11:55am Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
I vote semi-futuristic, because that just sounds awesome. *goes and digs up a fitting character*
11:58am Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
Once we get a few more I'll set up the IC thread and profile thread.
11:58am Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,910
Futuristic goes along with Clones away. x)
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
12:03pm Dec 30 2012 (last edited on 12:03pm Dec 30 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
( ^^^ delete one. ^^^ ) (also, please make the bolded words one color, and the desc[injection]ription another. Such as, Basic Info, Backstory, etc are all blue and the non-bolded desc[injection]riptions are red)
Basic Info: (Generic information such as their hero name if they have one, their real name if they have one and you want to share it, their gender, their age, their race, any strong details, or any general basic information you'd like to share. List form or paragraph form.)
Backstory: (Every hero and villain has a backstory! How did they come to be? What is widely known about them? How did they get here and what's their purpose for being here now? Don't go overboard on detail or anything; just give us a general idea that we can work off of. Paragraph form.)
Personality: (Every hero and every villain is unique in their own... special... way. What sets them apart from everyone else? What makes them tick? What are their quirks? What do they love and hate, what are some general traits, etc. Just whatever works that describes them. Paragraph form.)
Powers/Abilities: (They wouldn't be heroes or villains without some sort of talent, now would they? What are their special powers or abilities or weapons? Skills and talents and other means of battle and generally being a hero/villain? Feel free to go crazy. Please explain everything clearly. Nothing like "darkness control," that doesn't really tell me anything.)
Appearance: (Picture(s), desc[injection]ription, or both. This rp accepts it all, so have fun with it and create a character of your very own design.)
12:34pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
12:41pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
Sent in my bio sheet/profile.
12:43pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,910
Sent my bio. It was kinda difficult for me. LOL
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
12:53pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
It's all good c: Thanks for sending them in y'all Just need a few more members
2:13pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
2:16pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,893
I want to be a bad guy. <3
i’m such a gamer uwu
2:17pm Dec 30 2012
Posts: 2,165
I'll join as a good guy. :3 I kinda wanna be a robot but if not that's okay. XD I think my obsession with mechanical things might be quite unhealthy...
2:22pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
Sounds good you two c: As for the robot, I think whit was going to have a mech-based character, so just keep that in mind. Remember to make them somehow unique x3
2:56pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,893
I'm working on that bio sheet; I'll continue it later when I come home tonight. :)
i’m such a gamer uwu
2:58pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
3:18pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,186
If its not to late I would love to be a bad guy ^.^
3:19pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
I'll put you down c:
3:21pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,186
Yaay! :3
3:22pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,372
5:35pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 698
((Sent BIO.))
7:34pm Dec 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
Well since bad guy spots are gone can I be a good guy? XD;