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8:14pm Jun 5 2011

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8:23pm Jun 6 2011

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((Bump Bump Bump))


12:08am Jun 7 2011

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A lowly growl erupted from the throat of a tall, muscular boy. "Oh my Lanta..." He muttered as he shoved himself up off of the ground. A few dead leaves clung to his long, straggly blonde hair. He pulled these out, not even bothing to notice he was in a forest with 6 other random strangers. 

The boy was Ian Noonan, and he most certainly was confused. Then, it hit him. "Where the f-" Ian cut himself off. He didn't trust himself to curse when there was a girl doing voodoo, or whatever she was doing, right in front of him. Then, the boy almost jumped out of his skin as a girl shouted into the woods. 

"Jesus Lady," He said, almost angrily, to Knightrus, right after she shouted. He rubbed his head, trying to wipe away the upcoming headache that he knew was coming. And, as if on cue, there it was. Pouding. He could feel his heart-beat pump through his temples. Gah, where the hell was he? And why? 


6:10pm Jun 7 2011

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Paige muttered a few choice words to herself keeping her eyes shut tight and head facing twords the ground. Her hand was still clutching her hair as if that was going to help her head ach. She was a bit dizzy still so she kept her hand on the tree trunk. After a moment she opened her eyes again. She wanted to know where she was but she wasn't about to ask anyone here. She didn't know them and she didn't care to either. She thought about just leaving the group but then she might get more lost so she dicided against it.


7:49pm Jun 8 2011

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((Bump~ :3))


11:45am Jun 9 2011

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At the growl behind her Branwen turned away from the blonde, finding the source of the noise. And it was... A boy. Good. No flesh-eating monsters here. With a wide smile she jogged over to him, hair swinging out behind her. "Hi, I'm Branwen. Do you have any idea what all is going on here? I'm confused as all get out..."

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7:12pm Jun 9 2011

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She watched as two of the people interacted and found it kind of odd that some one might run up to a random person and act like they'd known each other forever and be all 'hey I have no idea who you are but we're gonna get out of here together!'. But eh, she was odd herself and she wasn't about to go up to them and say their stupid so good luck to them. She peered around the tree to see if there might be any one else around. Nope. She sat back down and tried to think. How would she get out of here.


7:17pm Jun 9 2011

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"Er... Hi?" Ian said, looking up at the girl who just ran up to him. He stood up and smacked the leaves and dirt off of his butt. "I'm Ian," He said quickly, not bothing to wait for her answer. "And I have no idea how, when, or who put us here." The boy's headache was almost gone now, and he searched his mind for anything that might be usefull. But, all he could come up with was a band on his wrist and his name. Otherwise, all other details were iffy.


7:25pm Jun 9 2011

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Paige began by searching her pockets. Maybe there would be something useful. She pulled out a dagger and a zippo lighter. She smiled at them. Well doesn't the old me sound like fun. she said to herself. Now what to do with them.


7:37pm Jun 9 2011

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"Well that sucks arse. And by the looksof it, everyone else is just just as confused. It's cool to meet you, Ian. So, we're all just gonna wait? Get eaten by some freakish monster? I think not." She moved off a bit, peering around into the woods. Her voice rose in volume, sharp. "I'm gonna try to get a general layout of where we are. Anyone else willing to do the same can, but we need someone here to stay as a place-marker."

And with that she took off, going into survival mode. Her steps became softer, barely a whisper over the leaves as she dropped into a slinking crouch. The colors of her clothing, hair, skin, and even eyes provided a weirdly effective camoflouge, helping Bran to all but disappear into the brush. 'Creeper mode engaged.'

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7:42pm Jun 9 2011

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She watched as the girl left before looking back down at her lighter that she was fliping open and closed thinking of what to do with it. Sure she could make a fire but it wasn't dark enough to make a fire it would just attract animals at the moment. As for the dagger. She didn't have any ideas for that either. Wow I suck at surviving in the wilderness but atleast I didn't run off with no way to get back. she said looking at the bright side.


10:44pm Jun 9 2011

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Kaz took a que from the girl digging through her pockets and serched his own. A peice of gum, a wad of cash, a bit of string, and a book of how to build shelters. Hmm. His headache nearly gone, he stood and surveyed the land around him. the other people stood just a bit away, though seemed to be ignoring him as everyone did. He shrugged and leaned back against the nearest tree, watching the others trying to work things out.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:27pm Jun 10 2011

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Paige buzzed her pis together as she looked up from her two objects she had in her pockets. She had no idea what to do and she wasn't sure if she should try to trust anyone here. She hadn't seen them before not even from  the carnival. They were complete strangers to her. It's gonna be harder to get out of here by yourself. She said to herself. She looked around at the people in the area. Who should she talk to? She didn't really want to talk to any body though. She would perfer to get out of here alone but she knew if she did that her chances of actually getting out alive were much slimmer. She spotted a guy sifting through his pocket like her. He wasn't really mixed in with the group either. Maybe he would be some help? She stood up gathering up her words and walked over to him, "Uh, hey." She said feeling quite akward at the moment. "I'm Paige" she said diciding that giving him her name was probably what other people did when they first met.


1:07pm Jun 11 2011

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1:31pm Jun 11 2011

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Kaz looked up at the girl through his bangs when she walked up. She gave him her name so he supposed, to be polite, he should too. "I'm Kazio." he said, morving the hair back from his eyes and smiling slightly. This was one memory from his life. He remembered it was always nice to smile when first meeitng someone. His smile faded as he gazed around his surroundings. The sun had climbed high in the sky by now and he feared, if they kept mingling and messing around, they'd be stuck here at night with no shelter. That wouldn't be good.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

1:40pm Jun 11 2011

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She nodded to him to be as polite as she knew how to, "How are we going to get out of this place." she said aloud mostly to herself though. She looked around as well. That one girl was still sitting inside a star that was inside a circle and chanting to...someone, that other girl hadn't come back yet so she figured she got lost and everyone else was just sitting or standing around. She turned back to Kazio, "So I guess we should start getting stuff for a fire and a shelter." she said. "I guess i'll try to find to find some easy things to light and big sticks." she wasn't sure what exactly she was doing she was doing what she had seen the people on T.V. do but she highly doubted that it would seem as easy.


2:19pm Jun 11 2011

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Kaz nodded and looked down at the book of easy to build shelters that still lay in his hand. "I'll come with you. I need some supplies for a shelter." He said and set off, pausing and glancing back, waiting for her to follow. He would head to the center of the forest for thick, somewhat long trees. But, what would he use for a saw? Maybe he could find a group of trees close together and build a thatched roof and walls around them for a temporary shelter. For that, though, he would need large leaves and wet sand or mud.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

2:27pm Jun 11 2011

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Paige followed Kaz looking around for any dry easy to light materials and some bigger twigs and sticks that would keep the fire burning. She picked up some dry leaves and put them into one of her pockets to hold onto for later. The bigger sticks the just held under her arm because they were to big to fit into her pockets. She picked up other materials as she followed Kaz through the forest making sure she would be able to get back to the group if she needed too.


3:35pm Jun 11 2011

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Ian watched as another girl got up and walked to another guy who was awake. In the distance, he picked up their names. Not that he would remember them later though. He didn't hesitate to examine his surroundings once the other two were gone. They were in quite a big clearing, and he didn't know if that was good, or bad. He noticed how a lot of people were unsure of what to do, probably because a girl was still... praying, was a guess of his, and just trying to get rid of a few headaches. Not that Ian could blame them. All he knew right now was his name. 
((Fail. xD)) 


10:59pm Jun 20 2011

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