8:23pm Feb 22 2010
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((Ferret, You just took the last Posideon spot. They're is 2 spots allowed on the rare three. Ssanther Alex just left :(
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8:24pm Feb 22 2010
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((What?*Is confused*))
8:25pm Feb 22 2010
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(( I JUST realized the "Full" meant not that there were no more spots, but that Fullmoon controlled the character. -Headdesk- Are they in camp? -Is confused-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:26pm Feb 22 2010
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((Well, Dawn and Apollo are at camp, since I started late. o_o))
8:26pm Feb 22 2010
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((Sorry to pop in, but in NONE of the Percy Jackson books does it explain how Artemis could have children. She has a cabin for the same reason that Hera (another maiden goddess) and others that can't have children have cabins; for respect to that god or goddess, but they never have campers in them.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:26pm Feb 22 2010
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((Most of them are except Alex...Or at least I think so...))
8:27pm Feb 22 2010
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((Oh, and by the way, this roleplay has an Alex Wolfe and a Dravius Wolfe now. xD))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:28pm Feb 22 2010
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((Wow. I didn't notice that before...*Confused*o.O))
8:29pm Feb 22 2010
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((Ssanther, Alex just left. Read my latest reply.
Ferret, I mean there are 2 spots for the three gods. Some are going to camp and some are outside))
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8:31pm Feb 22 2010
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((-Phail- TOTALLY didn't see that. That's just his usual last name!))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:32pm Feb 22 2010
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((Yes I know that he left...?))
8:33pm Feb 22 2010
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((I think they thought I meant Athena.)) Dravius heard shouting coming from the front of camp, and pulled off his helmet and waved away his battle partner. His black and blue hair was damp with sweat, and his visible eye was blue with bright gold flecks. He poked his head around a corner, and his eye caught on a girl yelling at another that she was NOT a snob. Rolling his eyes, he trotted over to the two girls and stepped between him, holding his hands up and saying, "Calm down, gals!" He had a slightly english accent, not enough to warp his speech, but enough to be noticable.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:34pm Feb 22 2010
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((Maybe their cousins ^^))
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8:37pm Feb 22 2010
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Aurora rolled her eyes, "What ever." She snapped. This was beginning to get weird. So far todays she had been sent to a camp Randomly, attacked by a giant bat, learned she was a Demigod and got upset with some stranger she didn't know. "Sorry, just in a bad mood I guess." She whispered loud enough for them to hear though.
8:39pm Feb 22 2010
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((Don't post too fast..I'm on my DSi Internet, Ferret the girls are out of the camp..))
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8:44pm Feb 22 2010
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I parked my dirt bike near the gate. I walked in and took off my helmet. I looked around and then saw Aurora. Ohh jeez... I walked in feeling like a jerk for leaving her behind.
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8:46pm Feb 22 2010
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Aurora saw Alex walking towards her, "Hi." She said as friendly as possible. ((Fail))
8:55pm Feb 22 2010
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I then heard her voice. I jeez I got caught. "Ohhh...uhmmm Hi Aurora.." I said feeling very jerkish. "I'm really sorry for leaving you back there.." I said afraid that she'd get mad. I then noticed my cousin was here. "Hey Dravius" I said smiling.
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8:59pm Feb 22 2010
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Aurora smiled,"It is okay." She said going back to her happy mood. ((I just relized that I never put Aurora's looks down!*Feels stupid*))
9:10pm Feb 22 2010
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I smiled. "I'll see you later Aurora.." I said grabbing my backpack and going towards my cabin.
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