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7:46am Nov 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,597

Mavryk looked up at Mister Solemir and took note of the two other people that had arrived. They were related, he guessed, but what caught more of his attention were the teachers that came out of the school. He found himself wondering which of them taught the cla$$es he would later have to attend.

He stood up and dusted his pants from the small gra$$ and other things clinging on to him before following Mister Arkensly. 


3:48pm Nov 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,805

"Erm, yea." Dachi replied, unsure if that was a compliment or that of something opposite. When they where instructed to follow the teachers, Dachi felt slightly revealed. Yo be poite, he said, "Cya around." Before following Mister Arkensly.

Dachi watched as two final students arrived, the male appeared to be around his age. Dachi studied him as he approached the rest of the lads and brushed his finger across the peak of his cap. "Who died?" He joked, seeing the dreary look on his face, "And who's the cute one with you?" He whistled, watching as the small girl in pink followed the female teacher. "She's a bit perky for your taste isn't she?" He said with a smirk on his face patting him on the back.


Mizu piked up her bag, slung it over her shoulder. She looked over to the lads, wishing that she was with them instead of the girls. Most female's she had come into contact with where bubbly girlie girls who adore pink, she didn't despise them, but being a a breeder, she got questioned about igglybuffs, smoochums, and 'Where on earth did you get your togapi? Its so kawaii!'. In the end, she just found their enthusiasm tedious, but respected freedom of ex
pression, so she never spoke out against it.  

Pas.sing A girl with a Houndoom, she stopped and crouched down beside it studying it, removing the notepad from her bag and made notes several lines beneath the name 'Coal' which also had notes. She stood up and looked the girl in the eye's before smiling. 

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:48pm Nov 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,805

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

12:33pm Nov 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,805

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:33pm Nov 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Malachi's dark eyes fell upon another male, narrowing at the comments he made. "Nobody died, and she's my younger sister," he stated. Deum let out a soft growl, the Houndoom sensing her Trainer's tension. The gothic Trainer kept his gaze steady, not even jumping as the Delcatty given to him by Delainey popped out of her Pokeball.

He sighed, reaching down to scratch the purple feline behind her ears, making her purr happily and rub her head against his hand. He kept his gaze steady, glancing towards his sister every now and then.

(At a wednesday church. Busybusybusy.)

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