3:17pm Feb 23 2010
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ooc; Ok ssather...I am so confused..I suck :( Can someone give me a re-cap? I know I like just posted but I am still confused >.<
4:01pm Feb 23 2010
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Name: Skylar Moores Age: 15ish Gender: Female Parentage: Hermes Looks: She has waved blonde hair with bronze highlights. She usually wears long sleeved shirts with a vest ontop. She wears either skinny jeans or jeans. She doesn't rally care about all that cool new clothing, She likes to keeping it simple and real. She will usually wear flats or maybe Converse sneakers. Very wierdly she has Amber eyes with flecks of green and blue when her mother had blue and (I think) her father had baby blue. She always carries this book with something inside. She wears lots of book bags too. Personality: All I can tell you is that she is shy :3 Other: Intro in a sec.
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4:02pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 834
((Hey Det what are you confused on?))
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
4:03pm Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 4:04pm Feb 23 2010)
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Posts: 392
Ooc: You don't suck, I am just as confused as you DX A re-cap woud be very nice, I'm confused on pretty much everything right now.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
4:08pm Feb 23 2010
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ooc; Yesh, pretty much everything >.<
4:09pm Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 4:10pm Feb 23 2010)
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((Calm down my fellow RPers nothing to important happened. Det nothing happened when you were gone just that Justfornow and Fullmoon started to Rp and then ssanther came back then�later on Monchan joined in. Ferret made a bio for his/her charrie Dravius. Fullmoon and Ssanthers and Ferrets character(s) started to interact and then I joined in))
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4:14pm Feb 23 2010
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Zoe glared at dawn. "Geeze, why are you upsetting the newcomers for?" she hissed, her eyes narrowed. "We don't need that now!" _____________________________________________________ Kaia sat down in the Hermes cabin. So far today had been awful. She sighed and stared out the window, looking over to the lake. ______________________________________________________ Pallas sighed at Dravius. "Hey Dravius, you want to help me show her around camp?" she asked, pointing to Macy.
4:19pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 834
((Now for my intro)) Skylar~ I ran through the forest as fast as I could looking back each couple minutes, Some beast chased me into the forest. I couldn't tell what it was but, I think it had a multiple heads and a lizard-like body. I tripped and fell to the floor. The beast was very close all its heads looking at me. I knew I had to stay calm and not scream...
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4:26pm Feb 23 2010
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Kaia looked to the forest and gasped as she saw the girl run and trip. She noticed some lizard-like beast chasing her. A Hydra she thought. She ran out of the cabin and grabbed the first thing she saw, a large branch. Throwing it at the monster, she stared as the branch hit the monster and started to grow, covering it till it was a large, leafy birch tree. Did I just do that? she wondered. ______________________________________________________ Pallas gasped as the Hydra appeared and was shocked to see Kaia run at it. She was even more stunned when the Hydra turned into a tree. What the hell is going on?! she thought. ______________________________________________________ Zoe walked away from the Archery range and ran to the Dining area. It's almost dinner. she thought as she neared the fire that Hestia kept.
4:35pm Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 4:36pm Feb 23 2010)
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Posts: 392
((Okay, I'm just gunna sort of jump in. Hope it’s okay if I just have Baskerville bring Sterling to the Hades cabin ^^)) Sterling looked around timidly. Head down, shoulders shaking slightly. "W-where do we go?" she asked Baskerville. The dog whined noisily and jerked forward pulling the small girl along. "You know where we're going? A-alright" she said as the large dog trotted along past other teens. They stopped in front of a dark cabin."A-are you sure?" she asked and Baskerville moved forward in reply. She walked forward and in moving back when she noticed someone else in the room. "O-oh um... I'm sorry" she muttered. "I-I didn't k-know someone else w-was here."
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
4:36pm Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 4:39pm Feb 23 2010)
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Posts: 834
Skylar~ I looked at the creature, it turned into a leafy birchwood tree because it got hit by a stick by..I then looked back and saw a girl looking very wowed but confused aswell. I got up to my feet and went to the girl. "Thank-you...for saving my life.." I said shyly. Macy~ When I saw Pallas look surprised and stunned I got up to my feet and saw what she was looking at. It was a damn Hydra that just turned into a birch tree. "What the hell?! How in hell did it do that?!" she said surprised and stunned aswell. Alex~ I sat there in an apple tree I just climbed. I looked up and picked off a nice and ripe Granny apple. I started to munch on it and wierdly there was a piece of paper in it. I uncrumpled the paper and read 'To the who thus ate thy apple will have a visit from thy gorgon'. Hmm...Gorgon. Then I heard a voice. "Hello Darling..Son of Artemis..." she snickered. I looked back then jumped off the tree and started to run away. Damn! It was Medusa!
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
4:37pm Feb 23 2010
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((Late post Mon..))
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4:39pm Feb 23 2010
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ooc; Naw, tis fine :D
4:40pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 392
(Oops, should I change that post? Sorry))
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
4:42pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 834
((Det said it was okay, It's your choice to edit it))
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4:43pm Feb 23 2010
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ooc; Wow Yummi XD Kaia stared at her hands in confusion. "Did I do that?" she wondered outloud. She walked over to the Hydra-tree and patted it, it's branches curling around her arm. "Oh wow." she murmured to herself. _________________________________________________________________ Pallas approached the tree cautiously, in case it might turn back. She stopped when the tree moved and curled it's branches around Kaia's arm, while she just stood there looking shocked. _________________________________________________________________ Zoe looked at the shy new girl stuttering in the Hades cabin. walking up to her she muttered, "Uh, hey. Are you also a daighter of Hades?" she asked.
4:49pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 392
Sterling looked down at her dog instead of at the person speaking to her. "Yes" she said softly. "Uh... I-is this wh-where I should be?" she stuttered shifting her bag on her shoulder. "I-I'm really not sure of a-anything right now" she sniffled slightly and had to remind herself not to cry.
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
4:51pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Zoe smiled. "It's fine. I'm sure you're supposed to be here. Do you want to come for dinner? It's over there." she finished, pointing to the empty, open-roofed dining area.
4:51pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 834
((Tehehehe. I feel the need for adventure and thrill!)) Alex~ Dammit!. I ran as fast as I could and bumped into Zoe..my ignorant, rude half-sister. Why her as my sister? why not some sister or brother sweet enough to get-a-long. I stood up and rubbed my forehead then I just remebered that Medusa was on my trail. All I said to her was.."Its damn Medusa!" then I went to go to see Pallas and tell her about it. Skylar~ I chuckled and smiled. "I think..you just did.." I said being proud of her of getting rid of the creature and saving my life. I approached it aswell but didn't touch it afraid it would change back. Then I found something wiggle in my bag, I poked inside and saw that it was a dragon egg inside. It was chasing me because...I had it's baby. I felt horrible....I put it back in my bag quickly so nobody could see it. Then I touched the tree and thought in my mind 'I'm sorry....I promise to take care of your child..' and then i stepped back.
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4:54pm Feb 23 2010
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ooc; Hydra is only one...it doesn't have babies o.O Besides that, the Hydra isn't really a dragon sooo.... Zoe jerked out of the way. "Stupid monsters and half-brothers." she grumbled under her breath.