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7:34am Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 10:27am Oct 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Welcome to Pokécademy! We are delighted to have a new member to our summer Pokémon training program, where every teenager is given a good two month's worth of training! Please fill out this little form, and off you go! 
 On Paper
Name: [Please put your first and last name!]
Gender: [Please delete these messages.]
Age: [14-17s only]
Appearance: [Pictures are greatly appreciated, but no art theft!]
 Personality: [No Mary/Gary Stus! We shall tolerate no perfection in this camp]
Pokémon: [Maximum of six, maximum level of 60]
Pokébreeder or Trainer? 
Off The Paper
Rivals: [Ohdear, do you really want one?]
Crush: [Romance is highly encouraged!] 
Estimated Level of Expertise: [Seriously. No 'super expert' or 'expert's.]
Rules And Regulations
 -Pokécademy will not and never tolerate Mary/Gary Stus
-Post 'Gumball' to join 
-Gender ratios EVEN.
-Do not join with a hoard of girls/boys. If you make two girl characters, you MUST add a boy. Same thing applies to the opposite gender. 
-Romance and violence is highly encouraged, but don't let the teachers catch you!
- No same character romance
-Please be ACTIVE. I shall rMail you if you are not. 
-No m x m or g x g romance, please
-Pokécademy will not tolerate anything more than kissing
-Pokécademy is not allowing champions. Why? Because we want realistic people!
-Nobody with special handicaps, please. I'm not trying to be offensive. 
-Place the word 'Supaball' along with gumballs.  
 -No legendaries or shinies. We want realistic people!
-None of the newest pokémon. i.e. That red and black fox thing. 
 -I prefer literate RPers, but semi-literate is alright. I expect you all to be able to spell things so that people will know what the word is, use OOC, post more than 3 sentences, and not hog everything.
-Do not try to start an argument. I created the board, I decide all the things. If anyone has any sort of problems, they can rMail/talk to me.
-If I ask you to leave, please do so quietly and respectfully without making a scene. I shall rMail you. 



7:34am Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 8:09am Oct 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Bayleaf Garden - A lavish and pretty garden, perfect for lovers.
Boys/Girls Dorms - This is where girls and boys will be staying.
Pokécademy - Lunch and clas-ses are in there
Gamehouse - For contests and training
Alumni Forest - A dense and overgrown forest, filled with vicious Pokémon.
Hike/Training Trail - For aspiring trainers.
Black Paws - Starter Pokémon, very easy to defeat
Red Claws - Harder, level 40+ Pokémon
For Pokébreeders:
1.Care for Pokémon with Miss Beverly
2. The Right Pokémon for you? with Mister Arkensly
Lunch ---- Break
3. Capturing and Caring with Miss Parham and Mister Colsa
4. Training with Mister Whipslash
For Pokémon Trainers
1. Pokémon Basics and Powers with Miss Miriam
2. Pokémon Evolution with Miss Beverly
Lunch ---- Break
3. Capturing and Caring with Miss Parham and Mister Colsa
4. Training with Mister Whipslash


7:34am Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 7:53pm Oct 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Rio Melaro - Tld 
Melissa “Lissa” Harrow - iflip4dolphins
Delainey Jameson - RikeTheFallen
Mizu Hayashi - ilovetoshiro 
Areki Forest - Feyth
Jame King - Happykitty 
Pokémon Trainers:
Hikari Kikuya - Tld 
 Quinn Overick - iflip4dolphins
Erisa “Eri” Relis - iflip4dolphins 
Pheonix Thera - Feyth 
Malachi Jameson - RikaTheFallen
Dachi Fujioka - ilovetoshiro 
Drake Eathen - Happykitty 
 Mavryk Zarus - Ssgarcia97
Teachers [NPCs]
Mister Solemir - The head of Pokécademy. Quite like Mister Colsa. 
Miss Beverly - A friendly and soft woman with long black hair.
Miss Parham - A stout and intimidating teacher with short brown hair.
Miss Miriam - A very logical and intelligent straight-thinker with blonde hair usually tied up in a bun.
Mister Whiplash - A muscly and rather gruff man with spiky brown hair.
Mister Colsa - A merry old man with a balding head
Mister Arkensly - A timid and sometimes weedy young man with black hair that flops all over his face. 
Note: NPCs can be controlled by anyone, but please state at the beginning of your post 'Controlling Miss Beverly', and state at the end of your post either 'I'm still controlling her', or 'Not controlling anymore' to let everyone know. 


8:30am Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 9:24pm Oct 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
 On Paper
Name: Rio Melaro
Gender: Male
Age: 17
 Personality: Rio is more like a cat than anything else. He's rather quiet and mysterious around strangers, giving off the 'cool and sophisticated' aura. When Rio is around friends, he is very affectionate and playful. He isn't the creative type, but tries hard to be. Pokémon tend to flock to him because of his cattish behavior.

Draryn - Female Milotic. Rio's first Pokémon. A bit vain but very protective of Rio.  Level 57

Neyla - Female Dewgong. Level 40
Jenaro - Male Flygon. Hyperactive and energetic. Level 45
Briale - Male Pidgeot. Level 53
 Dew - Female Dragonair. Level 45
Pokébreeder or Trainer?: Breeder
Off The Paper
Rivals: Open
Crush: Open
Estimated Level of Expertise: Neh. I'm alright.
 On Paper
Name: Hikari Kikuya
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Her hair is a rich golden-blonde color, and her eyes are green c: 
 Personality: Hikari is stubborn and hardworking, and sometimes does not like acknowledging the fact that she's been defeated. Hikari sometimes overdoes things, an can't exactly apologize properly. Because of this, and her many attempts to prove to people that she's strong, Hikari is labelled as a very 'easily distracted trouble-maker'. Despite her competitiveness, Hikari is very sweet. She's borderline innocent, in fact :c This causes her to be extremely gullible, and naive. In short, she's a hardy tomboy-ish girl, who can be sweet. 
 Styx - Level 56 Houndoom. Shares Hikari's energy and cheery attitude. He's her first Pokémon.
 Nya - Level 45 Ninetails. Mysterious and somewhat cold.
Korr - Level 42 Mightyena. He's determined and very zealous.
Bane - Huntail level 47. He's curious and childish.
Bliss - Altaria level 49. She's... y'know. Nice. 
Pokébreeder or Trainer? : Trainer
Off The Paper
Rivals: Nurrrn!
Crush: Open [Is looking for one for her, she's not the type to crush first o-o ]
Estimated Level of Expertise: I'm in the middle, I want to get all my Pokémon to the level 100!  


8:38am Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 9:22pm Oct 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 6,948

((Gumball Why can't you do like one shiny per person? Just wondering. anyway, here is mybio.))


 On Paper
Name: Pheonix Thera
Gender: Female
Age: 15
I did not draw this and her clothes are blue, not black.
 Personality: Mysterious, hard-headed, and Smart (Rp the rest out?)
Name: Feyth
Gender: Female
Species: Umbreon
Level: 60
Moves: Shadowball, Dark Pulse, Moonlight, and Crunch
Looks -Up there-
Name: Relisk (Rel)
Species: Luxray
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Moves: Thunder, Shock Wave, Discharge, Charge
Name: Nora
Gender: Female
Species: Miltank
Level: 49
Moves: Bite, Tackle, Milk Drink, Iron Tail (I think?)

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" alt="" />
Name: Oran
Species: Shinx
Level: 56(Chose not to evolve)
Moves: Thundebolt, Spark, Charge, Discharge
Off The Paper
Rivals: Hikari and Quinn and Helios
Crush: Open
Estimated Level of Expertise: She is fairly good at being a pokemon trainer, but she is stuck on the first of the elite four. She has tried about14 times, and each time, she is beaten on her frist pokemon.
 On Paper
Name: Areki Forest
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Pokemon_Trainer_Anna_by_viandi.jpg Pokemon Trainer Girl image by pokeaddict17xakatsukifan17
I did not draw this.
 Personality: Outgoing, Kind, Klutzy(Rp the rest out?)
Name: Corona
Gender: Female
Species: Eevee
Level: 25
Moves: Helping Hand, Tackle, Bite
Looks -Up there-
Off The Paper
Rivals: Nurrrnn
Crush: Open
Estimated Level of Expertise:She is a good breeder, but has only kept Eevee who she bred herself from Pheonix's umbreon.
 On Paper
Name: Helios Thera
Gender: Male
Age: 15

The exact opposite of his twin. He is outgoing,energetic, kind and well, a bit of a klutz. Where she doesn't know the difference of right and wong, he doesn't know which is his right and which is his left.
 Species: Minun
Gender: Male
Nickname: Marel
Level: 60
Looks: Up there
Pokébreeder or Trainer? Trainer
Off The Paper
Rivals: [Ohdear, do you really want one?]
Crush: [Romance is highly encouraged!] 
Estimated Level of Expertise: [Seriously. No 'super expert' or 'expert's.]
Rest of bio is coming.


Party image<-- Click me

8:43am Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Already answered. It is realistic. The trainers are not yet extremely experienced. Shinies are also rare. Just ask any Pokémon game player. Throughout my whole Pokémon gaming life, I have only had three shinies, and that's very little, considering the fact that I own every Pokémon game ever since fire red c: And Phoenix is accepted. I'll add her in once I find a STUPID JAAKU EGG. ]]


8:47am Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 9:04am Oct 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 6,948

((-high five, so do I- I have a Jaaku egg x3 -taunts-


Tld, I own every game also and in my diamond came, which I have only had for about 3 years, I have 7 shinies, none were cheated for, and none were traded. It might be because I had a black card, but I don't know. Either way, it is realiztic.))

Party image<-- Click me

10:31am Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 12:46pm Oct 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 104

((Gumball. The pictures below are found off of Photobucket; I had no involvement in their creation.

And no, shinies aren't realistic. I own every game since FireRed, and with the exception of the red Gyrados, which doesn't count, have gotten no shinies whatsoever. I know, it's sad. You're just really really lucky. Or something.))


On Paper

Name: Melissa “Lissa” Harrow
Gender: Female
Age: 14



Lissa is not a serious person. At all. She’s silly, goofy, excited, and generally in a very cheery mood. She dislikes negative emotions and does her best to appear happy and cheerful at all times, which can make it difficult to tell how she really feels. Despite her rather eccentric emotional habits, Lissa is highly intelligent and can prove it if she so chooses by making people feel very, very stupid (only when they deserve it, of course). She tends to be very relaxed and doesn’t particularly care whether she wins or loses. 


Kingdra – male – level 43: His thing is water. He loves being allowed to swim freely in lakes and other bodies of water, though he always returns to Lissa, and he likes to dunk people in the water at random intervals if he’s giving them a ride. If they’re at the edge of the lake that he’s in, he will splash them mercilessly until they fall in or get to a splash-free zone.


Mawile – female – level 42: She is a vain attention hog, pure and simple. Mawile will make puppy eyes shamelessly at people until they give her hugs and pet her. Mirrors are her obsession, and she’ll stand in front of them for hours if Lissa lets her, which she usually doesn’t. Despite this, Mawile highly enjoys being outside, especially if sunshine-y naps are involved.


Dusclops – female – level 44: Probably the only ghost-type in the world to fear the dark, Dusclops will hide in places like closets and under people’s beds if her Pokeball is not readily acessable when it gets dark. A flashlight carries with Lissa at all times solves the problem quite nicely if she’s traveling at night. Dusclops likes sugar.


Sneasel – male – level 43: A kleptomaniac whose obsession is shiny things, it is not uncommon for people around him to find themselves missing paperclips, keys, tinfoil… He gives it back if he’s caught and if people make him, but since nobody really cares about supershiny old washers, he’s usually allowed to keep his ‘treasures’. He also loves to be scratched behind the ears.


Off The Paper
Rivals: I don’t think so… (Open.)
Crush: Um, no. (Open.) 
Estimated Level of Expertise: I’m gooooood! Kidding! I’m okay. 


  On Paper
Name: Quinn Overick
Gender: Male
Age: 15



Quinn is very antisocial. And quiet. Antisocial and quiet, and can sometimes (oh, fine… most of the time) come off as a giant jerkface since he tends to ignore people that talk to him, mostly because he doesn’t like people in general and he doesn’t like talking to people unless they’re talking about something somewhat important or interesting. People babbling on about a lesson they just had, for example, will be ignored. However, speculation on whether lunch will be eatable might be responded to. Getting through his outer shell is difficult, but possible, and to his friends Quinn shows his caring and kind side far more often. He’s always willing to lend a hand to people who need it, so long as they ask nicely.    


Jigglypuff – female – level 45: A very curious Pokemon who sticks her nose into everything. She enjoys hitching a ride on Quinn’s shoulder or head when she’s not in her Pokeball, in a battle, or wandering around (close to Quinn) to look and poke at things. She likes strawberry pudding. Quinn’s trying to find her a Moonstone, but it probably won’t happen.


Banette – male – level 46: An silly Pokemon who likes to let himself out of his Pokeball and scare the bejeezuz out of random people. Quinn’s long given up on trying to break him of the habit. Besides startling people, his favorite game is to steal something of someone’s and float just above reach with it. He never does it for long, though, and he always gives the stuff back just the way he found it.


Skarmory – male – level 43: A very prim and proper Pokemon who is constantly annoyed by his comrades’ antics. He requires an offering of Cheri berries before letting anyone other than Quinn fly him. He loves to listen to music and he will try to get people to share their earphones with him so he can listen to whatever they’re listening to.


Bellossom – female – level 44: She’s the sweetheart of Quinn’s group. Though her temper is likened to a very hot place on earth when unleashed, she’s usually sweet and relaxed. She loves being stroked and petted, and is not above dancing for attention. Her dislike of Pecha berries is practically legendary.  


 Off The Paper
Rivals: Not that I can think of. (Open.)
Crush: …No. (Open.) 
Estimated Level of Expertise: I’m decent.         




On Paper
Name: Erisa “Eri” Relis
Gender: Female
Age: 17




At first, second, and third glances, Eri seems to be cold and cool, the sort of person that would brush off people like flies. Most people never get up the courage to speak to her, so this common misconception is very common. In actuality, Eri is a very approachable person, and she enjoys talking to people – so long as they aren’t stupid. She has no patience for people who act stupid (not knowing something is completely different) and once she deems someone to be idiotic, she will ignore them. Eri is known to hold a wicked grudge, and if someone manages to make her mad, she will plan and execute revenge on them. It will work. And they will regret it. But as a general rule, she’s nice, fun-loving, and helpful.




Metagross – genderless – level 57: Calm and introverted, it will only listen to Eri. It won’t do anything if someone else asks it to. It is very lazy, very intelligent, and has a thing for apples. Being so very calm, it won’t get itself into meaningless fights, and will only fight if Eri asks it to or if another Pokemon has sorely offended it – which takes effort, as it tends to ignore everyone other than its own teammates.

 Walrein – male – level 58: The only member of Eri’s group that doesn’t have any issues, he enjoys sunbathing, Oran berries, and doesn’t care if someone naps against him. It’s not unusual to see a pile of sleeping Pokemon with him as the base.  

Hitmontop – male – level 56: A workaholic who eats and trains and sleeps. That’s about it. He does, however, enjoy irritating other people, mainly by poking them. He’s highly immature, but is terrifically strong, and has a huge ego. Which is then usually promptly deflated by his teammates, but it always pops back up again.


Houndoom – female – level 57: Selfish and vain, she embodies the phrase ‘does not play well with children’, meaning that she does not get along well with other Pokemon. She will do anything to get treats, pets, compliments – but at the same time, she has a vicious temper. Thankfully it cools down quickly. Her favorite toy is a red baton that Eri got her.


Sandslash – female – level 55: Generally annoyed by the antics of her teammates, she tends to be somewhat antisocial. However, this doesn’t stop her from ‘spying’ on other people. She has a habit of wandering off to watch other Pokemon and trainers as they train. She also has romance issues.


Off The Paper
Rivals: I don’t believe so. (Open.)
Crush: No. (Open.) 
Estimated Level of Expertise: I’m better than the average Joe, not great.



3:20pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(Join as a guy and a girl? P: )


4:35pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,648




5:10pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Yesyes, you two can join. Characters are accepted, uhm... Flip :d ]]


5:12pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 104
((XD Call me whatever you want to. I'm used to haveing seventy different nicknames. :D))

5:17pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((doilphin, can Quin be Aki's opther rival?))

Party image<-- Click me

5:19pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

[[I'll call you Flip. FLIPPYYYY. You're a new fais here O.o -pokes face- I haven't seen you around. 

And I. Seriously. Hate. Shinies. I've wasted a few hours of my life hunting for them with the weird Pokéradar trick, but nooo. -bangs head on wall- My pride and joy is my Shiny Rayquaza, level o3o But a kind, kind person gave him to me XD ]] 


5:23pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948

((My shines:

Blaze: Shiny Flareon

Chipper: Shiny Cherubi

Gara: Shiny Umbreon

Naro: Shiny Heatran

Moltenla: Shiny Moltres

HMSlave: Shiny Bidoof

Hilltop: Shiny  Eevee

The eevee gang is becuase I hatched a total of 134 eevee eggs and only 7 were female and three were shiny. Luck huh?))

Party image<-- Click me

5:24pm Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 10:40am Oct 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,648
 On Paper
Name:Jame King
Age:16 and half 
Appearance:anime_girl.jpg Anime black hair red eyes image by Isalie
 Personality:Very sweet and cares for all living thinks though he's kinda expecting something back from the people...something, anything...even small
Pokémon:Eevee-shy and rambuncshios-F
Vulpix-sa.ssy but caring-F
Wortortle-hard but also sweet-F
Eevee-sa.ssy and hard to get along with-M
Off The Paper
Crush:Open...cross dresser
Estimated Level of Expertise:...from 10 being the highest number...i'de say 7.

5:24pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 104

((@Feyth: Sure. Whether he considers them rivals in another question entirely. XD

@Tld: XD AS I said, me no care. And, yeah I'm pretty new. I think this is my third day.

ARGH. Shinies are the bane of my existence. I get nuttin' where they're considered. D:))


5:30pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

( Supaball and Gumball!)

Name: Angel Wolfrose
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: Black hair, sort body, she usually wears dark purple and black outfits.She has a pokemon cap.
 Personality: Ange is pretty kind. She is really shy and somewhat clumsy.She's always pushing up her black gl*censored*es, so she can't see well.
Angel-female-eevee-Is used for contests so has a little blue bow in her hair. Is Angel's favorite most of the time.- level 34
Star-espeon-F-lvl 52
Shadow-umbreon-M-Star's mate-lvl 53
Flare-Charizard-f-Acts like Angel's mom- lvl 60
Splash-Lapras-M-very friendly-lvl 48
Sparky-Luxray-M-Best friend is Shadow-lvl 56
Off The Paper
Rivals: [None
Crush: [Quinn 
Estimated Level of Expertise: Knows what she's doing, and is pretty good.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:36pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

[[Please use a picture, Mercy, if you are unable to give a very accurate deion. 

Not accepted happy. You cannot be 'a bit of both', and I only accept completed bios.

Shinies look funny >.> That's all I'm going to say.]] 


5:40pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Tld, I added another charrie, but don't worry, I am working on a boy.))

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