6:56pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 6:56pm Feb 25 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
Silver was still unconsous, but did start to warm up. he squirmed, she whimpered.
6:56pm Feb 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 730
((They're the same age. How's that? Both newhatched. (I don't think thats a word)))

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
6:57pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 730

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
6:57pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gtg .... bai D: ))
6:58pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 46
(( will you be back))
6:59pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( okay )) " Its called Healing Kiss" Star chimed
6:59pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( gotta go! ))
7:00pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 46
comet gollopt towerds them "hi im comet" he said
7:59pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((-huff- Did Star run away from Shayde and Yoru or something? 'Cause they never left her. >O< And Mira was going to be her Trainer, wasn't she? =n=))
8:04pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((... If Star was so freaking lonely, why did she run away? Shayde and Yoru could've cared for her. =n= -shakes fist at Internet- WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE ON ME?!?!?! -flail- Meh. Let's say Shayde and Yoru returned the eggs and are walking along and Yoru is all sad because now he has nobody to play with. And Mira and Reno will happen upon Star and whoever her caretaker is. -sigh-))
8:15pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Mira and Reno were just walking from the Pokemon Center. chatting idly, when Reno paused, sniffing at the air. "Mira, I smell Pokemon. A Ponyta, a Nintales, a Pachirisu, and...something else..." he told his Trainer, grabbing her hand with her paws and leading her to where the scents were coming from. When they arrived, Mira trotted up to the group at once, smiling. "Hello, there," she said cheerily, crouching down to the Pokemons' level. She leaned to the side a bit and frowned in worry. That was a Lugia on the Nintales's back, and it looked hurt. "Do you need any help?" Mira asked as Reno stood by her side, his stance telling the other Pokemon that if they attacked, her would defend his Trainer. ((Remember, now. Mira can talk to and understand Pokemon thanks to her glowing MEw necklace that she got from MEwTwo. P: Long story. |D))
2:20pm Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 2:21pm Feb 26 2010)
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Posts: 46
"i dont think so" said comet
3:15pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Nyght hissed at Reno. he glared into his eyes, and used what he called darkus stare.darkus stare paralyzes your opponite, and lowers there attack and defence. it also dose one more thing. . . . but Nyght decided not to do it.
3:25pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Reno narrowed his eyes, growling. He closed his eyes and used Psychic on the attacking Pokemon. Mira looked up at her Lucario, then over at the attack Pokemon with a frown. "Reno didn't do anything to you. Leave him alone," she said, standing up to pull a berry out of her pocket and feed it to her Lucario to cure him of his obvious paralysis. "He's just ready to defend me, just in case," she told them, reaching up to rub Reno between his ears, just the way he liked it. ((I have two and a half hours before I will be gone until 6AM Res time. .w. Tomorrow. I will be at my church's Lock-In for twelve hours. P:))
3:32pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 6,165
" Who ares yous?" Star said with fear,she huddled close to the ninetails and started crying. It wasnt her fault, its her speicies, its what they do.
3:46pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( zo, Rika, and Bella! you ish needed ! ))
3:53pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"Awww," Mira cooed softly as she knelt back down. "It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you, little one. My name's Mira, and the big Pokemon beside is Reno," she told the pink Pachirisu, smiling kindly as she reached out to, very gently, pet the electric squirrel's head. "I'm just here to see if I can help you." Yoru walked along an old dirt path, head lowered, ears, wings, and tail drooping. "Shayde, why did she run away...?" he asked, looking up tot he older Pokemon, who shook his head. "Pachirisu do a lot of weird things, Yoru," answered the Archangeon, nudging him forward. Then he caught the Pachirisu's scent and blinked. He headed towards it, picking up Yoru by the scruff of his neck to carry him like a mother animal carries her young, if only to just move faster. The little Diga squirmed lightly, making little mew-like attempts at roars. Upon reaching the group, Shayde set Yoru down, moving behind a bush to blend in with the shadows.... While Yoru ran straight up tot he group of Pokemon, heading straight to the Pachirisu. "Why did you run away from us?" he demanded, ears flattened, the look on his little tiger-cub face sad. "I thought I was finally going to have someone to play with!" ((Rawr. owo))

3:55pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Star cired " Becuse! Yous wooked scary!" Star huddled near Mira and started crying. " dont wet dem hut me!" she cried.
4:00pm Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Feb 26 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
(( Nyghts family was killed by a rogue lucario D: O.O the last thing his father said was kill any lucario that crosses your path.... ( he wasent all that into peace xD ). )) Nyght used what he called darkus scream, it raises his attack. he then shot a darkus orb at reno and Mira.
4:01pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Yoru sat down, lowering his head even further. "I'm not scary...I'm not much bigger than you are..." he muttered, crestfallen. His blue eyes closed and he turned around, trudging towards where Shayde hid, wings and tail trailing along the ground. "I'm not scary..." Mira gently lifted Star up into her arms, gently petting her. "It's okay, little one. He's not going to hurt you... Diga are very sweet," she told her, smiling. "A lot of people love them because of that." ((-yawn- Tired. e.o))