.: Nightmare Master :. [Horror RP >:3]

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6:53pm Apr 7 2011

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Posts: 1,557
Rin shrugged and wipped out her phone, dialing some numbers and saying a quick 'Sebastian wants us. Come.' before calling the next person. "Hey, can I have some coffee?" She asked between calls.


7:04pm Apr 7 2011

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Posts: 222
Sebastian was in the kitchen when Rin asked about coffee "Sure its already waiting for you guys there are empty cubs on the table in the kitchen and coffee in express, Help you self" he waited untill water boiled and made some tea for Liz

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7:07pm Apr 7 2011

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Posts: 1,557

[[So do we wait for the others to get on?]]

Rin thanked him and snached up a cup, sipping at the brown liquid.


7:16pm Apr 7 2011

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Posts: 222
(( i think we will have to))

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6:52pm Apr 8 2011

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Posts: 42

(occ: Sorry I thought I had allready gone, and I know it's not a lot, but I just want some group dicussion to get started.)

Felix murmered "okay" into the phone, and than hung up. He checked out the book he was carrying, it prove helpful, and hurried to Sebastian's house.


Liz accepted the tea with a mute nod. "You must think I'm a wuss. For crying, when it was you who has gone through all this" she said quietly. 


1:25pm Apr 9 2011 (last edited on 1:36pm Apr 9 2011)

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Posts: 222
Sebastian gave Liz a warm look and said "Its not like that, we all have the right to show how we fell. You just need to be strong and not gave up to whatever will come" He peted Liz head and turned to Albert "Hey! stop listing to the music for moment would you" he came a little closer and looked at the kid waving his head to fallow me "Come with me we got to talk"

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1:53pm Apr 9 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Sorry for having to drop out guys. My internet crashed and the RP is just way to fast for me. Thanks though, have a great time. (: ))


4:52pm Apr 11 2011

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Posts: 42

occ: Sorry for waiting so long I was waiting for one of you too, but I was supposed to and ...

Liz's crystaline tears stopped flowing down her face. She didn't say anything to Sebastian except giving him a lttile nod she then walked ovver near him to see what he had to say.


Felix burst in the door, out of breath, just in time to hear Sebastian asking the others to come over. He quietly dropped his stuff, including the book, in the corner where he had tried to sleep, and then walked over to Sebastian. He noticed that one of the girls, what was her name? Liz, had been crying, and wondered what was behind that. 


4:56pm Apr 11 2011

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Posts: 1,557
Rin looked around the room. "Is that all of us?" She asked, not remembering if there was anyone left. She turned to Felix. "Oh yeah... Sorry for not warning you that we were going to be leaving. My fault, I guess." The girl glanced at Liz for a moment, then looked away.


6:05pm Apr 11 2011

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Posts: 4,893

Albert grimaced in slight annoyance but did as he was told, turning off his music as he took off his headphones. He stood up, following Sebastian. Very lightly, Albert yawned a bit, not saying a word to the others.


Sasha quickly went to the kitchen and poured herself some coffee in order to wake herself up. She believed that something important might be said, or might happen. She took a quick sip, scrunching her face up for a moment from how bitter it tasted. Despite that, she chugged it down, feeling some of its effect hit her, waking her up. 

i’m such a gamer uwu

3:24pm Apr 13 2011

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