7:38pm Feb 20 2010
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" NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! " it yelled out making all the pokemon fall to the ground covering there ears. same with Ash and Ace.
7:40pm Feb 20 2010
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"What should we do?" Ash asked Ace.
7:46pm Feb 20 2010
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Ace uncovered his ears. " i think we should do what it wants to do! " he said.
8:18pm Feb 20 2010
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"Okay." Ash said. She took out a candy bar that was in her bag and offered some of it to Silver.
8:38pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 867
Yume had enough of the flareon teasing her.He had escaped his trainer again,followed her into her home and poked her with ember."What's the matter with you?!"she yelled at the flareon,annoyed.The flareon just stared back and poked her repeatedly."Ugh!"she used magical leaf on it,and the poking stopped."That's right!No more poking!"she mumbled. Kyo had just arrived from the pokecenter,and having a good whip of fun.He sat down and licked his paw,listening to the birds sing in the evening breeze.He wondered if anything exciting was to happen in the future for him.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
8:49am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Silver snached it and gobbled it down. " waka waka nehh!!! " the pokeemon shouted. " not hungreh!! not hungreh!!! " it said.
8:54am Feb 21 2010
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(( any 1 here?? O.O ))
11:44am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 730
((OMG I finally finished reading! 7 PAGES!! XD)) Flare ran after the eevee, not wanting her to be alone. She skidded into the clearing, tumbling into Silver. "I'm sorry!" She apologized. Picking it up, she placed it on her back. She saw Angel. "Angel!" She shouted happily. "You're okay!"

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
12:51pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Ash looked at Silver," Okay now it isn't hungry so that is good." She said, "I wonder what it is?" She asked as the pokemon gobbled down the candy bar. She picked it up, "Soemone must know." She thought holding it up.
12:53pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel bounced on Ash's head, " what is dat?" she asked. Angel played with Ash's hair, using her little paws.
1:00pm Feb 21 2010
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"I don't knwo. It just hatched out of and egg and I have never seen one before." Aurora said petting Angel again.
1:03pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel giggled and tumbled in her hands. She was only two days old. Angel cuddled and snuggled, then she fell asleep.
1:54pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 3:13pm Feb 21 2010)
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Silvers eyes got all watery and he started to cry. he cried so loud it hurt every ones ears.then he started to nom on Ash.
3:17pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 730
Flare recognized the pokemon. Her eyes got big. "Angel, can you please tell them that it needs its mother? Right now?" She walked over to the trainers, nudging her head under the Lugia. She whined, trying to convey the message that she wanted to hold it.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
3:20pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Silver suddenly jumped to Aces face and clung on not moving. " ahhhh!! get it off me!!! i.cant. BREATHE!!!!! " he yelled.
3:22pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Ash pulled Silver off of Ace, "No, bad lugia." She said in a stern voice that soon turned sweet, "Are you okay?" She asked looking at Ace.
3:25pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" me.face.HURTS. " Ace answered ticked off at the baby lugia. silver made a sad face and got ready to scream....
3:35pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( any 1 here?? D: ))
4:16pm Feb 21 2010
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(( HEYOOO?!?!?! )
4:19pm Feb 21 2010
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Ash covered Silver's mouth just in time to save their ears. She looked at Silver, 'What is wrong?" She asked in a kind voice.