9:34pm Jun 15 2011
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9:44pm Jun 15 2011
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The bear shook the wolf off of him, and walked up to the she-wolf, connering her. "Well. You'll make an excellant meal." He snickered, glaring into her eyes with his devilish brown eyes. He swatted a paw and the wolf.
9:54pm Jun 15 2011
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Jessa felt her body slam into the den wall as the bear's paw wacked her. She let out a small whine and closed her eyes as the pain shot through her. She was terrified. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't just sit there though. She would never survive if she didn't at least try to defend herself. She laborously lifted herself onto all fours. Javon watched Corval get shaken off the bear. If he wan't so afraid he was about to lose his daughter, he would have been proud of Corval for the attempt. It was couragous of his nephew. Javon's mind was on Jessa though. He sprinted at the bear and lept up onto the bear's back. He sunk his teeth as best he could into the back of the bear's neck. He knew it wouldn't hurt the bear too much, but he just wanted to distract the bear from Jessa. Corval shook himself off after hitting the ground. He stared at the bear for a moment and then got an idea. He slipped under the bear and started tearing at the softer belly of the bear. Blood from the bear filled his mouth. He started spitting and coughing, trying to get the blood out of his mouth. He kept his paws scratching at the belly of the bear. He wasn't going to let the beast get Jessa.

1:41pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 9:48am Jun 26 2011)
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((Sorry for not being here! Schoolworks taking up most of my time Will post right away)) Mist sat in the clearing. The sunlight caught her fur at a strange angle making her have a glowing white outline. Mist was in deep thought, about why the wolf could have anothers wolf's blood on it. Surely, it couldnt have been from killing another wolf. Mist knew there could be other reasons, but this idea stuck out the most. Mist shook her head to rid herself of such thoughts and stood up. As she stood she heard a loud roar. A bear roar. Mist had had few encounters of bears but none of them were good. Most of the time, the bears either stole her kill or attempted to attack Mist. She stiffened and listend carefully. She heard a faint whine soon after the roar. What was the bear doing? Mist began to walk towards the roar. The only thing making her legs move was her curiosity. Mist trudged through some shrubs and bushs for a short while before she came to the dens. She knew she shouldnt be here, but she had to find out what this bear was doing. She scanned the area and her eyes soon found the bear. It was by a den with two others wolves frantically attacking it. One was under the bear scratching its belly while the other was on top biting the bears neck. Mist was frozen with both confusion and fear. Should she help? But if she helped, surely the pack wolves would attack her aswell. But the bear was obviously set on killing something inside the den. Finnaly Mist charged at the bear and clamped down onto one of its back legs at the ankle. She tore her teeth into the bear as far as she could and jerked her head around in an attempt to distract the bear. If she was lucky, she could maybe get to the bone, or near, and that was almost certain to distract the bear. But Mist knew that bears had huge builds, Mist called them 'Chunks of muscle with bad attitudes,' and that it would have to be a particually thin bear if she were to get to the bone at all.

11:21am Jun 27 2011
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{{{sorry I have been gone. My son has been really sick.}}} Corval noticed the shewolf attacking the bear. She wasn't part of the pack, but he knew that they needed all the help they could get. He chose to let her alone, to let her help them. He kept tearing at the bear's belly. It was raoring in anguish as he attacked the belly. He hoped the bear would soon give up and leave. Corval feared for Jessa. He hoped they would all come out of this alright. Jessa kept close against the wall. She was terrified. The bear kept snapping his teeth at her. She tried to keep well away from them. She could see Corval and her father attacking the bear. She whimpered more. She tried to find her courage. She had to fight. She took a deep breath and lunged at the bear's face. She bit down where ever she could and scrathed at his eyes and nose with her claws. Javon kept biting the bear. He had to get it away from his daughter. Javon noticed Jessa run at the bear's face. "No, Jessa. Don't..." He bit harder. He had to get this bear away.

11:36pm Jun 27 2011
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10:03am Jun 28 2011
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10:27am Jun 28 2011
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The bear frantically tried to get away, knowing he cannot win. He grabbed his left paw and smacked the she-wolf who was supposed to be dinner off of him. He was to weak to get anyone else off, so he just started charging away, hoping the wolves would come off while he charged through the forest.
12:33pm Jun 28 2011
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Jessa's body flew from the bear. She landed with a thud on the floor of the den. A soft whine left her muzzle as she fell. Then, she laid there, almost lifeless. Her chest softly went up and down with each breath she took. She didn't open her eyes or lift her head. Her body was shot through with pain. She whimpered again. Javon let go of the bear's neck and jumped to the ground just before the bear ran into the woods. He landed on his paws and ran to the den. He stood over his daughter. "Jessa," he whispered. He licked her ears as she whimpered. Corval dropped to the ground as the bear fled. He rolled onto his paws and stood up. He looked at his bloody paws. He knew he was a mess from tearing at the bear's belly. He went to go wash it off in the nearby stream. When the blood was gone from his face and paws, he went back to the dens. He stood outside the opening to Jessa's den and watched Javon and Jessa.
3:28pm Jun 28 2011 (last edited on 3:06am Jun 29 2011)
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Posts: 322
Mist let go of the bear as it charged off. Her muzzle was solid red, in stark contrast to her snow white coat. She watched as the bear went off and then turned to look at the she-wolf. She peered curiously. Mist desperately wanted to help, but one, the pack wolves would not take kindly to her going near one of theirs, and two, how could she help? Mist glanced back in the direction of the bear, but it was gone. Mist stood there and watched as one wolf went over to the she-wolf. One wolf went off, only to come back soon. Mist turned away and slowly began walking away, back to the cover of the forest. Back to being alone.
6:53pm Jun 28 2011
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(( Okay, should I continue to RP the bear, or... I don't have anything for Ivy to do o.o ))
11:28am Jun 29 2011
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Corval turned his head as he heard the soft padding of paws behind him. He noticed the she-wolf. In the commotion with Jessa, he had almost forgot she had been there to help. He strolled up to her. "Hello. I am Corval. The wolf over there is Javon, our Alpha, and the little one is Jessa, his daughter. Thanks for helping with the bear." Corval smiled at tthe she-wolf. It was brave of the loner to help pack wolves like that. He admired her courage.
11:30am Jun 30 2011
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12:15pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 12:17pm Jun 30 2011)
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Mist jumped a little as a wolf talked to her. She turned around to face him. "Oh, hi. I'm Mist.." She said, but her voice was quiet and shy. She smiled back at the wolf. "Well, I like to help I guess. I couldnt forgive myself if your Alpha's daughter was hurt." Mist sat down and licked her red lips. Mist was glad the wolf was this welcoming, she hadnt expected that at all. How and where did that burst of bravery come from?!
1:08pm Jun 30 2011
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Corval sat down beside her. He could tell she thought he was part of the pack. He wasn't though. Not yet anyways. "Javon is my uncle, but I'm not part of this pack. I am really like you. Javon used to be a loner, too. Love made him a pack wolf though. And it's nice being with a pack. Maybe, I will be a pack wolf too." Corval was awkward around this she-wolf. He wasn't a very social wolf. Plus, something about her made him feel even more nervous.
11:13am Jul 1 2011
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3:07pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 2:41am Jul 3 2011)
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Mist watched as the wolf sat down beside her. Her fur waved gently in the breeze, some stray rays of sun framed her in a glowing yellow outline. "Oh, I had expected you to be a full member of the pack, since you were with the Alpha.." Mist said, her voice a teeny braver, "I don't know if a pack life would be for me. I prefer being on my own for some odd reason." Mist gave a little shrug at the end of her sentence and looked away towards the floor. She found it hard talking face-to-face.
10:46am Jul 2 2011
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(( I'll let you guys take over the RP, and I will quit my own RP XD So good luck ;) ))
2:37am Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 322
(( Whhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa?? Oh, well... thank you! D'oh, I thought you should have continued as the bear but.. if you want to leave..))
10:18am Jul 3 2011
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(( It's okay, I'll let you guys take over from here :3 ))