan was one of the few the snake approved of. --- Korvan turned around when he heard his name. "Oh, it's just Aryia." He thought. Korvan knew the witch, and she was also one of the few people in the kingdom that knew he was a markingless. "Hello." He waved back at the enthusiastic girl. "She's always so cheerful." Korvan mumbled, quickly pa.ssing a few coins to a stall-owner, who gave him a slice of meat in exchange.
8:01am Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 2:04pm Jul 18 2010)
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Glancing sideways, the Sorceress threw a well aimed slap at the ankle of Rufi as he stood by her. "It has been awhile... I see you havn't changed much." She retorted, pointing at the girl the Warrior had left behind. "And that might not be a bad idea..." She continued, referring to Rufi's offer. He did, afterall, live closer to the square than she did, and clearly, the Markingless wasn't going to answer her question. Feala's hand automatically it seemed reached for the Markingless known as Split as he attempted to get himself up. She sighed mentally. The young man was most likely going to urt himself again, going by his luck within the previous 5 minutes.
She glanced back at Rufi, then shook her head. "It's not a good idea for you to move around so much... I havn't exactly finished helping you..." She kept her eyes on the blonde headed Split, then sighed, figuring he would probably refuse more help. "Here... Atleast take this."
Fumbling around in a small bag tied to her waist, she retrieved a small vial, the golden liquid glinting as she brought it into the sunlight. It was a form of painkiller, one that lasted far longer than any pill. She held it towards Split, slightly relieved by the fact he wanted to eat. Well, still having an appatite was a good sign.
12:55pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 680
((Should I add another character to interact with Aryia and Korvan. I want Rufi to fall in love but he's just to urgh TwT)) "Split eh? Town must be filled with people with wacky names. Mine is Rufi. Call me anything you like," Rufi laughed as he softly patted the messy blonde on the shoulder making sure he didn't whack the poor boy's body. His eyes widened as he gave the boy a questionable look when he asked for the meat, "Hah? Why are you bowing kiddo? I offer it to you and you ask if you can accept it? Haha funny kiddo. Of course you can," His attention abruptly disturbed by a hit on his ankle making him wobble slightly. Regaining his composure he grinned at the sorceress. "As nice as always, Feala-chan," Rufi rubbed his ankle. His eye's followed where the sorceress was pointing and his weak 'sorry' smile came. His eyes became serious when he saw the red line marks on the openings of Split's bandaged arms and bruised face. He watched quietly- for once, as Feala offered the boy a small vial with some sort of potion or golden liquid, "Well I could just carry him there, I'm sure the surrounding p*censored*ersby's would have a more attractive facial feature if they did," He stared at some of the workers with disgusts looks on their faces with turned away when they came in contact with the knight's. "Why would they look like that anyway, They don't have a reason to hate you right kiddo?" He grinned as he held his hand out to give the boy support, "Fall on me if you like, you must be a strong kiddo to still be able to stand normally in that state," He winked at Feala with his signature smile.

1:50pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 2:13pm Jul 18 2010)
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((I might make another too... o_O))
8:46pm Jul 18 2010
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[[Obviously Rufi's gonna fall for some person who doesn't fall for his flirtyness. Which can either be Feala or Aryia, since she's too dense to understand love o.o I'm also considering making another character. Too many males for once XD]] Aryia was impatient. "Come here, Korvan!" She yelled. Amirith hissed in displeasure, but he kept quiet and still. 'Geez, he's so unsocial sometimes.' Aryia thought, crossing her arms. 'You care too much about that idiot.' Amirith hissed, his nose close to her ear. "Well, he's one of the few people you don't want to bite." Aryia retorted. Amirith paused, and sank back onto her lap. 'Fine.' He mumbled. --- Korvan sighed, trudging to the spot where Aryia and her snake sat. Korvan sat down next to her. "Good morning, Aryia." Korvan said. He looked down warily at her black mamba, who gave off the feeling that he was staring back at Korvan with his beady black eyes. "Uhm... here." Korvan tore off a piece of beef from his hands and flicked it at Amirith. The mamba caught it in the midair with ease. Aryia smiled. "Well, at least I don't have to feed him anymore." She said, stroking him on the head. Korvan sighed again. 'Why does she have to be so cheery...' He thought.

11:45pm Jul 18 2010
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Split looked up through his long lashes shyly, taking the small vial from Feala. "Mi'lord, I am bowing becasue you are a Marked, and thus in a higher station than I." He shied slightly away from Rufi's arm, dropping the vial into a hidden pocket in his loose black pants. "Mi'lord it would not be acceptable to touch me, please." Split paused for a second then added, " It is not socially acceptable to touch an unmarked. And Split is not my real name." He kept his eyes alternatly at his feet and the meat in Rufi's hands. "It is okay, Mi'lady Feala. I am....used to pain, in the least." He touched the ugly bruise on his eye and cheekbone. "I recieved that from the blacksmith for asking for a job." Dravius Split afforded himself a small smile, before his face as.sumed it's fearful ex pression. "If it would not be any trouble, I would like to ask if you know of anyone who would give me a job, as I've asked for the pasat week or so." Split clenched his fists and bowed. "I am sorry, Mi' Lord and Lady. It was disrespectful of me to ask anything of you after you already showed me kindness." His fists were cleched so tightly, in fact, that his nails dug through the bandages and showed moons of crimson as with a effert, he relaxed his hands with a sigh.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:02am Jul 19 2010
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Unaru's bow was in his left hand while his arrows were in their holder which was hanging from his shoulder. Usualy he would pratice longer, but at the moment he didn't feel like it. After a while of walking he was in the atrium and stopped at a stall. Hoping he had enough money, he took the coins in his pants pocket and found a few silver coins. At least I brought enough for some meat, he thought then handing some of those silver coins to the stall owner. Unaru had not been paying attention to what the stall owner said so didn't know what meat he was given, but he could et almost anything so it didn't really matter. Rather carefully, he took the plastic of meat from the stall owner then began walking to his right, where his cottage was. ~~~ Accalia had a bored ex pression on her fce as she walked down the road. She lifted her right index finger then started twirling her hir around it. She did this for about a minute then spotted some one coming her way. The black clothes and purple hair made it easy for her to tell who it was. When she was a few feet way from the markingless, he waved her hand in greeting. "Hello, Unaru." She greeted in pleasant tone. ~~~ Unaru eyes flicked over to Accalia then stopped. He bowed his head slightly in greeting. "Greeting, Mi'lady." He said back then fixted the arrow holder's strap as it slowly slid of because of moving his head.