1:29pm Feb 26 2010
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Pallas noticed Aurora walking around in a confused way. Straightening, she walked over. "Hey, your Aurora right? It's the dinner bell going off. Come with me." she said kindly. She walked towards the dinner area.
1:33pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia headed towards Pallas and the other girl. "hey." she said, stopping infront of them. "Hey pallas, I know you but I don't know you." she finished, turning to face the other girl.
1:34pm Feb 26 2010
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"I am Aurora...Who are you?" Aurora asked in a friendly voice following Pallas. ((Writers black...D8))
1:36pm Feb 26 2010
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ooc; lolz, it's ok ssather :D Kaia nodded. "I'm Kaia, nice to meet you Aurora." she said, walking quickly beside her. "Are you new here as well?" she asked, trying to be friendly.
1:43pm Feb 26 2010
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"Yes...I just got here and already I have cut off someones head!" Aurora laughed. She looked at Kaia hoping that she hadn't freaked her out. It was a hot day and there were no cold out. The sun beat down on her shoulders viciously turning them a light red color.
1:49pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia grinned. "Really? I got attacked by the Minotaur just an hour ago! Someone called Macy saved me." she looked ahead. "Oh look We are at the dining area. I guess I have to go now, I am sitting at the hermes table. Bye." she finished and waved, hurrying to the empty Herme's table.
1:54pm Feb 26 2010
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Aurora smiled. She looked back at Pallas, "So where should I sit?' She asked looking around. She was gald to get out of the heat but her shouldered stung when ever she touched them. Her skin was very pale making it easy to get sunburned.
1:58pm Feb 26 2010
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Pallas pondered this for a moment. "Do you know who your godly parent is?" she asked finally. "If you don't know, i guess you have to join Kaia at the herme's table." she finished, waving at Kaia. Kaia waved bakc at Pallas and gave a thumbs up to Aurora.
2:00pm Feb 26 2010
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Aurora looked at her,"Well...I don't realy know yet. I can't wait to find out though!" She said excitment flooding over her. She looked at Kaia and smiled as she gave her a thumbs up.
2:07pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia motioned with her hand that she should come over. Pallas smiled. "I guess you can sit with Kaia than. I'm over at the Athena table if you need me." she walked over and sat down at the Athena table.
2:13pm Feb 26 2010
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Aurora walked towards Kaia,"So who do you think your god parent might be?" She asked. She scratched her shoulders making the skin even more sore and red. She stopped itching it as the smell of food retched her nose. Her stomach grumbled. She hadn't relized how hungry she was until now.
2:17pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia shrugged. "Oh, I dunno, it could be any one of them I guess." she answered, picking up a plate of salad. "You want some?" she asked.
2:20pm Feb 26 2010
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"No thank you." She said looking down at the salad. She wasn't really a salad person and liked meat more. She took a chicken leg from a plate and bit into it carefully. She took another bite and wiped her mouth.
2:21pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia wrinkled her nose in disgust as Aurora picked up the meat. "I guess I will have it then." she said as she helped herself to some salad. She picked up her fork and before she knew it, her salad was gone.
2:24pm Feb 26 2010
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Aurora finished the last of her food looked around,"So um...Do you like to read?" She asked not knowing what to say.
2:27pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia brightened. "I love to. It is the only worth while thing to do while I lived with my horrible foster family." she said, grinning.
2:30pm Feb 26 2010
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Aurora smiled,"Cool! I like to read fiction most of the time but I do read soem non fiction." She said.
2:34pm Feb 26 2010
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"I prefer fiction personally but science fiction is actually pretty good. I'm reading Ender's Game right now." she said, pointing to the book on her lap. ooc; Bye ssather and I am actually reading the book XD
3:37pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 596
Sami had just finished putting her bow away when the dinner rang. She walked over to the pavilion and sat at Zeus's table by herself, considering she was the only demi god with him as a parent currently. She quickly made her offering to the gods and grabbed some food to eat. Matt was sitting in the middle of the Ares table with his half brothers and sisters. They were talking and loudly and quite obnoxiously but they didn't care. Occasionally, the would through some food at other tables and Matt had just launched some carrots towards the Herme's table.
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months
3:56pm Feb 26 2010
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Kaia dodged some flying carrots, dropping her fork in the process. She bent over to pick it up and when she straightened, she glared at Matt, causing their table to sprout some branches, grabbing the Are's table's cutlery and plates. She flinched in surprise, this keeps on happening! she thought.