7:45pm Jun 2 2011
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((Bump~ :3))
7:50pm Jun 2 2011
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Can I join? I'd like to join with Bailey Somerson.
7:55pm Jun 2 2011
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((Yes you can. I'll get to putting you on the list sometime soon.))
8:14pm Jun 2 2011
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ooc:// Burmp
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
9:19pm Jun 2 2011
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((Oh. I'll join then. My character's name is Kazio Bryant Mitchals.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:25pm Jun 2 2011
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((Okay. Since it is getting late, I'll update the character list tomorrow as soon as possible.))
9:36pm Jun 2 2011
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((Can I join as Paige Esenger?))
9:41pm Jun 2 2011
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((Yes you can join. I will add you as well tomorrow.))
9:45pm Jun 2 2011
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ooc:// I think that's all the spaces! :D Yaaaay! Tomorrow we can start role playing.
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
9:47pm Jun 2 2011
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((Thanks and YAY!))
7:19am Jun 3 2011
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((Now that this is all settled, introduction posts!)) Sixteen-year-old Loki Lifren blinked his eyes slowly open. His head pulsed as if it had been hit over with a hammer. Loki's frosty blue eyes stared upwards. They gazed at the blurry canopy of leaves above. His whole body was sore from head to toe. "Where in the world am I?" he muttered, gritting his teeth when he attempted to get into a sitting position. He shook the stray leaves from his ruffled black hair.
9:05am Jun 3 2011
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With a groan, Branwen attempted to shut out the sunlight. It felt as if a troupe of Irish dancers had done a jig on her skull. She clutched it, struggling into a sitting position. Her thick, wavy, hip-length black hair was tangled with leaves and twigs. This added to her light, flowing green blouse, dark brown peasant skirt and multi-shaded green eyes gave the effect of an earth spirit. Take away the leaves, and it was the look she usually tried for. All this was a shocking contrast against her pale skin, dusted over her dainty button nose with freckles. At the sound of another, apparently experiencing the same discomfort, Bran become instantly alert. Her sharp, feline features took on a new, predatory form, and her head turned to the source. Snorting, she brought her knees to her chest. "Wherever it is, I don't think it's an accident."
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
5:03pm Jun 3 2011
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Bailey Somerson Blinked and sat up. She got the leaves out of her brown hair and steadily stood up. "What just happened?" She groaned. Bailey rubbed her forehead and started to walk, but stumbled and fell again. She grumpily got her face out of the dirt and looked around again. These surounding weren't familiar.
6:12pm Jun 3 2011
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Piage was sitting up against by now her hands clutching at her shoulder length dark brown hair. He eyes were closed shut with slight agony as her head throbed as if her veins were going to explode. Leaves had entagled themselves into her combat boots and pockets of her multi pocketed black denim cargo pants. Dirt was on the shoulders and in the pockets of her black navy officer coat that covered her over sized Santa Cruz T-shirt. "Will you stop talking it's only making my head worse" she mumbled mostly to herself. She slowly opened her dark hazel eyes to look around at the others as the pain in her head subsided a bit.
6:20pm Jun 3 2011
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Knightrus awoke slowly and painfully. Her head throbbed to the beat of a techno song, making her groan in pain. She pushed herself up from the forest floor, muttering to herself, "Shat." Knight took a deep breathe and scanned her surroundings. This surely wasn't the carnival she was at last night. Rustling leaves made knightrus' head twist to the side, looking for the being who had caused the sound. "Hey, if you think is funny, it isn't!" She called out, expecting the person to be the one who had put her in this place.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
9:41pm Jun 3 2011
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Loki turned his head weakly. His ears had picked up the sound of other people talking nearby. Just barely with the blood pounding in his ears. It pounded in a deep rhythm. Thump. Da-thump. Thump. Da-thump. He stared with his still-adjusting eyes at the other human forms. Just past the pounding was a buzz of questions. Who was he? He had a name that he knew...but still he had no piece of his past. Not even his parents!
10:40pm Jun 3 2011
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In the tense, frightened, paniced atmosphere that was developing, Branwen did the only normal thing she could think to do. She began to pray. The wild-looking young woman cleared a circle in the carpet of leaves, drawing a vague outline of a star within that circle. She then began to perform a ritual, not remembering how she knew it, or how she was speaking Old Gaelic. All she knew was that with each motion and each hauntingly beautiful word she felt more and more at ease. One phrase was repeated over and over, and it's meaning was somehow clear. "Mathair Cre, Earth Mother." Okay, so she worshipped Mother Earth. That seemed like a pretty cool religioin to suddenly realize you have. Whatever. After completing the brief ritual, Branwen looked around her with a little bit more interest. The pain in her head had subsided, and her panic levels were almost nonexistent. Awesome. She looked to the person nearest her, a b
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
10:41pm Jun 3 2011
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In the tense, frightened, paniced atmosphere that was developing, Branwen did the only normal thing she could think to do. She began to pray. The wild-looking young woman cleared a circle in the carpet of leaves, drawing a vague outline of a star within that circle. She then began to perform a ritual, not remembering how she knew it, or how she was speaking Old Gaelic. All she knew was that with each motion and each hauntingly beautiful word she felt more and more at ease. One phrase was repeated over and over, and it's meaning was somehow clear. "Mathair Cre, Earth Mother." Okay, so she worshipped Mother Earth. That seemed like a pretty cool religioin to suddenly realize you have. Whatever. After completing the brief ritual, Branwen looked around her with a little bit more interest. The pain in her head had subsided, and her panic levels were almost nonexistent. Awesome. She looked to the person nearest her, a weirding looking girl with crazy white-blond hair. "Uh, hey. You got any idea what's going on here?"
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
4:44am Jun 4 2011
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Kaz came to slowly, almost, carefully. His head swarmed with sharp, nearly feral pain. He ran a hand through his oddly colored, black with light plue and purple streaks, hair, wincing at the pulsing, throbbing sensation as he did so. Even the hum of a small bee near his ear made him groan. Sitting up was a whole nother idea. As he pulled himself up and cracked his eyes open into small light blue slits, he saw the rest of them, the other ones.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:50pm Jun 4 2011
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What was I drinking last night? Paige thought to herself but then remembered that she was at a carnival last night. But that was all she could seem to remember besides her name. She let her head drop back against the thick trunk of the tree behind her. She looked up into the diffrent shadeds of green that the foliage seemed to come in. She pushed herself up off the ground and steadyed herself on the tree as her other hand went back to her head that was starting to throb again.